
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Biden Campaign Scrambles, Tests Kamala Harris against Trump for 2024

President Joe Biden’s campaign is quietly testing Vice President Kamala Harris against former President Donald Trump amid reports of a seismic shift in their 2024 strategy.

Sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity with The New York Times said that this is the first assessment since the presidential debate to measure Harris’ viability as the Democratic frontrunner.


  1. I think we all know the answer to that already....the question should be whether they can sell the "cheat" with the Kumdumster a the top of the ticket and make it plausible.

  2. Harris’ viability as the Democratic frontrunner.

    Here we go! Big Mike/Newsome

  3. They are fucked now!

    Chutes Magoo

  4. Not yet, I want to see JD turn her into a puddle of goo on the debate stage.

    1. I doubt she'll go for a debate against JD unless part of her mixed lineage is a Kamikaze

  5. Make Cameltoe primary candidate and accuse anyone who does not want to vote for her of being racist.
    (Which is confusing, because democrats by default ARE racists).

  6. Kamel toe.......
    If they are going to roll out anyone it's going to be Big Mike Robinson/Obammy
    First the homo next the tranny

  7. If Biden & co didn't know they were effd before Saturday, they surely know it now. Notice there has been no new poll data released since the attempt on Trump's life. That's because ALL of these polling organization are run by left sympathizers, just like almost everything else in this country.

    They're scared shitless that Trump is probably polling 60-70% right now, as he should have been all along based on what Bribem(read Obama) has done to this country in the last 3.5 years. Everyone in the country except the very wealthy are suffering under the Bribem(Obama) regime.

    Why do you think that Bribem gave that staged and edited address from the Oval calling for an end to rhetorical political violence? It didn't have anything to do with what the stated purpose was. Its purpose was to try to deflect attention away from the Trump story and spot light, nothing more.

    When do Demonrats lie? Every time they're lips move. Never ever believe that a Demonrat isn't self promoting especially when they tell you they're being altruistic.


  8. There must be something else in the works. By the way and off topic but i just saw a pretty funny meme with a photo of you in it. If you want i can shoot you an email of it.

  9. Here's my take on what happens this election cycle.

    After the failed assassination attempt, it's blatantly obvious that no matter who the Dems run, they're gonna lose, lose even past the margin of cheat. So the Dems won't run anyone with any chance of winning in a normal year. They're stuck with Jo and the Ho.

  10. Never underestimate the crats on their willingness to do whatever it takes. I’m concerned about sleepy Joe’s safety. Think about it.

  11. Another side effect of Saturday. NOBODY is talking about Joe. All of that momentum they had built up with the help of the MSM gone in an instant because orange man glanced over to his right.

    It's a nightmare scenario for the Democratic party apparatus.


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