
Monday, May 06, 2024

Commentary: Republicans Should Stop Complaining About Their Opportunities and Take Advantage of Biden’s Failures

After I offered a perfectly accurate negative summation of current market/industry conditions when speaking on a business venture I can’t yet discuss (but that will be quite relevant indeed to the interests of our readers), I received an admonishment from my business partner: “Stop complaining about your opportunities!” It’s an even more accurate response than mine.

All too often we spend our time grousing about the state of the world, and yet, the worse things get, the greater the opportunity grows to take control and make them better.


  1. It's not what the GOP does, but rather the things they don't do, that reveals how it is largely a pretend opposition Trojan horse party.

  2. Why are people still discussing political solutions like they're going to make a difference?
    Oh Republicans just need to... to what? Hold another hearing that results in nobody going to jail? Write more sternly worded letters to the head of the FBI?


    ... people STILL don't get it.

    1. funny. as my dad said something close to that back in the 1990's. he even said we on a downhill track and there is no stopping it. want to see real change. start hanging people he used to say. otherwise it is all show and not a very good one at that.
      so, hate to say this as well, but we not going to "vote" our way out of this mess.
      and yes, I also know what that does mean. not something I wanted to see.

  3. The “Bottom Boys’, AKA Republicans are co-members with the Democrats of the Deep State club. The entire thing is orchestrated by the players on both sides to keep scale balanced and them in power so any advice to tip the scales in favor of the Republicans is ignored and laughed at by both sides.

  4. Although I primarily vote republican, due to the lack of a serious alternative, I am NOT a republican and truly despise the go along to get along mindset so many have...... We didn't vote them in to play footsy with the communist on the left

  5. Mark my words - the Republicans are going to throw the 2024 election. They don't want to win. They just want to take contributions from the Kock brothers and their ilk and be pretend opposition. Biden will be "re-elected" so get ready for President Kamala!

  6. That's not how the UniParty works.

  7. I spoke to a fellow friend and Marine, at one time and said I'm not voting anymore for the integrity is gone and I almost cried when he said "Please don't stop voting it is your privilege as an American do so and no matter what the outcome, because you knew you did your part and best to keep our freedom" I asked the question when to we hang our flags upside down. " when your country is in distress"
    That must be when our freedom and privilege to vote is gone.


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