
Monday, June 10, 2024

Fairness and equity? Illinois drivers can get 3 unpaid tickets a year before license suspension under newly-passed law

A bill that passed the Illinois General Assembly will allow traffic violators to get three unpaid traffic tickets per year before they have their license suspended. 

After backlash earlier this year, state Rep. Justin Slaughter didn’t move forward with a controversial traffic stop bill that would have prohibited officers from pulling over individuals caught speeding up to 25 miles per hour over the posted speed limit. However, Slaughter pushed through a different, more watered-down, traffic bill in House Bill 277. Slaughter, D-Chicago, said the current law is unfair to violators and causes problems for them keeping their jobs.


  1. So, it's OK if you do 25 over to get to your job on time. Instead of the authorities telling people: Get up early enough so you can do the speed limit and get to work in plenty of time they're pandering to assholes who have no sense of responsibility. Half the people driving these days shouldn't.

  2. Yeah, Mr democrat, no ticket for 25 over. Be fun in school zones as the orcs drive thru at 50mph. Illinois is sooooooo fucked up.

  3. White people need not apply for this break.

  4. Wow, that essentially increases the speed limit by 25 MPH everywhere. In my state, 20 over is reckless driving.

  5. Ince Jaquan and Keneesha ignore those traffic tickets (and parking tickets) then get pulled over and their cars impounded because they didn't pay the fine and nev3er showed up in court then the bench warrant happens.....and then they lose their job because they are in jail and have no car...and then they lose their car for ever because they can't pay the impound and storage's just unfair white privilege that we pay the fines or show up in court, so they gotta change the rules so the black people can get by ,,,

  6. At 20+ it is Super Speeder in GA. I get a ticket every 3 or 4 years. I hire a lawyer and it always gets knocked down equipment failure. A non-moving violation for the same fine but no points off the driving record. I have had a "perfect" driving record for the past 20 years. It helps with insurance.

  7. Well, that discriminates against people who don't have a car! We Hafta get them all cars,,obviously. And there needs to be more flexibility involved. You should be able to trade the three ticket gimmee for say,one carjacking or maybe an armed home invasion free pass. Someone will think of it and get right to work on it.


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