
Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Commentary: Time to Dump Europe

Events over the past months have exposed a very stark divide between the globalist, collectivist, “woke” authorities of Europe and the Make America Great Again (MAGA) patriot movement here in the United States. To be frank, it is almost as if the snide, effete elitists who control the nations of the European continent want to rub our noses in their horror show.


  1. I agree - especially with England. We have seen some of the populace stand up to the rest of the European dictator wannabees so perhaps Trump admin could get those people riled up after seeing his success this round.

  2. I like the concept, however, on this side of the Atlantic we have all the three letter agencies making life horrific for business here to force that business to more favorable countries. The balance needed would be to excise government here and allow business to grow. People will take care of themselves if allowed to do so.

  3. The biden handlers and obama's 8 years of disaster have trashed europe as well as the US. The damage obama/merkel did to germany is maybe unrepairable. Hopefully Trump will remove the US machine propping up the globalists in europe as well as the US. But that is asking a lot.

  4. Let them take a few German ass whipping.

  5. All those little countries let in way to many ragheads. So did we but we are a lot larger. Hopefully we will get rid of some of those sons a bitches too.

    1. My daughter studied french & went there on an exchange program. She made it clear she would never return as the people are nasty miserables. Her one friend was another exchange student from Turkey.That was back in 2000. Nuff said

  6. The creating of the European Union has led to uber-Progressive assholes attaining unrestrained power. As we know 95% of people are sheep who will live in their benign bread & circus lives maybe whimpering, but not violently because the "pain" never reaches a high enough level. In addition, the "leaders" know that and they have a gestapo of power-hungry drones to bitch slap folks who are a threat and send a message to the other sheep they'll be next to visit the grinder. This is another example that those in power are the "higher power" that gives you "rights" not some biblical source.

  7. We're armed-they aren't.
    They're fucked.

  8. Have you seen the European fertility rates? In 100 years or less, the culture that we know as "European" (French, German, English, Italian) will no longer exist. Doesn't matter what bit of idiocy the government does to speed that along; European culture's days are numbered.

  9. My dad was a soldier in WW2 serving 4 years in the European Theater... He told me well over 50 years ago we did our part of saving Europe and we should have never gotten involved in rebuilding countries nor providing support or security... That Europeans as a whole are an entitled selfish bunch and the less we have to do with them the better we will be... The truth then is still the truth now.

    1. The US didn’t save Europe. Current Europe is a direct result of the Soviet Union winning the war, with a little help from the US and Britain.

    2. Go spread your bullshit somewhere else

    3. Simple mathematics applied to casualties comparing fronts shows the truth of the matter.

      Stefan v.

  10. there is nothing the USA needs from europe that we can either make ourselves or get from somewhere else. nothing.

  11. A friend of my mother has a son. He was a Colonel in the U.S. Army when he resigned his commission. He moved to Belgium to accept a position at the Hague.

    To say he absolutely hates America is a woeful understatement. He refuses to travel to America. He told his mother that for her to see him or her grandchildren she must come to Belgium.

    I say this to illustrate how despised is the U.S. in official channels and that there are many more like him. Indeed, he has said that working at the Hague, which involves acting against U.S. policy, is the best job he has ever had.

    1. Well there are plenty of Americans that feel the same way about everything in Europe so...

    2. Being a full-bird, one would have expected him to have studied some fucking history in order to understand Decatur's, "America, right or wrong."
      Even as a Canadian, I learned that in history class. And citizens in the US should know and understand everything that comment means.
      That Colonel's comments are traitorous.

  12. Get the CIA out of our countries, and the State Department, and your troops. Maybe then we stand a chance at better governments. Arrest the Rotschilds, Rockefellers, all the top 300 families and their top lackeys, Schwab, Gates, Soros et al. Hemp neckties, publicly. Or, buckle up and enjoy the show they'll put on.

    1. Arrest, them. Then throw them all into a wood chipper. I will even pay for the gas to run it.
      And while we are feeding them in, I will apologize in advance for my giddy laughter and disturbing erection.

  13. The EU is thoroughly blessed with stupid. Why they elected them to office is well beyond any common sense.

  14. I think the Eu's attitude towards the US is rooted in the humiliation they suffered twice last century at having to be bailed out by "the colonies". They've always had a snooty attitude towards us. it's just been exacerbated by having to get our help in defeating Germany.

    I'm failing to understand why we STILL have bases in most every country in Europe 80 years after the end of the last WW. They should be defending themselves, either individually or in concert with each other under a mutual defense pact and leave us out of it. Well, I know why. As Eisenhower said beware the MIC.


  15. because marrying your first cousin is no problem at all. I mean, just look at the bloodline of the Royal Family.

  16. Gee is that Marshall Plan still going on ? Asking for a friend. - Trump is right - We (the USA) are suckers.


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