
Friday, September 27, 2024

So much for that commute

A big rig containing lithium ion batteries overturned in San Pedro Thursday afternoon, sparking a fire, disrupting port operations and causing a massive traffic nightmare with the closure of a major freeway for 24 to 48 hours.

The Los Angeles Fire Department said the crash occurred at 940 N. Seaside Ave., though aerial footage from Sky5 showed it created a huge backup on the 47 Freeway and Vincent Thomas Bridge.


  1. Top heavy load I wouldn't want to haul.

  2. They probably made the mistake of trying to extinguish the fire. That just extends the burn time. You can't actually extinguish it, as it doesn't need any oxygen. And the cells are packed too close together to cool them down and prevent chain ignition. Much quicker to let it burn out.

    John G.


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