
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Can't say that I hate to see you go.....

Big Sis on your morning commute

Mandatory ‘Big Brother’ Black Boxes In All New Cars From 2015

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
A bill already passed by the Senate and set to be rubber stamped by the House would make it mandatory for all new cars in the United States to be fitted with black box data recorders from 2015 onwards.
Section 31406 of Senate Bill 1813 (known as MAP-21), calls for “Mandatory Event Data Recorders” to be installed in all new automobiles and legislates for civil penalties to be imposed against individuals for failing to do so.
“Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall revise part 563 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, to require, beginning with model year 2015, that new passenger motor vehicles sold in the United States be equipped with an event data recorder that meets the requirements under that part,” states the bill.
Although the text of legislation states that such data would remain the property of the owner of the vehicle, the government would have the power to access it in a number of circumstances, including by court order, if the owner consents to make it available, and pursuant to an investigation or inspection conducted by the Secretary of Transportation.
Given the innumerable examples of both government and industry illegally using supposedly privacy-protected information to spy on individuals, this represents the slippery slope to total Big Brother surveillance of every American’s transport habits and location data.

Thanks to Swamprat for the link.

82 and not a grey hair on his head.

Dick Clark died earlier today. The famed TV producer was 82.
Paul Shefrin, a rep for the entertainment legend, told ABC News his client suffered a "massive heart attack." According to TMZ, Clark was at St. John’s hospital in Los Angeles for an outpatient procedure when the heart attack occurred. Attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful.


I can't think of anybody that didn't listen to Dick Clark on the radio - the Top 10 countdown and watch American Bandstand on TV.
Fuck, even I did before I discovered weed and The Grateful Dead.

Ted, Ted, Ted.....

Ted Nugent will meet with the Secret Service on Thursday as a result of incendiary comments he made about the president, the rocker told conservative radio host Glenn Beck.
“We actually have heard from the Secret Service and they have a duty. I support them. I salute them. And I look forward to our meeting tomorrow,” Nugent said on Wednesday, according to the Beck-founded website The Blaze. “I‘m sure we’ll have a great conversation … bottom line is, I’ve never threatened anybody’s life in my life. I’ve never threatened. I don’t waste breath threatening.”
Nugent emphasized that he has a great deal of respect for the Secret Service, and never actually advocated physical violence.
“Every reference I made, whether it’s a shot across the bow or targeting the enemy, it always ended the sentence with ‘in November at the voter booth,’” he said on the show. “I’m not trying to diminish the seriousness of this, because if the Secret Service are doing it they are serious. They are dedicated and I will be as polite and supportive as I possibly can be, which will be thoroughly.”
The Secret Service confirmed on Tuesday that it would look into the musician’s remarks.


WHAT IN THE FUCK happened to the Uncle Ted we all knew and loved?
First you endorse Obamney and now this. Can you suck that SS ass any harder, man? Tell 'em if they can't recognize a figure of speech, then they're bigger fucking idiots than you thought.
Jesus..... I am truly disappointed in you, man. You're mellowing WAY too much in your old age. You seriously need to go out and kill something.

Sorry man, we have our "theory" in writing.

Remarks by the President at Lorain County Community College, Elyria, OH —

“There’s always going to be arguments in Washington. But this one is different, because we’re talking about the central challenge of our time. Right now, we have two competing visions of our future, and the choice could not be clearer. And let me say, those folks on the other side, I am sure they are patriots, I’m sure they’re sincere in terms of what they say. But their theory, I believe, is wrong.”

