
Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Grandfather Of Teen Killed During Burglary Says AR-15 Made Fight ‘Unfair’

Leroy Schumacher, the grandfather of a slain Oklahoma burglar, decided to speak out after his 17-year-old grandson’s death. Jacob Redfearn, who had previously been in foster care, was one of three Oklahoma teens killed when they broke into a house and came face to face with the homeowner’s son, who was armed with an AR-15. And, Leroy had a pretty strong opinion about what went down that day.
and HERE


  1. "...he said that the AR-15 gave the homeowner’s son an “unfair” advantage over the three burglars..."
    That's the fucking idea Gramps.

    1. Who won World War Two?
      Who came second?

  2. Fair is where old men judge livestock. The perpetrators weren't interested in being fair, that's why the took the machete and had brass knuckles.

  3. It's tragic, but reality shows four criminals are off the street; some forever.

  4. So three dirtbags break into a house armed with brass knuckles and knives and three die. Hope the bitch Elizabeth gets to ride the lightning for her part in the attack.

    Oh, friggin boohoo.

  5. Gramps is a liberal shit-stick, and the kids should have kept their noses clean. FAFO

  6. My home state, they got what they had coming to them, truly FAFO, kid who shot the punks should sue this asshole for inciting it

  7. Captain Obvious here:
    For untold numbers of years, people who broke into houses where they should not have been have been shot, this isn't a new phenomenon. Sometimes they're merely wounded, sometimes they're killed. You roll the dice, spin the wheel, you take your chances, you have put your existence at risk.
    If the homeowners son had confronted the three teens unarmed, against brass knuckles, a knife and the stolen machete, what are the odds that the robbers would have stabbed, beaten or chopped him ?
    The kids should have been raised better.
    I'm gonna say what everybody else is gonna say:
    "Play Stupid Games,' you know the rest.
    Fuck Grampa.

    1. I'm not willing to bet my life, or the lives of anyone under my roof on the goodwill of somebody breaking into my home.

  8. No such thing as fair when you break into someones home.

  9. When my kids would complain about something being unfair I would say "Congratulations on your ability to detect and identify unfairness".

  10. FAFO
    It is apparent that stupidity runs deep in that family.

  11. Let's hear from the Oklahoma teenager with the AR.

  12. Stupid appears to run in the family.

  13. Boo hoo. I was always taught there is no such thing as a fair fight.

  14. "Unfair". That's so twisted it's hilarious. Such bullshit. What's "fair" about three punks breaking into your home? If I had to defend myself against multiple threats in my own home, I'd take ANY advantage I could get "fair" or not.


  15. Your daughter and son-in-law were far enough out of the picture your grandson was in foster care. He, another adult and a minor were shacked up with a 21 year old woman with 3 kids.
    The three boys broke into a house masked and armed to get rent for her.

    What does all that say about you, Old Man? That you were a shitty parent and a shittier grand parent???

  16. Diddonuffins, let's take a closer look

    After deciding to break into the main house, the young men, wearing all black, donning masks, and armed with brass knuckles and a knife, went inside while Rodriguez waited with a teenage girl in the getaway car
    Gee, maybe the homeowner over reacted.
    No time for negotiations, good bye punks!

  17. ". . the young men, wearing all black, donning masks, and armed with brass knuckles and a knife, went inside"

    Yeah, grandpa Leroy. Supposed to always let them have the first hit. Fair is fair. Especially, when you're out-numbered 3 to 1, and they wake you from a nap.

  18. Fucking liberal fruity assed excuse for not raising your children right! They prolly died quick, something that won't happen to the cheesedick that attempts to burgle my place!

    Chutes Magoo

  19. Any time you find yourself in a fair fight, you did something wrong.

  20. Glad I don't have to worry about the bastards breaking into my home. They ought to give the kid a medal.

  21. Grandpa, I wish I could offer you more compassion, but I can't. If you don't want to get shot, don't break into people's homes. Hell, I know of places in Oklahoma that if you don't call ahead and let them know you are coming, you just may not make it back out.  

  22. grampy is just another stupid anoetic gullible willfully ignorant phuc.

  23. From one grandpa to another, you're wrong so shut the fuck up... If you had spent more time raising him than making excuses for him you would still have him..
    Sorry for your loss

  24. POS grandpa should move to New York City where the DA would surely have prosecuted the shooter for his “unfair” advantage.

    And tell us again gramps, what were the knife, brass knuckles and the machete for?

  25. If you're in a fair fight, you've made a mistake.

  26. Thank heaven the young man in the house was armed and able to defend himself and his family's property. Well done.

    The adoptive grampa is clearly unable to be objective where his grandson is concerned and should have avoided the media. When your kid or grandkid gets caught doing something horrible, just keep your mouth closed and your head down. Don't try to blame the innocent victim for the resulting karma.

    Hopefully, the person responsible for the death of these three young men, aka dat evil beyotch, will be punished properly.

