
Friday, August 23, 2024

Fucking buzzkills

VALLEY VIEW, Texas (KXII/Gray News) – A Texas high school student who beat cancer and grew his hair back after chemotherapy is now being told he must cut it to comply with school dress code policy.

Trent Sampson was diagnosed with cancer at the end of his freshman year, and he lost his hair during chemotherapy treatment.


  1. Damned if I'd have cut my hair.
    Didn't do it in jail at 17, and got sent to the hole for refusing.

  2. They want Sampson to cut his hair. The irony.

    1. Thrice she assay'd with flattering prayers and sighs,
      And amorous reproaches to win from me
      My capital secret, in what part my strength
      Lay stor'd, in what part summ'd, that she might know: [ 395 ]
      Thrice I deluded her, and turn'd to sport
      Her importunity, each time perceiving
      How openly, and with what impudence
      She purpos'd to betray me, and (which was worse
      Then undissembl'd hate) with what contempt [ 400 ]
      She sought to make me Traytor to my self;
      Yet the fourth time, when mustring all her wiles,
      With blandisht parlies, feminine assaults,
      Tongue-batteries, she surceas'd not day nor night
      To storm me over-watch't, and wearied out. [ 405 ]
      At times when men seek most repose and rest,
      I yielded, and unlock'd her all my heart,
      Who with a grain of manhood well resolv'd
      Might easily have shook off all her snares:
      But foul effeminacy held me yok't [ 410 ]
      Her Bond-slave; O indignity, O blot
      To Honour and Religion! servil mind
      Rewarded well with servil punishment!
      The base degree to which I now am fall'n,
      These rags, this grinding, is not yet so base [ 415 ]
      As was my former servitude, ignoble,
      Unmanly, ignominious, infamous,
      True slavery, and that blindness worse then this,
      That saw not how degeneratly I serv'd.

  3. It's a public taxpayer funded school, just tell them to fuck off. They can't make you do shit. This is not the military and the UCMJ. If girls can have long hair so can you, blatant discrimination. Resist...

    1. We had dress codes when I was in school and they would send you home not to return until your parents went talk to the principal, no if, and or buts involved....

  4. I’m not a fan of long hair but fuck the school

    1. It's the same shit I had to put up with in High School in NE Arkansas... in fucking 1971.
      The year after I graduated the students told the Principal and Superintendent to fuck off with that shit.
      Tell the school district to ESAD, Sampson; they've got bigger fish to fry.

  5. It's too bad he's not black and living in Massachusetts- they recently passed the CROWN Act (stands for "Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair"), a bill that bans bias based on hairstyle- i.e. Black hairstyles

  6. Starker here,
    I've had it long hair, now it's really short. On others I've never cared either as long as it was regularly washed. It doesn't even matter about fake color. It's not really a distraction.
    Now tube tops, & halter tops, they were distracting!

  7. When you've beat cancer you celebrate in your own very, very personal ways. No matter what he tells people. No matter what he says. Nobody, not even his mother, will ever truly understand what was rolling through his head as he endured his cancer treatments. Nobody could understand. And no matter how many people gather by your side in a show of support, there remains a reality that you must face much of the challenges that lay in front of you alone. That's the fuel behind personal celebration. What adds to the significance is the constant internal struggle with the question: What if? What if the cancer comes back? How will I deal with it then? Faced with that unknown, these questions are tempered with the small victories, and the celebration that goes with it. There is a special place in hell for anyone who would dare deny a survivor their personal celebration.

  8. Why is it that schools attract more than their fair share of prodnoses and jobsworths? Fuckemall!

  9. Now if he was one of those mental cases claiming he identified as a girl what would they do?

  10. I wonder if the students and/or their parents bothered to attend the meetings when the new dress code was being discussed and voted on.
    He should keep the long hair and get a lawyer, I'm sure there precedence out there.

  11. From the UK. Back in the 1970s the schools used to get on your case for having your hair too long. Now they are hassling kids for having theirs too short. The crime it seems is just being fashionable, just a different fashion from what the headmaster had when he was young.

  12. When I was in High School the assistant principal would walk up behind a male student, grab their hair, yank their head back, and if your hair touched your collar you were sent home. Educational standards were among the lowest in the state, but hair length was a top priority. This was in the late 60's and early 70's. I can't believe such idiocy still exists. A recall petition to replace the school board would probably straighten things out fairly quickly.

  13. Clearly the school has nothing better to spend their time on than hair length.
    What the hell are those people getting over paid to do?


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