Stupid motherfucker

Public outrage builds over Austin police officer who fatally shot dog

AUSTIN, Texas – The fatal shooting of a pet dog by an Austin Police Department officer over the weekend is sparking outrage near and far.
As of Monday evening, close to 22,000 people had hit the "Like" button on a Facebook page called “Justice for Cisco,” the name of Austinite Michael Paxton's dog, which was killed by an officer.
On Saturday afternoon, a passerby called 911 around 4:30 to report a domestic disturbance. 
What the responding officer, APD Officer Thomas Griffin, didn’t know when he arrived minutes later, is that the 911 caller mistakenly gave the wrong address.
Upon arrival, the first person Officer Griffin encountered was Michael Paxton and his blue heeler, named Cisco.
Austin police confirmed Monday that Officer Griffin got out of his patrol car with his weapon drawn.
In audio captured on Officer Griffin’s dashboard camera, you can hear the officer give Paxton commands to put his hands up and to control his dog. Austin police removed a few seconds of the tape where Griffin fatally shoots the dog.
“Why didn't you get your dog when I told you to get your dog?" questioned Officer Griffin.
"I didn't know! You just came around the corner and told me to put my hands up. What am I supposed to do?” replied Paxton.
"But you knew your dog was back there, correct?" said Grffin.
“I didn't know anybody was here. I was just walking to my truck,” said Paxton.
Griffin told superiors at APD that the blue heeler was running toward him in an aggressive manner.
Paxton says Cisco would never attack anyone but admits that the dog was running toward Officer Griffin.
“He did challenge him. He came out of the yard barking, running towards him, as he probably would for anybody,” said Paxton.
Sgt. David Daniels says APD does not have a policy regarding aggressive animals.
“We're sorry that the dog owner lost his dog over the incident," said Sgt. Daniels. "It's an unfortunate situation, but the officer was basically in retreat, and he fired his weapon in self-defense.”
Officer Griffin remains on full-duty pending an internal review of the incident, which is customary whenever an officer fires a weapon.
Thanks to Irish for the link


And here's a letter from the Chief of Police in Austin.

Chief Acevedo's response to the death of Cisco
We are receiving thousands of e-mails and telephone calls on this matter. Many of the written and telephonic contacts with members of our department have been vile, and included serious threats, including threats to shoot our officer(s). I personally crafted the following response and I apologize in advance if you are offended by this fact. I am one person, with a department to run, a city to protect, and a family to love. I assure you that we will have some positive outcomes out of this incident, but we have to conduct our review in accordance with the law and our own policies, regardless of public sentiment. After meeting with and personally speaking with Officer Griffin (who is part of a household that includes family dogs, like most of our police department families), I know he feels badly for Mr. Paxton and Cisco. Officer Griffin has requested to personally meet with Mr. Paxton to extend his condolences. I have extended this offer to Mr. Paxton and he has indicated he will contact me when he is ready to meet with Officer Griffin.

The hyper-vigilance issue I refer to below is something that we will have to consider and monitor closely throughout our department and it has to be part of our review. As to the mob mentality I reference below, sorry, but when people are calling us and directing profanity laced insults and threats toward our employee(s) in writing and on telephone calls, I can’t think of how else to describe it. While I expect to be subjected to public scrutiny, I don’t expect people in this department to be subjected to the treatment they are receiving. Finally, please share this e-mail with whomever you would like, I stand by every word.


Hey, people are fucking pissed. Folks are getting sick and fucking tired of our police running rampant over the citizens.

Stylin' and Profilin'

Brad's day started out good.....

Oh yeah. She's hot.

Sleep on the couch last night, dear?

Whap splat

If she slips, they'll never get her unstuck from the floor.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

And the Sheeple went "Baa, baa, baa....."

Help me, I'm lost and can't find my way

Saw this link over at III Percent Patriots just now.

Big Sis Launches Undercover TSA Spies To Ride Houston Buses

A new program in Houston will place undercover TSA agents and police officers on buses whose job it will be to perform bag searches, watch for “suspicious activity” and interrogate passengers in order to ‘curb crime and terrorism’.

Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee unveiled the program, labeled Bus Safe, during a press conference on Friday. According to a Metropolitan Transit Authority of Houston (METRO) press release, agencies involved in the scheme will, “ride buses, perform random bag checks, and conduct K-9 sweeps, as well as place uniformed and plainclothes officers at Transit Centers and rail platforms to detect, prevent and address latent criminal activity or behavior.”
“While local law enforcement agencies focus on overall safety measures noted above, representatives with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will also be on hand, lending their counter-terrorism expertise and support during the exercise,” states the press release.
“If you think you’re going to be a bad actor on buses, get ready. You are going to have a short-lived time frame,” Jackson Lee said during the press conference. The Congresswoman is a staunch advocate of the TSA, having recently chastised the passage of a new law that allows airports to evict TSA agents and replace them with private screeners by claiming it would lead to a new 9/11-style attack.
According to KPRC 2 News, METRO refused to disclose on what dates or bus routes the program would be operational. As well as TSA agents, police officers from the Harris County Constable’s Office Precinct 7 will be involved.
According to Phillip Levine of the Houston Free Thinkers blog, shortly after Lee gave her press conference the operation went straight into effect, with DHS and Metro Police officers questioning passengers who were exiting buses about their destinations and their reasons for riding the bus.
“When I arrived at Wheeler I got off the stage and instantly noticed the massive police presence. The police presence consisted of DHS, metro police, HPD, TSA, and Harris county police officers. They were going on to buses searching and stopping people for questions. Apparently Sheila Jackson Lee was there pushing for more security like what I was viewing. I asked the TSA agent if there was gonna be a bigger presence of metro or TSA. He said both,” Levine said in an email.