  27. There's a wonderful acronym for this: FAFO.

  28. Outcome seemed fair to me

  29. This grandpa is cut from the same cloth as Jordan Neely's dad. 😡

  30. This is an old story that happened over 7 years ago. The location of the burglary is just a few miles from my house.

    1. Sure? And what happened to the Woman afterwards?


  31. To me the supidest concept ever uttered is that the response to violence should be proportional. Fuck that. I'm going medievel on their ass.

  32. I've discovered a neat trick of grandparenting, where you get to drill in important life lessons practically from birth by the simple power of repetition until they get it. Looks like gramps didn't get the memo.

  33. Eliminating such criminals from the gene pool is a duty of every sane law honoring citizen.
    No one and that means absolutely no one particularly anyone who works within government has any right or privilege or justification for stealing taking thieving ones property. Period.
    How there can be any argument or rational or excuse or justification is mind boggling. To invade some persons domain is an even worse crime.
    Someone who believes they have that right or power or whatever does not deserve nor should they be apart of our civilization. And I do not mean that in the way many suppose who excuse such criminals, I mean that in order to have a civil safe prosperous free open civilization it is the greatest imperative where it must return to us, we the people, we the citizenry, the responsibility for dealing directly and amongst ourselves, with these trespasses upon our peace and crimes against our persons and our property, it is time we take care of tgese things ourselves and no others other than the assistance of duly appointed justices if the peace, and elected officers of the law, that this is not the case is why we all are in this mess, long way way past voting our way out of any piece or part of it, it is time to take back this honorable duty, to cast out as wolves those who violate us and our peace and happiness. It is the only way we will enjoy the fruits of our liberty and prosperity, and no other way about it exists. We will never live safe happy prosperous lives. And this applies in spades to all undocumented alien invaders and their offspring. They are criminals is the very first thing. Their mere presence within our sovereign borders is no diference than a fellow citizen who trespasses against any if us.
    It is certainly a tall order, at first, but highly rapidly people will get into the swing of it and deal promptly without hesitation. It is when just two of us act together in this way that an entire paradigm begins, because it all begins with each if us then it is a whole lot of us then we become a great worthy responsible plurality. A most wonderful amazing sovereign human thing. It is really about one's Consent, how one refuses to Consent, to give their, Consent for this, any of this criminal acts against us and ours. And very rapidly far quicker than can be imagined the problems become small isolated far simpler to take care of. Then surprise surprise, there is no need of local police, maybe something like true elected precinct captains who function more as arbitrators and facilitators for things which on the local local local level need some form of higher jurisdiction, but its a scale thing, begins with self-faminly-kith/kin-direct nieghborhood-village-town-principality-city-county-state. Absolutely in no uncertain terms a centralized government. No how no way. That is ling past total fail. It is an experiment simply awful beyond words, a utter complete failure. In every way when you get down to the crux of it. It has failed us totally we the citizenry, exacerbated the worst things about humanity, brought out the worst in corruption from money to soul.
    It is simply time to flip over the table and say fuck this this ain't happening.
    To say BFYTW!

  34. The "victim's" families did not care enough for years to instill a basic "don't break into other people's houses and don't steal stuff." Why should anyone care about someone who is essentially a young adult (old enough in many countries to fight in a war) when the parents clearly didn't - until everything went awry? If there is any justice, the parents should be thrown in jail for failure to provide the necessities of life.

  35. Fuck all 3 of those useless pieces of shit and fuck Leroy Schumacher. With his fucked attitude I wonder how much influence he had on his grandson. You break into some ones house armed with brass knuckles and a knife and expect a moderate response? If my grandson got shot robbing someone I'd keep my mouth shut.

  36. Good riddance vermin and fuck you grandpa. Raise your family better. Enzo

  37. I wonder if it was old Leroy versus three young men with brass knuckles and a knife what he would grab , a rifle or a fresh batch of cookies to hand out? It's Unfair to defend yourself with a firearm when 3 masked intruders break into your house ? Too bad Leroy did not offer up his suggestions on how it ought to have been handled , That would have been special no doubt . I feel bad for the young man who was forced into making a split second decision that ended the lives of the dirtballs .

  38. Excellent story for that humor section at the front of the NRA American Rifleman

  39. The entire purpose of the AR15 is to make the fight unfair!

  40. In 2018 here is what happened. Another part of the story says she got 35 years.
    Records show that Rodriguez was originally charged with first-degree felony murder for the deaths of the teens and pleaded not guilty to those charges.

    She has now pleaded guilty to reduced charges of second-degree murder.

    Rodriguez was sentenced to 45 years in prison on each count. Those sentences will run concurrently.

    In addition to the murder charges, she pleaded guilty to two counts of burglary.

    1. On a brighter note, her kids got rescued from her.

  41. Fights are not meant to be fair, especially fights against 3 armed home invaders. They are meant to be won by the victim.

  42. Poor kid is probably going to be sued in civil court.


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