
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Analysis Examines What Happens If Biden Clings to Power Regardless of Election Outcome

A new report examines the possible outcomes of the Nov. 5  election and the prospect of President Joe Biden’s using government force to hold onto power.

“President Biden is very well-positioned to hold the White House by force in the case of an unfavorable electoral outcome,” says the report from the 2024 Transition Integrity Project, which is led by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.


  1. We HANG traitors in this country, last time I checked....

    1. The ones who didn't get shot first.

    2. You haven’t checked very recently, have you?

    3. Not any more. There are a few Generals that should be executed.

  2. Pence could have done the same thing, and should have. The feckless bastard.

  3. Yep.
    They are counting that all January Six locked up 'insurrectionists' will gladly be freed from prison when promising to be 'insurrectionists' for Pedophile Joe this time.

  4. The demonkraps are not the only ones who can ignore laws and court orders if it comes to that


  5. Trump wins the election in November. Shortly afterwards BLM/ANTIFA riots breakout nationwide, NATO including American boots on the ground in the Ukraine war, Chinks attack Tiawan all between November 5th and January 15. What's next? Martial law and the election invalidated. Don't depend on the Republicans do anything more than whine.

  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again. They are not going to let Trump win.

  7. Trump had 65% of the vote in 2020. No state govenor has opposed Biden. The Republicans are not the opposition party, they are the deep fake party. What happens when Biden wins this next round? Kamala isn't gonna get the reigns, or she'd have them by now. Every state is compromised. I don't know when or how, but when the wheels come off of the bus its going to be ugly.

    1. Slowly, then suddenly.
      Look at what has happened since, say 2014. Wheels come off the axle everywhere you look.
      Pretty much like, say 1754-1775. 2024 looks a lot like 1775.
      The 3rd strike is going to set off the powder keg. I'm looking for this September, maybe the last days of October.

  8. Look!
    It's enough that the pResident (and his puppetmaster[s]) can/will/are going to run this country into the ground (print so much money that the dollar will be devalued to penny [a market basket will now cost $1000]) and say to DJT when happily handing the reins to him, "OK! now let's see you get out of this one!" all the while their troops riot and cause general mayhem.

  9. The left OWNS the election machine, especially the part that counts the "ballots". The outcome of November's election was predetermined in 2020. There will be no need for force to secure the "election ".

  10. A President disregarding the results of an election....... did I not just watch a movie with that exact start?

  11. "... Biden calls for Democrat governors to send alternate slates of electors ..."

    Don't have clue how things work.

  12. Every state is not compromised. That’s horse hockey.

  13. Joe Biden does not remotely have the loyalty of the security services in particular, not even in his own party which just attempted a coup against him. As he continues to look like a loser, he will continue to bleed support. Nobody will put their necks on the chopping block to prop up a guy who is clearly a dead end.

    History has a million examples of Kings and Emperors who lost the confidence of the military. Things never worked out well for them when that happened.


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