This is a wake-up call for Americans who had hoped to avoid being harassed by TSA agents by not using airports.
TSA agents are now being used to literally occupy America with an expansion of the 9,000 plus checkpoints that were already operational last year. 12 more TSA VIPR teams (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response) will be added to the 25 who are already present at transportation hubs throughout the country.
Back in October we reported on how Tennessee’s Homeland Security Commissioner announced that a raft of new “security checkpoints” would be in place over the Halloween period to “keep roadways safe for trick-or-treaters”. Earlier that same month it was announced that Transportation Security Administration officials would be manning highway checkpoints in Tennessee targeting truck drivers.
TSA agents have been deployed to shake down Americans at everywhere from bus depots, to ferry terminals, to train stations, in one instance conducting pat downs of passengers, including children, who had already completed their journey when arriving in Savannah.
If the mass rollout of the TSA’s occupying army of minimum wage morons is not abated, Americans will have to get used to being interrogated, frisked and treated like criminals by TSA goons on a regular basis, meaning the United States’ transformation into a Soviet-style police state festooned with internal checkpoints will be complete.


- Irish

The Secret Service has their nose up Uncle Teds' ass now

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Secret Service is reportedly investigating faded '70s rock star Ted Nugent for his recent insistence he'll be "dead or in jail" in a year's time if President Barack Obama is re-elected in November.
At a convention of the National Rifle Association over the weekend, the longtime gun advocate compared Obama and the Democrats to a coyote who should be shot.
"It isn't the enemy that ruined America," he said as he reaffirmed his endorsement of Republican front-runner Mitt Romney.
"It's good people who bent over and let the enemy in. If the coyote's in your living room pissing on your couch, it's not the coyote's fault. It's your fault for not shooting him."
He accused the Obama administration of being "evil" and "America-hating."
"If Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year," he said angrily. "We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November."
He then told his audience of proud gun-owners that if they failed to "clean house in this vile, evil, America-hating administration, I don't even know what you're made out of."
The Secret Service says it's aware of the weekend remarks and is looking into them.
The Romney campaign, meantime, attempted to distance itself from Nugent on Tuesday, undoubtedly regretting the former Massachusetts governor's comments last month to a Missouri radio show: "It's been fun getting to know Ted Nugent."
"Divisive language is offensive no matter what side of the political aisle it comes from," Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in an email to reporters. "Mitt Romney believes everyone needs to be civil."


Let's see, the New Black Panthers offer a $10,000 reward in writing on a man's head and nobody does a fucking thing about it, but let Ted Nugent say something rhetorically about the Obamessiah and the Secret Service is investigating him.
Yeah, that sounds about right.

Some people are not in the mood to be fucked with

The Feral Irishman

Somebody forgot to drink his Kool-aid

In a homily delivered Saturday, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky of the Diocese of Peoria, Illinois challenged President Obama’s HHS mandate, suggesting that the president was following the same path as Hitler and Stalin.
“Hitler and Stalin, at their better moments, would just barely tolerate some churches remaining open, but would not tolerate any competition with the state in education, social services, and health care,” Jenky said. “In clear violation of our First Amendment rights, Barack Obama – with his radical, pro abortion and extreme secularist agenda, now seems intent on following a similar path.” Jenky added.

