
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Dude, ain't no pussy that good

A girlfriend subjected her partner to a regime of terror during which she bullied, belittled and humiliated him over his weight, hair, sex drive and even his breath.

Mother-of-six Sarah Rigby, 41, forced her NHS project manager Gareth Jones to eat salad, wear a hat and swallow toothpaste and mouthwash in the wrongful belief he was fat, bald and had halitosis.


  1. She's not all that unattractive , but mother of 6? That ought to have been a red flag.

    1. That guy is a major puss. Literally all she wanted was a good backhanding and then she'd be putty in his hands.

    2. Pretty face but way too fat to fuck

  2. First I think she is a pig. Second I figure the boy was raised by mommy and has no clue how to be a man.

  3. I guess he was too much of a pussy to just leave? Or give her the old backhander. Either one would work.

  4. You ever have to cross a cow pasture? When you crawl over or under the barbed wire and get inside the fence. You start looking around and there is always one crazy-eyed cow with a "different" shaped head and you know SHE will get your ass.
    That female has the same look.

  5. Might as well make the "Arby's" reference for this 2/10 slag.

  6. One Brit said he hated the muslims but didn't mind shagging the muslimas.

  7. Eating dinner at a local deli one day I observed this obese, smelly, ignorant bitch berating her skinny, short, quiet, significant other. She went out to the car for something and while she was gone, I asked the poor dude, why the fuck he was putting up with this putrid lump of flesh putting him down continuously. He said that he really loved her and didn't want to lose her. I gave him my number and told him that if he ever wanted to get the fuck away from her, I'd drop everything I was doing and rescue him. He just mumbled something and put the number in his pocket.
    I guess there really is someone for everybody.

  8. I'd fuck the shit out of her and stuff her big mouth with my ass or balls every time she opened it. Not sure why dudes put up with a bitches shit.

  9. Especially after six kids stretched it out!!

  10. Decent rack. But, yes, she needs a good backhand. Maybe the guy thought he could get no better as she gave him constant ABBAB (Always be berating and belittling- Thanks Archer.) but my left hand would look awfully good after hearing the shit she was spouting.


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