
Monday, June 17, 2024

Pentagon Wants to Feed Troops ‘Experimental’ Lab-Grown Meat to ‘Reduce CO2 Footprint’

A Pentagon-funded company is seeking proposals to feed America’s soldiers lab-grown meat in a bid to "reduce the CO2 footprint" at Defense Department outposts.

BioMADE, a public-private company that has received more than $500 million in funding from the Defense Department, announced earlier this month that it is seeking proposals to develop "innovations in food production that reduce the CO2 footprint of food production at ... DoD operational environments," according to an online announcement.


Fuck that. Army food sucks bad enough as it is.


  1. Lab meat causes more CO2 than real beef.

  2. Was Pimento Loaf a regular on the menu while you were in the Army? I couldn't look at that stuff without wondering what was in it and thinking about how it was processed.

    1. No, I don't believe I ever had pimento loaf in the army. The food wasn't really bad, it was just bland and predictable. That's not the fault of the cooks - they were just following recipes and directions.

    2. Used to get pimento loaf once a week in our flight lunch sandwiches...we called it Zit Loaf.

      Same menu every week.
      Monday was Mystery Meat sandwiches a cheap, pressed, gristle rich pig meat, Tuesday was Zit Loaf, Wednesday we got the multi-colored leftover roast beast sammies, Thursday was leftover fried chicken pieces, and Friday we usually sent our gopher off the flightline to buy meatball subs at a specialty shop. For the most part, the Air Force chowhalls served excellent food.

    3. I went to AIT at Sheppard AFB in Texas. As we were getting our orientation the first day there, we stopped by the chow hall (excuse me, cafeteria) and they were serving steak and lobster. The Air Force babe that was showing us around got confused when us Army guys wanted to know what the special occasion was. Turns out that was an every Friday deal.

    4. Anonymous 8:16, I agree about the Air Force dining facilities.
      22-year Navy aircrewman and we always tried to use Air Force facilities on our cross-country flights for that reason.
      (See also: Living Quarters)

  3. army chow was not bad in the 1970's. but that in a airborne unit too. now in some "leg" mess halls the food really did suck. and at a hospital unit is really sucked !!
    then again that was a long time ago. now a days, I always wonder who got paid off to feed that shit to the troops ? dave in pa.

  4. No wonder they want to bring back the draft, nobody wants to serve in Biden's America

  5. I signed up to defend my country, not be a guinea pig for your experiments.

  6. Army food depends on a lot of things. Where you are, tactical situation, etc. Most do the best with what they got and when you come in out of the field after a long day, your pickiness is at a minimum. Just food, hot food, is enough. On the other hand, one time I was on TDY at Vilsek in the early 70's and their food was some of the best I'd ever eaten.

    1. I did some time at a radio site up at Konigstuhl, above Heidelberg. That site contracted with a German couple to prepare their food and it was like eating at a fancy restaurant, it was that good.

  7. IF they want to experiment, why don't they supply the illegal alien immigrants with this 'meat-like' substance' and monitor them ? Seems like a great way to injure a vital protection for our country.

  8. Yeah.... this is when warrior class buy food from local nationals rather than eat this slop. Else, don't sign up at all, there are better ways to protect one's tribe than enlisting. Build business, become a professional, fight for a cause, and help your own up.


  9. Youngsters may not have a choice whether or not to eat this plastic chow since "The House passed a large defense bill Friday evening (6/14/2024) that included a provision that would automatically enroll young men between the ages of 18 and 26* for the Selective Service" . Automatic registration would replace the coming-of-age tradition that all 18-year-old male U.S. citizens experience when they get a card in the mail from Uncle Sam informing them that they're required under threat of criminal penalties to register for the Selective Service". Uncle Joe says Ho Ho Ho, Off to Ukraine you will go"

    1. It automates the existing system. I didn't even know about the ss until I was enlisting, and had to run off and register. Not that anyone should have to anyway.

      I immediately considered doing some preventive maintainance upon reading the headline on another site, until i saw it was fearmongering. I refuse to be another abduction video on telegram like countless ukrainians, they still won't fight back.