.....For 2,000 years the enemies of Christ have certainly tried their best. But think about it. The Church survived and even flourished during centuries of terrible persecution, during the days of the Roman Empire.
The Church survived barbarian invasions. The Church survived wave after wave of Jihads. The Church survived the age of revolution. The Church survived Nazism and Communism.
And in the power of the resurrection, the Church will survive the hatred of Hollywood, the malice of the media, and the mendacious wickedness of the abortion industry.
The Church will survive the entrenched corruption and sheer incompetence of our Illinois state government, and even the calculated disdain of the President of the United States, his appointed bureaucrats in HHS, and of the current majority of the federal Senate.

'Never let a dead guy go to waste'

In an appearance on the Spanish language station Univision’s “Al Punto” Sunday show, President Obama, with the help of host Enrique Acevedo, appealed to Latino voters by tying the Trayvon Martin case to the “anti-immigrant” sentiment Obama said Hispanics have recently faced.

In his final question to Obama, Acevedo asked, “Finally, Mr. President, why is it that half a century after the civil rights movement and after the American people elected their first African-American president do I have to stand today here in front of you and ask you about racial tensions in the U.S.? And of course, I’m referring to the Trayvon Martin case.”

It is worth noting that Acevedo--on a Spanish language network--made no mention of the fact that Zimmerman identified himself as a “Hispanic,” which would pierce the meme and narrative Acevedo wanted Obama to advance, which Obama obligingly did.

Obama could have noted that Zimmerman was as Hispanic as he is Black and could have said that since the facts of what happened on the night Martin died are still unknown, Americans shouldn't hastily use the Trayon Martin tragedy as a symbol of “racial tensions in the U.S.,” as Acevedo suggested.

Of course, Obama did not respond this way for politicizing the Martin tragedy works to his political advantage and drives home the misconceived notion that America is a nation of systemic inequalities that needs to be fundamentally transformed.

Here is how Obama responded.

“Well, I think we all understand that issues of race are deeply embedded in the history of this country,” Obama said. “Sometimes that history has been tragic, slavery, Jim Crow, but also more recent examples of anti-immigrant sentiment, and you know, I think what I always tell people is election alone is not going to completely transform attitudes because this has to do with hearts and not just minds. It has to do with attitudes, not just laws.”

Obama then noted that “things have changed profoundly” since he was born, but with “each successive generation there are going to be misunderstandings; there are going to be tensions; there’s going to be tragedy sometimes, and what’s important for us to do is to look at it honestly, look at it squarely, but then move forward.”

Unfortunately, Obama has not taken his own advice in discussing the Martin tragedy.
In politicizing Martin’s death yet again, Obama and his friends in the mainstream media are not looking at the case “honestly” and “squarely.” Instead, Obama and the mainstream media are the ones who are refusing to move forward when an incident they so desperately wanted to use a symbol of all of the injustices they see in America turns out to not be so.
Breitbart's Big Journalism

WHOA!!! Get the outriggers out on that!!!!!

Fuck the Two Party system

Americans will soon have their choice for the 2012 presidential race: Mitt Romney versus Barack Obama. But one group, Americans Elect, is determined to give voters a third choice for president. Americans Elect is out to shake up the voting process, taking nominations and votes for a third party candidate online, and promising to put a candidate on the ballot of every state come November.
The group is telling voters, "you've got somewhere else to go," said Elliot Ackerman, Americans Elect's chief operating officer. "We're going to put a small-i, independent, on the ballot in all 50 states, and every registered voter in this country - they don't have to be a Republican or a Democrat - they can participate."
The group's top declared candidate is Buddy Roemer, who at the time of writing had just under 3,200 supporters. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Tex, is listed as a draft candidate and has about double the number of supporters; Paul is currently seeking the Republican nomination for president. Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman and Bernie Sanders are also listed as draft candidates.
But does the group think any of their candidates -- declared, draft, or otherwise -- can actually win the general election? And how will Americans Elect support them through the 2012 race? Check out this week's Spinners and Winners to find out.

