
Friday, September 13, 2024

War Denial in the West

Since the beginning of time, humans have allowed themselves to get consumed by hatred and involved in bloody conflicts. Although the West, where descendants of faithful churchgoers have largely dispensed with God, imagines that it has put Wars of Religion behind it, there are others who think otherwise: The Islamists. (The dispute is not about “race,” to be sure, but religion and ideology as in Political Islam.)

History tells us that Muslims have been at war with us for centuries, originally invading our ancient lands in the Levant, Africa, and Anatolia. Later, they took the war to the Iberian Peninsula and the Balkans.


  1. Is this supposed to be a joke post ???

    1. If you follow the link, it takes you to the American Thinker , so no it's not satire.
      If you were to do some historical research, you'd discover that Islam is not the religion of peace and wants the entire world to follow that faith . Hopefully , we'll see The Crusades round 2

    2. I did go to the link and read most of that nonsense before commenting..
      As to what religion is " of peace" or not Christians have killed as many people in the name of religion as all other religions including Islam...So YOU do some research before coming at me with that crap

    3. More people have died as a result of religious dogma than any other cause, and I may well be mistaken, but it seems there have been more individuals, that have strapped on explosives any shouted "allau akbar", than any other religious group .

    4. JD - You are ignorant of history, thus a fool and an ass. Every word of that article, while not well-written, is true. Putting the rebuttal to your foolish assertion simply, in hopes your tiny mind can grasp the point, Christians have killed those of other religions, or none, in direct contravention of their Holy Book. Muslims kill the same in obedience to theirs. They have done so since their founding and are doing so now.

    5. Both anonymous @ 7:10 and Shell,
      Picking and choosing what history to read and believe is not a sign of being objective or honest.. Religion is a pox on mankind, it's only purpose is control it and create problems within society with it's I'm the only true one nonsense,. It serves NO other real use.. I can waste my time pointing out all the atrocities the christian faiths have done over the centuries but why bother
      You are welcome to your opinions but when you have to resort to personal attacks on someone you disagree with you've already lost the discussion

    6. And we're done with this conversation, guys.

  2. The human emotion "Hate" is as valid as the human emotion "Love". Despite what the bible says about loving your enemy you might want to know that idea only makes you a martyr of the enemy who hates your ass and just wants you dead. It’s “kill or be killed” whether it’s mano on mano, tribe against tribe or nation vs. nation. Humans are a fucked-up species.

    1. The Bible also says God Himself hates, so I feel it appropriate to follow His example.

    2. I reckon every emotion is mentioned in the Holy Bible. Some emotions which we currently consider 'wrong' are mentioned in the positive and with several good reasons to express that emotion.

      By and large, humans today are mixed up in every way imaginable.

  3. How do YOU feel about a group that has vowed to kill you and yours for about 1400 years and their history proves they have only gotten more radical? THEY WANT TO KILL YOU, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS and YOUR CULTURE. AND ENSLAVE The rest of y'all. How 'bout those that would put a gun to your head, a knife to your throat or poison to your food and drink. AND BE SWORN TO LIE TO YOU in the process? YOUR LIFE IS threatened. WAKE UP !

    1. Please stop with this crap, all religions are about control, control of society, control of your associations, control of your thoughts, control of your home life, control of your sex life, control of your income, and so on
      At the end of the day every damn one is the same

    2. seems to me, that most all of the other religions have left the stone age except one or two there hussein

    3. Really, go to Israel and talk against the jew and see what happens to you. Rocks, stones, gunfire and probably a hand grande or 2 so you're wrong.... Just so you know I'm agnostic, it's all BS but hey carry on with your fairytale
