
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A vacation to remember

A portion of of Yellowstone National Park has been shut down after officials say a hydrothermal explosion scattered debris and destroyed a nearby boardwalk that visitors were standing on.

On Tuesday, around 10 a.m. local time, the National Park experienced a “localized hydrothermal explosion” near the Sapphire Pool in Biscuit Basin, a few short miles north of Old Faithful.


  1. Probably an earthy back blast from the recent Stromboli eruption.

  2. I wonder if that sucker will blow in our life time. If so, 'tis gonna be a big un.

  3. Taco Bell farts can be a motherfucker sometimes

  4. If Yellowstone blows and with all the calderas to the west of it, it would be a volcano about 100 miles wide. Talk about a earth zit. Last time it went most of north American was covered in ash 9-10 inches deep. Killed all kinds of stuff. It is a few years over due so we could see something in our life time. Used to live out there. Very pretty country.

  5. Biden said he was there for an eruption before.

  6. Is this the start of the Yellowstone Caldera? That damn thing's going to wipe out half the country. Glad I'll be dead before that happens...


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