
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Teamsters union opts to not endorse any presidential candidate

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, one of the most prominent and influential unions in the country, said Wednesday it will not endorse any presidential candidate this year -- a blow for both candidates.

The 1.3-million-member union has historically thrown its weight around in presidential cycles and endorsed Democratic presidential candidates in recent cycles, with 1988 being the last time it supported a Republican, then-Vice President George H. W. Bush. However, hours before the union was set to announce its highly coveted endorsement on Wednesday, the Teamsters released polling of union members showing a nearly two-to-one preference for former President Donald Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris.


You know Harris is fucked up when even the leftist Teamsters won't endorse her.


  1. The union saw what they did to SpaceX when Musk endorsed Trump, they don't the Feds getting into what ever it is that they do.... way easier to say nothing.

    1. Got it in one, Rob. The union bosses are afraid that if Helium Heels and Tampon Tim are elected they'll get "lawfared" like Elon for not genuflecting to their betters.

  2. Have to agree with you, but the big problem here is the fact that even though the Teamsters won't endorse her, she giggles like a lunatic, doesn't have any kind of actual platform unless she's mimicking DJP's, there are still a shitload of brainwashed voters who will pull that lever, push that button, and mail in a vote for her! Her and Tampon Timmy are big problems in and of themselves, but the people voting for her are just as big, if not bigger!

  3. Having worked with a Union represented workforce for many years I've observed a real dichotomy developing between Union Leadership and the Rank and File Members. Leadership wants to continue to hang on to the Democrats while the actual members have moved over to the Republicans especially since the 2016 election cycle. The total lack of "Hillary" signs posted at the Union Hall was really noticeable.

  4. Unions have a couple of intra-union tribes. The overpaid, corrupt leaders and the peon line workers. In between is a small percentage of the boss asslickers. Most of the peons are Trumpsters. The leaders and their asslickers of course go with the Ho. So, the powers to be decided to sit this one out.

  5. I think that in my state of Michigan the state Teamsters endorsed Harris and her weirdo running mate.

  6. The teamsters endorsed with out actually endorsing.

  7. They did an internal poll, and it was 60% in favor of endorsing Trump. So they did another one of the local union leaders, and it was 60% for Trump. So they did what unions do, and took the rank and file's money, and ignore them and do ehat is best for the union leaders.

  8. With 59% of its members backing Trump and only 34% backing Harris, the teamsters would have rightfully had a mutiny on its hands if leadership had endorsed Harris.

  9. 30 years as a Teamster, I had to constantly hear from Union officials that the Democrats are the party of the working man. In reality, the Democrats are the party of the Non-working man.

    1. I was a 25 year member. Every state and federal election the Union would pass out a voting guide. It was very useful - everything they endorsed, I voted against.

    2. Same for me as a 35 year member of the painters union. Commie bastards

  10. They've had votes where the Dems got like 52% and the management endorsed said donk. This is total bullshit, they should support the Teflon Don.

  11. I guess the "Leadership" is worried that someone is going to Hoffa their asses.


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