
Wednesday, December 18, 2024

New fees for Kentucky electric vehicle owners begin Jan. 1

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) - The beginning of the new year means some new laws go into effect for Kentuckians. Starting January 1st, ownership fees for electric vehicles will increase by 5%.


  1. As well they should. Most EV's are lead sleds. HyBrids are not a lot lighter either.

    1. Extending Paul's comment, EVs are far harder on the road than their ICE counterparts. They should pay a higher road tax.

    2. My hybrid weighs less than my 2017 Mustang GT. Eod1sg Ret

  2. Looks like a pretty fair number. Take typical miles and mileage, you're gonna burn 4-600 gallons of gas a year. Ky gets $ 0.301 a gallon, so it looks like they've used the lower usage number (400 gallons a year, which is 8 gallons a week) to calculate taxes. The EVs are almost certainly still getting a break vs "average" use, which is more like 6-700 gallons/year (In 2015, that gross average was 656 gallons per vehicle, all types).

  3. The state R-Amps up the Charge and the owners cry Ohm-y and threaten to Re-Volt

  4. Yep, I pay an additional $50 a year for my hybrid Escape in WV. It’s a hundred a year for a total electric. I’m okay with it. Had 1ton diesels for 22 years because I needed them. I liked them, too, for their abilities. Just don’t need them anymore and now that I’m retired, I probably couldn’t afford the fuel anyway. Eod1sg Ret


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