
Monday, July 15, 2024

Number of hate, anti-government groups increased in Tennessee in 2023, report finds

Tennessee saw four additional hate and anti-government groups present in 2023 compared to the year before, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) The Year in Hate and Extremism 2023 report.

The SPLC data says there were 37 documented hate and anti-government groups in Tennessee in 2023. The group reported the highest number of white nationalist groups in the U.S. ever recorded last year.


And they use the FBI's Patriot Front as the example in the story.....


  1. Bullshit. Patriots Front is an FBI-created front to ensnare unwary citizens. Don't fall for it. And besides, who listens to the leftist cranks at SPLC anymore?

  2. Splc is a hate group fronting as a non-profit organization focused on hate.... They are the experts because they are one of the biggest

    1. Correct a Mundo.

      Projection is the term for accusing others of what you are doing.

  3. The leader of Patriot Front in Idaho walked free when the FBI refused to return evidence. The underlings got the shaft by pleading out, or having the jury trials for lesser charges.

  4. If the Patriot Front shows up at a rally, why not simply do what the Israelis do and shower them with that foul-smelling dye they use? The smell lasts for weeks and the dye takes even longer to wear off.
    I can guarantee all FBI operations would be curtailed for a while.

  5. The SPLC has been nothing but a shill organization for years, nothing they spew is truthful.

  6. At a previous job they received the SPLC newsmag. Reading it, I realized that I was an evil man.

    Believes in God.
    Believes in Family First.
    Believes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights (which are rights granted to us by our Creator that are above the federal or state governments.)

    And... private ownership of weapons, all weapons, no holds barred.

    Makes me evil according to them.

  7. The SPLC is a 'Left-Wing Smear Group" commonly referred to as Communists who attack any patriot group that believes in the United States, Constitution and Bill of Rights.
    Watchdog my ass, more like a guard dog to protect socialist/communist hate groups that promote division, spreading conflict and protecting those responsible for left wing violence.
    Truth cannot be found at the SPLC unless you are a marxist seeking the destruction of the US.

  8. ….and the founders of the SPLC have been stashing some of those tax free dollars in off shore accounts in their own names…

  9. SPLC's opinion to the contrary, but "hate" groups and "anti-government" groups are not the same thing.

  10. Some Patriot Front guy got arrested recently. He had a bullhorn with FBI on it.
    The SPLC doesn't tell me who someone is.

  11. Maybe the FBI should transfer some of their Patriot Front guys to the Secret Service

  12. about 15 years back, I did a test. I made 10 yahoo e-mails, and each e-mail had a yahoo club wit ha vaugelly militia sounding name. each e-mail joined each group, giving each group 9 members an a moderator/owneer

    I filled the calendars of these groups with vaguely military-sounding training events. "single channel radio use in a hostile environment" and such.

    I then reported each group to the SPLC. now, anyone with a tiny bit of research could tell you that each group is essentially identical

    SPLC still to this day lists all of those groups as right wing militias in NH.

  13. Are we on that list?

  14. I figure with this assissination attempt it will give the left even more reason to illegally monitor the law abiding citizens of America. I don't think they much give a shit about the attempt. But I think they sure are happy for even more excuses to apply socialist tactics.

  15. Isn't this normal, given how our government behaves? If the number didn't increase every year, I'd be disappointed in my fellow citizens.
    Besides, everything said about the SPLC in earlier comments is absolutely true.


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