
Monday, November 11, 2024

What President-Elect Trump Needs To Do During His First 30 Days

San Francisco radical Kamala Harris and her leftwing ideology are done, thank God, but she’ll never be held responsible for the millions of illegal aliens she brought into the country or the crazy ideas she had about how she was going to run the government.


  1. Camela --- tree, rope. Done.

    1. I was just listening to "Stupid Girl" by the Stones, and ran a montage of clips through my mind while listening....

  2. I fear there will be enough Rino's in both the house and senate to halt Trump's agenda in its tracks. The Republican Party has its elites too!

    It is boggles my mind that people will vote for Trump and then turn around and vote for a democrat senator or house rep like they did here in Michigan. Hello? What dumb-fucks!

    1. Remember his first term? In the first two years he had the House, the Senate, and the Presidency. Didn't even try to build the wall, then bemoaned how the democrats blocked it in years three and four.
      It's literally all just a grift. Democrats, republicans, they're not on our side. They're against America.

  3. Oh look, another jackass saying what Trump >needs< to do.

  4. The lefty socialist pogrom is not done. It's only stymied in this one way. For it to be done, it must be destroyed utterly. Not one charred ember left unpulverized.

    A national muster of fire teams is what I have in mind. No bag limits neither.

  5. Since Commiela only won states with no voter I.D., the obvious thing to do first is election reform with mandatory voter I.D. in every single state.

    1. I second that.
      I have a few other ideas that could help but I think they don't have a snowball's chance.
      For example, having governor Cruella DeVille, I mean Hochul, get thrown in gen pop for a bit because she keeps blatantly violating the 2nd amendment as soon as her last shenanigans are struck down as unconstitutional.

  6. Not necessarily in order:
    Meaningful election reform, with nationwide same-day voting, ID, paper ballots, no ranked-choice voting
    Free the people jailed for Jan 6, and jail as many of the people that put them there and abused them while in custody as is possible
    Build that wall and begin deportations, but also prosecute employers of illegals, which will be the most effective way to stem the tide
    Re-start directional drilling, kill all subsidies and mandates for green nonsense
    Fire everyone above field agent, and some of the field agents too, in the FBI and CIA; purge the upper ranks of every military branch
    Eliminate 90% of all government agencies, including ATF and IRS, replace the tax code with something that can be written on one page

    I could go on and on, but that would be a good start

  7. The author states that Harris will never be held accountable for the border disaster. Why not? The Constitution was violated by allowing an invasion. If you want to apply the law then the punishment will follow.

  8. Not bad Pastafarian, not bad. But we also need to make sure that the illegal coddling states then do not issue IDs to illegals to get around the requirement (just as Commiela was going to solve the illegal immigrant crisis by making them all legal...see? Problem "solved" there are no illegal immigrants in the US now). The IDs should be state issued but federally recognized; maybe.

  9. Sorry, meant to sign that...Cheers, Thor.

  10. After Trump rebuilds our military, they can be sent out to stop these senseless acts by weakened dictators.

    NO, just no.

  11. 08:58 and Charlie,
    The kamster and President Trump are co-joined twins.
    "If voting accomplished anything, it would be illegal" is attributed to Mark Twain over a century ago.
    Mister Twain probably read it in something Roman or Greek from a couple dozen centuries prior.
    On an associated note, uncountably huge numbers of child sex-slaves are the biggest tourist attraction in Columbia.
    The zionists are their biggest pimps and their biggest customers.
    As soon as 'Israel' soldiers are released from mandatory military duty, they board charter airliners for sex tours, straight to Columbia.
    The numbers are staggering.
    According to well-documented reports, upwards of 140,000 children are held as sex-slaves in brothels.
    After disease and beatings and forced addiction reduce their value, they are moved to bars and streets in Red Light districts... La Zona Roja.
    Working 24/7, these children are forced to service as many as sixty perverts during a twenty-four hour shift.
    Zero breaks, zero days off.
    President Trump will accomplish zero.
    I would love to be proven wrong, but the evidence is clear.
    President Trump is owned by zionists.
    Son-in-law kushner says "Jump!", President Trump says "How high?".


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