
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Hundreds paid to be ‘robbed’ by phony holdup crews to gain favorable immigration status

Federal prosecutors on Friday announced charges against five people in connection with a Chicago-based scheme that staged armed robberies so the purported victims could apply for U.S. immigration visas reserved for legitimate crime victims.


  1. There's a video on ytube of an idiot attempting to rob a guy at a gas station in Houston, I think, that got himself shot dead by a bystander that didn't know it was a fake robbery... The reason for the scam was to get victim status for the fake robbery victim... The plan failed

  2. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you! Imagine illegals doing illegal shit.

  3. So there is a special visa for invaders (illegal immigrants) who get robbed. WTF?

    1. Probably it's for crime victims so they can stay here to testify. That used to be one of the many problems with our immigration system - rob any illegal immigrant or immigrant here legally on short term papers, and you could count on the INS to ensure they would not be here to testify against you when the case came to trial.

  4. It would far more acceptable if they were all killed during these robberies.


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