
Monday, July 15, 2024

Judge: Jack Smith Appointment Unconstitutional, Dismisses Classified Documents Case Against Donald Trump

Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the Florida classified documents case against former President Donald Trump after finding Special Counsel Jack Smith’s appointment unconstitutional.

Cannon said his appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the Constitution:


  1. About fucking time!

  2. I tell you, other than almost getting killed over the weekend DJT is batting a thousand lately. The Leftists' blood pressure readings must be off the charts. Ha Ha.

    1. Surviving Saturday puts his average AT a thousand. May GOD be with him.

    2. The Fist Pump picture, you can't buy advertising as good as that. Standing up and wanting to do a Teddy Roosevelt, fucking awesome.

  3. Can we the people be expecting a refund from what was paid to him?

    TMF Bert

  4. I know we got a ways to go yet but it looks like the entire shit-show is headed for the ditch.
    What's next, air strike on Mar A Lago?
    btw, welcome back Ken.

    - WDS

  5. Judge Cannon better watch her back, the MSM will be coming for her.

    Michael in Nelson

  6. I never understood the basis of this case since Trump has the power to declassify documents as president. But Judge Cannon I think in a slow deliberate way did the country a favor drawing the case out by showing some of the shit the FBI/DOJ was pulling. Was looking forward to the unsealing of the order to have a lawyer sellout their client. But now the case was dismissed now. It pointed out the archives are a bunch of shits. And the fbi cocked and ready to fire. I do wonder if director wrey will return melania's panties.

  7. I'm no judge, assume the ruling is one BIG FU to the DOJ - I love it

  8. Everyone involved should go to Jail, after a Fair jury trial of course


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