
Tuesday, January 14, 2025




  1. Never had a tarantula attack me, camping in the Anza-Borrega desert. Lived in Australia for three years and was attacked by many smaller spiders, who would actually give me the skunk-eye, and try everything to get me bitten. Squished them all..tatantulas are really meek in compairson.

  2. Oh hell no he would definitely be stomped

  3. Nope, nada, no way, spiders are not to handled, same for snakes and other reptiles.

  4. As pets I prefer scorpions, including some of the more lethal types. I saw 9 years buying Deathstalker scorpions at a Maryland herp show some years back.

    Sadly, I lost my collection of venomous critters in a tragic boating accident some years back...

    1. At least you didn't lose them in a motel room like all those people and their pet bedbugs...

    2. Have to be careful stepping from the dock to the boat. I hear a lot of guns are lost that way.

  5. That's a plate of wings just missing hot sauce

  6. What a bunch of pussies…i swear.

  7. I think that's a Goliath tarantula, biggest there is.
    Their nastiest problem is that when they feel threatened they brush off hairs, and they're supposed to irritate and itch something awful.

  8. That’s a BIG spider! I was working in Las Vegas one summer when a male tarantula walked by to see what we were doing. I picked him up and put him on my shoulder, he stayed there for over an hour. I put him down gently and he went on his way.

  9. Probably just a big pussy compared to a Brazilian wandering member of the Arachnid club.

  10. I would view and enjoy this critter.....,from a distance.

    I found in home(how did that happen in north east?!)would trap with bowl and piece of cardboard and then figure out where he /she should be.

    I certainly would not stomp this little critter.

  11. College friend grew up in Caracas Venezuela, said the cockroaches were so big you could hear them breath. Said for maximum effect you wait til they inhale, then stomp them.


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