To Serve and Protect

Found this at III Percent Patriots

For Bogota, New York Officer Regina Tasca, it was trying to prevent other officers from beating the hell out of an emotionally disturbed man. Tasca hasn’t been fired yet. Her fate now rests in the hands of judge.
In Bogota, officers control whether or not their dashboard camera rolls. Fortunately, when Officer Tasca responded to a call in April 2011, she clicked her unit “on.” The black-and-white tape captures it all–a mother, Tara, screaming for police to stop punching her son on their front lawn. She had called to have her emotionally disturbed son Kyle taken to the hospital. Bogota police responded while waiting for the ambulance. Tasca was the sole officer on the road that day, so she called for back-up according to protocol. Ridgefield Park police then sent two officers. Tasca had just completed her state-mandated training for working with emotionally disturbed citizens.
Tasca described what we see on the videotape: “The Ridgefield Park officer automatically charges and takes him down to the ground. I was quite shocked. As he’s doing that, another Ridgefield Park officer flies to the scene in his car, jumps out and starts punching him in the head.”
On the tape you can hear Tara, the mother, and Kyle, her son, screaming, “Why are you punching him?” and “Stop punching me!”
Kyle, by the way, was never charged with a crime. Tasca got involved, and was eventually able to pry Kyle’s attackers off of him. And that was her undoing.
Read more about Texas Freds' heroes here.

Better Dead Than Red

Ted Nugent is hitting the pavement for GOP president hopeful Mitt Romney. The rocker called for attendees of the National Rifle Association’s convention to go out and recruit thousands of people to vote for Romney in the coming election. Nugent said, ”Our government is wiping its a– with the Constitution.” During an on-site interview, he also told the crowd, ”We’ve got four Supreme Court justices who don’t believe in the Constitution. Does everybody here know that four of the Supreme Court justices not only determined you don’t have the right to keep and bear arms, four Supreme Court justices signed their name to a declaration that Americans have no fundamental right to self-defense? That sounds like a stoned hippie. That doesn’t sound like a Supreme Court anything.” The musician went on to say: ”If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” A representative for Nugent didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.


I've always admired Uncle Ted both as a musician and an American, but there's no way in hell that I would endorse Obama Lite for dogcatcher, much less president of the United States.

But I did catch a funny comment on that page:

Did Nugent go too far with his rhetoric? Is it wrong to fire up voters in the way that he seemed to want to do?

What Ted said was nothing compared to some of the shit I've heard pop out of liberal mouths. But the guy that posted that comment posted a whole shitload of one-line comments spaced about a minute apart to load up the comments section - gotta make Uncle Ted look bad, you know?

Time to say bye-bye

(Reuters) - A year ago, in Action Comics, Superman declared plans to renounce his U.S. citizenship.
"'Truth, justice, and the American way' - it's not enough anymore," the comic book superhero said, after both the Iranian and American governments criticized him for joining a peaceful anti-government protest in Tehran.
Last year, almost 1,800 people followed Superman's lead, renouncing their U.S. citizenship or handing in their Green Cards. That's a record number since the Internal Revenue Service began publishing a list of those who renounced in 1998. It's also almost eight times more than the number of citizens who renounced in 2008, and more than the total for 2007, 2008 and 2009 combined.
But not everyone's motivations are as lofty as Superman's. Many say they parted ways with America for tax reasons.
The United States is one of the only countries to tax its citizens on income earned while they're living abroad. And just as Americans stateside must file tax returns each April - this year, the deadline is Tuesday - an estimated 6.3 million U.S. citizens living abroad brace for what they describe as an even tougher process of reporting their income and foreign accounts to the IRS. For them, the deadline is June.
Read more HERE


You think this is something, wait and see what happens when Obama gets serious about taxing the rich at an even higher rate.
The very wealthy are a notoriously international people. They don't give a fuck where they live and if they start getting robbed even more by the IRS, they'll pack their shit up, along with their businesses and leave for wherever.

Coming to a city near you

Military helicopters at play in Chicago

Witnesses described three to four very heavily armed men in each chopper. Several said some of the men appeared to be tethered and were at times literally hanging out of the choppers, and looked ready to jump.
Calling it routine training, city officials said in a statement such exercises are conducted by military personnel in various cities around the country. They say the exercises are designed to improve the military's ability to operate in urban environments.
Read the entire story HERE

DOJ assists racist protesting now?

