
Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Commentary: This Election May Be the End of the Working-Class Alliance with Democrats

The recent presidential election served as one of the strongest rejections of the globalist political regime advanced by the ruling elites in recent history. President Donald Trump’s sweeping victory against regime pick Kamala Harris was achieved through a coalition of working-class Americans that transcended race and gender and began to melt the rural-urban divide.

Trump’s victory united Americans around a populist, America First economic message, and created a unified working-class. From cities to small towns, Americans have vehemently rejected the draconian globalist agenda of endless war, open borders, and cheap foreign labor.


  1. Dems: "We'll always have the Parasites..."

    1. And if the parasites begin to migrate we'll just increase the number of illegals and the dead.

  2. There's a cartoon I saw post-election with Uncle Sam a doctor and the 2024 electoral map of the United States. The caption reads: Uncle Sam: "Am I cured?" to which the doctor replies "No, you are in remission." I believe this needs to be kept in mind over the next 4 years

    1. You are the first commenter to understand U. S. politics

  3. How in the world do people make a fortune because of our competitive, free market economy, then support the communists?

    1. They come from families that have had upper middle class incomes for a few generations. Generally speaking they hold jobs where there is no clear connection between success and effort - government; teaching; administrators of programs. For them, money is an abstract concept as they always have sufficient for their needs, if not desires. Further they have faith in "smarter people" and titles. Thus a "scientist" can speak authoritatively on Climate Change, even if his degree is for studying chickens.
      Fortunately for them, they have enough belief in their own superiority over the average man to feel they are are better able to run his lifecthan he is.

  4. Democracy is not concerned with those located at the bottom unless they stop paying taxes or have a squirrel as a pet. ...

  5. In the UK the Labour Party was always the more socialist party that claimed to represent the working class. It has slowly dawned on those that work in the productive sector of the economy that Labour is not, and never was, on their side. Labour represents those that work in the public sector, a significant proportion of which are employed in manufactured non-jobs that no one would care if they didn't actually do.

    1. manufactured non-jobs I consider as glorified welfare.


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