
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Shutting Out Parents

In an unprecedented recent case, the parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley were each sentenced to prison sentences of 10 to 15 years. James and Jennifer Crumbley sat in a Pontiac, Michigan, courtroom on April 9 as each were sentenced on four counts of involuntary manslaughter in relation to their son’s killing of four Oxford High School classmates in 2021.


  1. Irving J ItchuballsMay 23, 2024 at 12:09 PM

    Seems that if 10 year old kids can chop off appendages and decide they're little girls or little boys without their parents knowing aren't they responsible for themselves? Let's figure out which way we're going here.....not that I can fathom what these two asshats must have been thinking in giving that dipshit kid a firearm.....

  2. This is so wrong...

    1. Not if you knew anything about their trials.


  3. Currently in America who ever or whatever is not approved by the commie controlled judicial/justice systems will be condemned and destroyed. Conversely, illegal alien criminals cannot be jailed. We're in the "good is bad, bad is good, right is wrong, wrong is right" Orwellian world folks.

  4. So now jail every parent of a child who carjacks or loots stores or beats up people on the subway. Jail any parent whose child continuously skips school or acts out in school. At the very least take away the welfare from parents who aren't controlling their children.

  5. How dare they not drug their abandoned bullied child.
    This will never apply to the “didntdonuffun’s”.

  6. Technically, parents are responsible for the actions of their children through the age of 18. Unfortunately and until more parents are held responsible for the actions of their spawn, the problem will only get worse.

    As a parent, I don't want to go to jail for the actions of my child. So I parent accordingly.

  7. This is directed at whites only. I agree those parents and the kid are pieces of shit. But man does this set a precedence. It'll never be applied to blacks or spanish, only whites.

  8. Wouldn't it be something if they would start sentencing those who actually commit the murders to 10-15?

  9. Sometimes the waste of space parents need to be locked up

  10. I am in Michigan, and when I saw this, I thought it was a miscarriage of justice. But with the Empress of Lansing pushing through legislation requiring safe storage of guns, for anyone who should know that a child might just possibly get access to the gun, it makes it pretty much open season on certain colors of people to bear the brunt of liberal wet dreams.
    I am so pissed at the NRA for not having the money to spend on the 2020 election in states like mine, due to the ungodly amount that they spent on Brewer and company for legal fees. I remain a member, hoping that something good can be salvaged from the ashes. But I am not holding my breath.

  11. To be fair, if you hide some childs deranged decision to live a life of fairy tales, transition with the schools blessing, then the school is responsible if that child shoots up the school, not the parents.

  12. Hopefully this will become the norm among gang shootings. Lets put their parent in jail.


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