Little-Known DOJ Cell Watches Trayvon Martin Protests

A largely unknown group of Justice Department officials has inserted itself into the local Florida protest movement surrounding the killing of Trayvon Martin, assisting the protestors and attending their meetings and rallies.
While the officials are tasked with preventing racial violence, it appears that in carrying out their duties, they have provided significant assistance to those protesting the killing of Martin, who black, by George Zimmerman, who is half white and half Hispanic.
The officials are members of the DOJ’s Community Relations Service, also known as “The Peacemakers,” a special unit established under the 1964 Civil Rights Act and empowered to act to mitigate local tensions between ethnic groups.
From the CRS website:
It is the only Federal entity dedicated to assisting state and local government units, private and public organizations, and community groups with preventing and resolving racial and ethnic tensions, incidents, and civil disorders. The CRS works to restore stability and accord.
Under President Obama, the group’s mission has expanded substantially. Officials are permitted to take on a more aggressive role, moving from a “reactionary” to a “preventative” stance, CRS Director Ondray Harris told the website Main Justice. And the categories that can bring in The Peacemakers now include gender, “gender identity,” sexual orientation, religion, and disability.
Martin’s killing set off vocal protests – led by Al Sharpton – demanding the arrest of Zimmerman. Faced with threats of escalating fury from the protestors, Florida officials arrested Zimmerman last week. Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have both suggested sympathy for the protestors or for Martin himself.
According to the Orlando Sentinel, The Peacemakers have ended up offering advice and assistance to the protestors.
When racial tensions flared in Sanford, a league of secretive peacemakers reached out to the city’s spiritual and civic leaders to help cool heated emotions after 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in February.
When civil-rights organizers wanted to demonstrate, these federal workers taught them how to peacefully manage crowds.
They even arranged a police escort for college students to ensure safe passage for their 40-mile march from Daytona Beach to Sanford to demand justice.
The Peacemakers are viewed by the protestors as a quietly protective, on-the-ground force, the Sentinel story makes clear.
“They were there for us,” said the Rev. Valarie Houston, pastor of Allen Chapel AME Church, a focal point for the community after the unarmed teen’s death. She met the peacekeepers there for the first time during a March 20 town-hall meeting. “We felt protected,” she said.
Houston said the conciliators told her they act as the “eyes and ears of the community” and provided guidance about keeping their message about nonviolence clear.
At every rally, community meeting and march, since the shooting, conciliators were there.
In their Navy blue windbreakers, polo shirts and dark sunglasses, they look like federal agents.
Their caps are embroidered with the Justice Department’s seal. They watch and listen silently. But they say little publicly.
When reporters try to chat them up, they remain stoic, saying simply they cannot talk to the media.
There is a secretive aspect to the group’s activities, although officials assert this is to facilitate participation in The Peacemakers mediation efforts. According to Main Justice, officials are barred from revealing the identity of parties participating in negotiations overseen by the CRS.


Looks to me like this DOJ is picking sides. Oh wait, that happened the day the Obamessiah took office.
Oh well, looks like Zimerman has gotten plenty of reasons for an appeal.

Monday, April 16, 2012

$30,000 a bowl for Bo's campaign dinner

(Washington Examiner) — Now even Bo, the nation’s first pup, is being used to raise money for his the reelection campaign of his owner, President Obama. Cute for sure, but not everybody’s wagging their tail over what is the first use of a presidential pet to raise campaign cash.
On the Obama-Biden campaign website, Bo is featured because it is the third anniversary of his adoption. “It’s a promise Barack made to his daughters–that if he won the election in November 2008, he would buy them their long-awaited puppy. On April 14, 2009, Barack followed through on his promise to Malia and Sasha–the Obamas welcomed Bo into their home,” says the campaign of the Portuguese water dog.
“Now, he’s got three years under his collar as the first dog. This April, wish Bo Obama a happy anniversary as a member of the first family,” adds the campaign website in a posting headlined, “Throw Bo A Bone On His Anniversary.” Of course, that “bone” would be a campaign contribution, starting at $10.


Hey, ya gotta use what works. I know CharlieGodammit has raked in more bone money than I have ammo money from donations here. He's also cuter than I am so it ain't no biggie.

Oh my, where will we walk Fifi?

Coyotes force closure of trails in Golden Gate Park to dogs

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — San Francisco officials are closing some trails to dogs in Golden Gate Park in response to aggressive behavior from coyotes.
The trails are near JFK Drive and the park's north and middle lakes by the buffalo enclosure. The trails will likely remain closed to dogs until August.
Park Department spokeswoman Sarah Ballard says walkers and joggers in the area will also be cautioned.
One resident told the San Francisco Chronicle ( her dogs were on a leash when they were threatened by a coyote. The animal was eventually scared off by a park department truck.
Animal control officials believe the coyotes have a den in the area and are defending their territory during pup season.

