
Wednesday, November 13, 2024

If I Were the Devil by Paul Harvey - Original 1965 Broadcast

In 1965, Mr. Harvey broadcast "If I Were the Devil."  Although it has been over a half a century since the broadcast, Mr. Harvey's words describe our current times well.   I've had several comments that this was created with AI.  This is absolutely not true.  Mr. Harvey recorded this in 1965.  I am in no way a participant of, or in favor of artificial intelligence to think for me or to create content for me.

AUDIO ONLY  (3:26 minutes)


He nailed it. He described our world today perfectly.


  1. Paul Harvey was a regular listen back when.

  2. AI is a media buzz word. They could have used the term AI in the 60's as well as today. Now any computer program is called AI. Sure the computers do a little more but still just programs.

    1. What they call "AI" is still simply a large selection of variables.
      Programmer still needs to program.

  3. I can remember my Dad would say "sit down and listen (to Paul Harvey), you might learn something" ....

  4. Yup. I would add Ray Bradbury's FAHRENHEIT 451. Read Beatty's soliloquy to Guy Montag. If that is not 2024 America, I'll quit drinking.

  5. Amen Bright Eyes, Amen! Mike Rowe might be his worthy successor.

  6. I remember it. Was broad cast on the radio. We were just finishing milking our cows. Did not realize what I heard at the time as I was 10 or so.

  7. I consider this to be his best one-liner and observation: Self-government without self-discipline will not work. He nailed it.

    1. Too many cry for rights, but would not carry responsibilities.

      Rights and responsibilities are so intertwined that one without the other destroys the people.

  8. Both paul harvey and derry brownfield were a must listen to every day. Same caliber men.


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