
Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Thomas Sowell: Is America On the Brink of Collapse Like Rome?

No small part of our social problems today come from miseducated degree-holders who have nothing to contribute to the wealth of the society but who are full of demands and indignation—and resentment of those who are producing. 

A study of the decline of great societies concluded that “disappearances of empires due to catastrophes have been extremely rare in history.” Rather, they slowly but steadily corrode and crumble from within. There is usually “a growing amount of wealth pumped by the State from the economy,” while “extravagances of fashion and license” develop among the people. 

Does this sound uncomfortably similar to what we see around us today?

VIDEO HERE  (5 minutes)


  1. Do not sell Sowell short even if his observations and logic doesn't agree with your "The good guy in the white hat always wins in the end" opinion.

  2. If we had to have a black president it's a shame it wasn't Sowell instead of the piece of shit bam bam.

    1. Or the guy from Godfather's Pizza. But, no, we got the magic negro.

  3. As usual, Mr. Sowell is right on. Makes me feel very uncomfortable in my thorax.

  4. The guy is an American treasure! I just wish he was 40 years younger so I could look forward to more from him.

  5. Kenny, I would say rather "mal-educated" rather than "mis-educated" as I believe there is a lot of malice in what these know-nothing leeches have been taught and what they are spouting.

    It's as Ayn Rand brought forth in The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Our supposed 'betters' are merely looters with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement and disdain for the people who actually make everything work...particularly if those people are male, at least these days.

  6. He’s not saying anything different from most conservatives. However the conservatives throw him up as some magic talisman because he’s a black that agrees with him…same as the liberals do.


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