Big Monday Hooker Sale

Selected Hookers - Half Off!!!

- Irish

Livin' the White Trash dream

I've been pretty much useless with a toothache for the past week or so and finally got in to see the dentist today.
Hari the Hindu tells me that's it's abcessed and will probably have to be pulled and to take a shitload of antibiotics and come back next week.
"What? Next week? Fuck that, pull it." I've got a PatCon to go to this weekend, plus I don't want to go through another week sniveling like a little bitch again.
"But it's infected. It may not go completely numb....."
"Pull it."
"But... but... but..."
"Pull it."

Hari wasn't lying - it didn't go completely numb even after 4 big ol' syringes of a local, but it didn't hurt nearly as bad as the pain that's been keeping me awake at night.

That's 3 teeth I've lost in the past 5 years - between those and my wisdom teeth, I'm about a quarter of the way through them.
7 down, 25 to go.

Another "Aw fuck" moment in time

I may be on to something here

A little while back somebody (I can't remember who) came up with ways to boost traffic but the only one that really caught on was Rule 5 - post a beautiful babe, and then there were Rule 5 Fridays.
I never participated in Rule 5 Fridays because it seemed sexist as hell to me and I seem to have a lot of female readers.

That and the fact that I didn't need a special day to post cuties - I think I manage to bring you a pretty damned nice selection of near-nudes all through the week.
Rule 5 Fridays are okay, but let's face it: They fall on Friday. Your week is fucking done. Your vision is blurry, you've got a stagger to your gait and you've got two days to recover. It just can't get much better than that, so when you stop and think about it, a Rule 5 girl is kind of a waste.

What we really need is something for Mondays when you've got 5 motherfucking days in front of you, 5 days of pimple-popping bosses up your ass, 5 days until you can really tie one on. That's when you need a good looking babe to take your mind off your miserable life.
So I decided on a new catagory. How about.....


Feel free to pick up on the idea. Or not.


Weapon of Masked Destruction

I wonder what that fucking make-up is covering.....

He's everywhere

Any pissed off Christians out there wanting to cut my head off? No?

Death From Above

She looks good even when she's cleaning dogshit off her shoe

She's gotta be rich

- Woody

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Littlest Rebel

Clumsy cuties

Rubbing our noses in it, asshole?

( — Just two days after President Barack Obama gave a sharply edged response to news anchor Larry Conners of KMOV in St. Louis after Conners had asked the president about Americans who “get frustrated and even angered when they see the first family jetting around [to] different vacations and so forth,” Obama told a panel at the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia that part of his job there was to scout out locations for a future vacation with First Lady Michelle Obama.
Obama was speaking on a panel with Colombian President Juan Mauel Santos and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff when he made the remarks. The panel was moderated by Chris Matthews of MSNBC.
“I want to thank President Santos and the people of Colombia for the extraordinary hospitality in the beautiful city of Cartagena,” said Obama. “We’re having a wonderful time. And usually when I take these summit trips, part of my job is to scout out where I may want to bring Michelle back later for vacation. So we’ll make sure to come back sometime in the near future.”. . .


No, I don't know where this range is at.

Figures don't lie

Former Dem. Congressman Kennedy Alleges 'Quid Pro Quo' for Access to White House

Access to the Obama White House is in direct correlation to the amount of money donated to the president's reelection effort and the Democratic party, the New York Times reports today.
The Times reports: "those who donated the most to Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party since he started running for president were far more likely to visit the White House than others. Among donors who gave $30,000 or less, about 20 percent visited the White House, according to a New York Times analysis that matched names in the visitor logs with donor records. But among those who donated $100,000 or more, the figure rises to about 75 percent. Approximately two-thirds of the president’s top fund-raisers in the 2008 campaign visited the White House at least once, some of them numerous times."
But the most explosive allegation in the news story comes from former Democratic congressman Patrick Kennedy, son of the late Ted Kenney, who calls what the Obama White House is doing "quid pro quo."
Patrick J. Kennedy, the former representative from Rhode Island, who donated $35,800 to an Obama re-election fund last fall while seeking administration support for a nonprofit venture, said contributions were simply a part of “how this business works.”
“If you want to call it ‘quid pro quo,’ fine,” he said. “At the end of the day, I want to make sure I do my part.”
 Mr. Kennedy visited the White House several times to win support for One Mind for Research, his initiative to help develop new treatments for brain disorders. While his family name and connections are clearly influential, he said, he knows White House officials are busy. And as a former chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, he said he was keenly aware of the political realities they face.
And Kennedy admits that folks in the White House are checking out the donor records:
“I know that they look at the reports,” he said, referring to records of campaign donations. “They’re my friends anyway, but it won’t hurt when I ask them for a favor if they don’t see me as a slouch.”
Translated, "quid pro quo" means "this for that." As in, if you want this from the Obama White House, then give that (e.g., cash).

