
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

That's crazy - that dude's White!

A 24-year-old North Carolina man is facing a second-degree murder charge after he allegedly pushed a 73-year-old pedestrian who had tapped on the hood of his car, causing the man to fall and suffer a fatal head injury.


  1. Golden Rule - always keep your hands to yourself - old or young

    1. How about don't fly off the handle at every perceived transgression.

  2. Guy doesn't look like your typical Ashevillian - his hair is not green and/or purple and no metal and/or tattoos in or on his face.

  3. That happened just a short distance from me. The dead guy was an old decrepit man and the pusher was a young white macho asshole.

    I've had a similar thing happen to me while at a red light waiting for traffic to clear so I could turn right on red. I was so intent looking left at the traffic I didn't see the guy walking in the crosswalk and was ready to hit the gas when he tapped on my hood. He gave me the finger, but it was preferable than going to jail for running over him

  4. However people protesting on bridges and causing havoc we should all have laws to run em over.

  5. The car was in the crosswalk. The old guy (grumpy as all of us are) just gave him a tap. That young guy had so little respect that he got out and shoved the old guy? He deserves what he gets. Too bad the old guy wasn't carrying.

  6. I know this sounds fucked up, but you don't know the whole story. How hard did the guy 'tap' on his car? How aggressive was the old guy when the driver got out of his car? Just sayin'...

    Just remember that this is the media explaining this to you.


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