      My circle thought Ukrainians would have sent zelensky to the guillotine when the cheap calories ran out and he showed himself to be an existential treat to their people, but they are meekly going to the slaughter, even to the last Ukrainian. I doubt whites and slavs will ever rebell against those genociding them, they have no fight left.


    2. Since the Dems want all of the illegals to be able to vote, that makes all voters eligible for the Draft. Send every last one of those criminals to the fore and they can be part of Operation Human Shield. If they make it through five years of constant deployment in the Ukraine, fighting the Russians, I for one would accept them as fellow citizens.

    3. Passed the House, will not pass in the Senate.
      Besides, registering males only is blatant discrimination against womyns.

      "BioMADE, a public-private company that has received more than $500 million in funding from the Defense Department"
      Makes you wonder how much BioMADE's management contributed to Joe'$ 2020 campaign, doesn't it.?

    4. Joining the military used to be a path to American citizenship. People back then felt the same way you do, bleeding for America made you an American.

  10. I'm sure this will drive enlistment numbers. Half a BILLION dollars spent to make GMO soybeans taste like beef...what could go wrong?

    1. "A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you're talking real money." -- Senator Everett Dirksen (R) IL, on the apparent attitude of far too many of his Congressional colleagues.

  11. Immortal cell lines are cancer. Do not eat cancer. If my enemies want to eat cancer more power to them.

    Steve in KY

  12. This is just so sick on so many levels.
    "This type of meat is grown in a lab from animal cells (rats?) ... and has emerged as a flashpoint in debates about the efficacy and morality of manufacturing meat products without slaughtering animals."
    But it's OK for FJB to send our troops to get slaughtered by the Russians to provide the (starving) Ukrainian civilians with fresh (non-GMO) meat? What the h*ll, guys‽
    I've always been available and willing to defend our shores against all enemies, foreign and domestic; now FJB's gonna send troops to "defend Europe again" against the onslaught of ? 'cause he can.
    F*** the Ukrainian comedian, too!

    1. The only thing Europe needs defending from is another moslem invasion, but they seemed to have surrendered already.

  13. Rather than test on healthy young people, why don't we use the politicians and bureaucrats for guinea pigs? They are old, unhealthy, and unproductive. Maybe save on those fat, federal pensions while we're at it.

    1. Needs to be on humans, not politicians.

  14. I ate only Rats most of my overseas tour. Going to a chowhall was the Ritz. They had trays but ya had to cut off the top of a coke can with yer P38 for milk if you forgot your mess kit cup. No sweat dig one outta the garbage can.

  15. Irving J ItchuballsJune 17, 2024 at 3:15 PM

    USAF always had great chow wherever I was, never had a complaint...however much like the mandatory experimental jab forced some folks out, it won't surprise me a lick to see some go the same route on this shit...I'd tell 'em stick it up their ass.

  16. Best army chow I had was when we "accidentally" blew up a farmer's cow with an 8" howitzer. Very well tenderized, it was.

  17. Back in 09 a New Orleans "support" guard unit was deployed to the Salerno Afgan area of operations. Their chow hall cook was a master chef in NOLA. When I went out on a mission I always tried to get air transport back to their FOB to catch lunch or dinner. The food was great. There were always 4 or 5 convoys back to SAL daily and it was easy to get a ride. About half way through their tour a general found out about him and had him reassigned to Eggers in Kabul. I started going through Kabul to get back to SAL. Kabul also had other things I couldn't get in SAL.

  18. Replies
    1. They always experiment on the military. Then the results leach into the general population.

  19. WestcoastDeplorableJune 17, 2024 at 7:40 PM

    When the hell are we going to lose this "CO2" crapola? If it wasn't for CO2, plants couldn't grow and we'd be up shit creek. Besides, climate on Earth is always changing; the suckers are buying into data that's fudged by leaving monitoring stations that in years past were neutral and are now in "heat islands" due to building in areas that were once rural and are now paved parking lots! If global warming/climate change were a real thing you wouldn't see rich people building houses near the ocean!

  20. I am very glad my two sons are out of the military.

  21. And in a few decades, VA hospitals will have an epidemic of dissolving patients.
    The mop-n-shovel crews working over-time...


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