
Monday, July 15, 2024

Ever closer to the Edge ...

 Over the last week we saw President Biden melt down in the presidential debate.  The Supreme Court handed the left several major slap downs related to the 2024 presidential election.  The Left is in full-on panic mode and that means the country is in danger of violence spread by Antifa and other left-wing fanatical groups.

Our nation is moving ever closer to the edge of the abyss ... are you prepared?



  1. Is anyone really prepared for what's coming ??
    I doubt it but here we are

  2. I'm reminded of the line Sean Connery spoke in The Untouchables. "What are you prepared to do?"
    Have we become so docile as a nation and as men that we are no longer willing to stand and possibly die for family, truth and justice?
    My hope is that we are not at that point: that there are still patriots who are willing to stand in the gap for this nation teetering on the brink of anarchy.
    Guys, the filth that is the left are stealing our children, our God-given rights and our freedoms for their globalist oligarchs right now.
    "What are you prepared to do?"
    Stay alert and God bless you.

    1. Drag Queens are reading to your 5 yr olds, the war is over, Now we slowly rot.

    2. I am reminded of Winston Chuchhill’s comment:
      “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing….
      After exhausting every other possibility.”

      Unfortunately we will not rise until the very last moment. I pray there will still be time.

  3. Am I prepared? Very much so.

  4. Is your nation prepared, no they are in denial

  5. The Antifa goons are staging and pre-positioning right now. That quiet isn't absence of a threat.

  6. Prepared fer wut?

  7. Picked up some more 9mm today. They had some 45 colt but they wanted 50 bucks a box. Maybe tomorrow for that. Have some long shelf life food and I do live in a state awash with corn and critters so food should not be an issue.

    Might get some more 223/5.56 and 308 just in case.

  8. I welcome those urban BLM and Antifa rat bastards to bring their fight to my neighborhood. Their dead bodies will amply feed the bears, coyotes, bobcats and mountain lions. I and my neighbors are very well armed and those city boys are going to have to cross a lot of open acreage to get within pistol shot of any of us.

    1. Apparently some of them have access to rifles... better be prepared for that as well. That kid may have missed, but he didn't miss his intended target by much and didn't miss at all of the other three victims. Watch yer topknot!

  9. Clif High and his internet/logarithm crawler….
    predicted July 16/17 as….
    “Shit Hits the Fan Time.”


  10. Prepared yeah. Closer to the abyss, no. The slippery slope is oriented away from the abyss, at least for now.

    Time is on our side. Stay cool.

  11. This cripped up old man will try to maintain control of this place. After they killed JFK ,I was nine, I started watching.. I'm surprised at how many years America has managed to spiral down,, and never quite anger in. I'm ready to see America root out the traitors, and Someone really needs to get rid of the scum that go to the Bilderberg meetings.

  12. Biden: We must lower the temperature on political debate.

    Also Biden that same day: “Donald Trump picked J.D. Vance as his running mate because Vance will do what Mike Pence wouldn’t on January 6: bend over backwards to enable Trump and his extreme MAGA agenda, even if it means breaking the law and no matter the harm to the American people."


  13. Talk about wasted ad money. I don't know about the others here who clicked on the video, but I got an ad by Vice President Kamala asking me to give her and Joe some money for their campaign.

  14. With the attempt on Trump over the weekend, the panic you see that was rampant in the Demonrat party over the last several weeks is now dissipated because they no know Bribem is fucked. So, they'll have to massively cheat this time, even more than last time, they'll be caught out and that will be the end of the Demonrat party.

    Never forget this:



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