
Thursday, April 18, 2024

See what happens when you spray and pray?

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - The Shelby County District Attorney’s Office says that “information indicates” that Memphis Police Officer Joseph McKinney was killed by friendly fire rather than the two teenage suspects who reportedly fired at officers early Friday morning.


It seems like any and all videos of police gunfire I see any more are nothing but uncontrolled mag dumps.


  1. I agree with you, I saw a video that the cop on scene unloaded a G17 at a suspect about 20 feet away and missed... How in the hell ???

    1. How? poor training, lax standards and heavy, police mandated heavy triggers. NYC has 12-13 pound pulls on NYPD Glocks.

    2. My question wasn't really how, I know how it just seems unbelievable..
      I'm not sure new yawk triggers are a thing around the rest of the country, most cops around here are in the 4.5 to 5 pound range

  2. When I ran the qualifications at my gun club, I had local cops and state troopers that could not put 10 rounds on a 2 foot by 2 foot target at 50 feet, with their duty guns. When the local police force asked us if they could train with their weapons on one of our ranges, we said sure. They used it one time before they completely destroyed it and we rescinded permission and told them "no more".

    1. Same at our range - and they had us close the range to members for the day, they don’t want anyone to see how bad they are.

    2. used to see the same thing at ranges around philly. they all indoor ranges and cops have a hard time hitting the target at 7 yards ? yes. 7 damn yards away.
      got to the point if I saw there where cops at the range, I left and came back another day as it wasn't safe around them. dave in pa.

    3. Similar experience here. When the cops range was damaged, they asked if they could use ours. We said yes. It was a mistake

      Terrible shooting. Most could not hit an 18 x 18 target at 50 feet, regularly, few could keep all 10 on a standard Slow Fire target at 7 yards. The B-27 targets looked like a shotgun pattern with buckshot.
      Their muzzle discipline was horrible and their trigger discipline was the point that our range officer kicked several out for dangerous practices. The Tac Team guys were even worse.
      We had to ask them to leave. Made for some bad blood with the local cops.

    4. Atrocious police marksmanship is a public danger. How many innocents get clipped by them annually? Not a small concern.

  3. The one time that I saw a cop do a mag dump, he was less than 20 feet from his suspect. I don't know if any of the shots hit. I do know the cop immediately hopped into his patrol car and gave chase to the suspect.

    I used to cringe when I saw that cities were paying out multi-million dollar settlements -- now I think they might be too low. The police departments need to learn to teach their people how to shoot. Do they have anything more than an afternoon course -- mainly focusing on "I thought I saw a weapon"?

  4. But the Po-lice De-part-ments still gonna call it a 'good shoot', right?
    So, a policeman is shot and killed by a fellow officer, but they're hoping to charge the perp with murder? Shifting the blame much?
    And 'Reacher' lead Alan Richson is in deep shit for his opinion that cops get away with murder.

    1. This is what is called the "Felony Murder" rule. If somebody dies while a person is committing some illegal felony-level shenanigans, that perp and all his perp buddies involved can be charged with murder. Even if there was no intent. Established precedent, long standing law in America.

  5. Ya reckon they will seize the cops weapons, run them through the lab and find out who fired the fatal shots and then investigate and prosecute?

  6. There are lots of ways to prevent these guys from mag dumping on people but the first is to get rid of qualified immunity. You go in guns blazing, you are held accountable for collateral damage. You know, like when you break into a building with tanks and burn 80 people to death, somebody should get fired, at a minimum. And WTF are you doing with tanks in the first place? Providing numb-nuts with military equipment might be a bad idea. Sets up the wrong mindset. Might also re-examine that "Everybody goes home safe " no matter who we have to kill bullshit. Just running my suck...

  7. Maybe we should arm the police with single action revolvers. It worked for Matt Dillon.

  8. This is why I find concerns about "over penetration" to be so amusing. I figure the ten or twenty rounds that miss are a lot more dangerous than the odd round that passes through.

  9. So while stationed out of the West Berlin Consulate in a civilian clothes Army Intel unit back in the early 70s, we used the West Berlin Police gun range to keep our cover from the rest of the military. We had biannual training/qualifying sessions wrapped up into one afternoon of plinking with 2”Colt Detective specials, Browning P35 Highpowers and a few shot to shit rattling 1911s.

    During my last session there, the relative quiet and peaceful afternoon by ourselves (10-12 of us) was suddenly shattered by the police tactical unit cutting loose with their MP5s on the pistol range behind us…

    We shut down our training due to our general embarrassment at our meager armament ..


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