
Tuesday, December 03, 2024

They gave him a second chance???

A surgeon who allegedly performed multiple wrong-site surgeries, including one that resulted in a patient’s death after the wrong organ was removed, has surrendered his medical license — for the second time.


  1. What do they call the person that graduates at the bottom of the class in medical school? They call that person, Doctor. Shop around folks. I check out every physician long before I go to them. By the way in Socialized Health Care you don't get to shop. You are given a physician.

  2. Link for Kenny love you bro, sorry about your mother, I could not post upon that subject, surprised the one woman did it with ....restraint. it was nice you posted her comment, CRAZY SNOWBIRD ARMED FOR ARMAGEDEON GOES NUTS ON SHOOTING SPREE

  3. Online comments about doctors are rigged, I tried to leave a bad review and was stymied across the board. Local word of mouth is preferable, better yet go the richest most upscale area you can find to find a doctor. That is the main idea. Stay away from the small town hospital!

  4. Probably a drinker

  5. This is where I live. First heard about it on the local news interviewing the family’s lawyer because the local hospital still had the killer doctor on staff and was letting the world know before he killed somebody else.

  6. Where do you think the VA gets its Doc's from?

    With maybe the exception of the doc's who came here from India for Med School, I'd be willing to bet that a goodly % of the pri care doc's and 90% of the VA's specialists doc's are serving time for either killing someone outright or severely effing them up. The rest are just the bottom of the barrel from med school.

    The other reason that they're there is because rather than be tried for not repaying their student loans from years ago, They plea bargained to a stint at the VA.

    The VA, helping veterans die for their country every.

    1. used to work at the VA. now granted there are more than a few (doc's) that should not be anywhere near a patient. there are also some outstanding ones.
      the bad part is the damn VA drives them away with bullshit. seen that way too many times in the past. also, be careful if there is a "teaching hospital" near by.
      you will end up with some clown working on you who has NEVER DONE IT BEFORE. best bet is to check around with patients about a certain doc before going under the knife. and even then, they might slip in some rookie to work on you. dave in pa.

  7. The rule of thumb for the cancer surgery I had, among those with problematic cases, was to find a doctor who had preformed the surgery 1000 times before. That's quite the benchmark. You can't fault the reasoning, however.

  8. Theo only "profession" worse than cops at policing their own are doctors. They simply refuse to hold each other accountable. It only happens after the most blatant, egregious errors resulting in death and million dollar insurance pay outs.


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