Grumpy, pissed and being a whiney li'l bitch

I've had a tooth bothering me for the past couple of week - it was a tooth last week, now it's two teeth, both on the same side, one on top and the other on the bottom. The one on top had a filling come out so it's a sharp pain and I have no idea what's up with the bottom one but my whole jaw aches. The kind of ache that when I made the appointment the receptionist asked if I wanted her to call with a reminder and I said no, the tooth will remind me thank you very much.
They could've gotten me in last week but that meant that I'd have to take a day off and besides, it's unmanly to admit you're in any kind of pain.
I should've swallowed my pride and went in because I ended up taking Friday off anyway and today I'm crying in a most unmanly way. I am being a little pussy. Fucking toothache was so bad it woke me up at 3 AM this morning for a mouthful of Orajel.

I hate dentists. When I was a kid, the only dentists we went to were Army dentists and they are not known for their skills. Oh, there are some excellent dentists in the Services I'm sure, but they're all taking care of Field Grade officers, not some snot nosed 10 year old kid ready to do combat with any damned body with a drill or needle in his hand.
So I'll have my work done as needed, but I really have to need it done. Today is going to be one of those days that I wish I still drank.

I went in for a root canl once and had a dental assistant ask me if I had been hit in the mouth there. I thought about it for a while and asked "How recently are we talking here?"
"Ever. Have you ever been hit in the mouth there? Recent studies have shown that a sudden impact on a tooth can cause nerve damage later in life."
Shit, those folks are gonna make a lot of money off me - I can't count the number of times I've been hit in the mouth.

My old dentist sold his practice a few months ago, so this is my first trip to the new guy and probably my last one too. I recently moved and there's no sense driving to another town to get my work done. We'll see how it goes.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Talented, mmm hmm

Hey, Texas Fred!


Okay, this is just fucking weird.

Secret Service sex "scandal"

I linked to the story earlier but other than this post here, you're probably not going to be reading much about it here. Why? Because it ain't that big a deal.
I could give a flying fuck one way or another if somebody got laid. As far as I know, Secret Service agents don't take a vow of chastity when they took the job.
Seriously, if a guy wants to get his dick sucked and he can find somebody to do that, then good for him. If he's married, that's between him and his wife, not him and his wife and the rest of the fucking country. Let him deal with it when she finds out and she will, sooner or later.
The only one that fucked up was the guy that refused to pay the lady for services rendered and I bet all his buddies are making his life pretty damned miserable right now.
Consenting adults, remember?

Gotta be California (again). Or maybe OWS.

Probably OWS in California

Oh, Damn!!!!!

I thought Mooch-elle was taking care of the Secret Service?

CBS News) Ronald Kessler, best-selling author of "In the President's Service" and a former reporter for The Washington Post, called the dismissal of 12 Secret Service members in Columbia prior to President Obama's arrival there "the biggest scandal in Secret Service history."

Secret Service confirms members' removal

According to CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante, a source in the Secret Service told CBS News that one or more of the officers was involved with prostitutes and that there was a dispute over payment. One prostitute went to the police, who notified the State Department.

Two of the Secret Service personnel sent home were supervisors, Plante said; the rest were part of a detail assigned to logistics. None of those relieved of duty was a member of the president's protective detail.

TL nails it

From TL Davis

Excerpted from If The Darkness Descends

There comes a time when the average guy has to look out on his perfectly manicured lawn, his recycle bins and his low flow toilets and ask himself if this is what has been worth the blood of so many young men in the history of this nation. Is it?

People don't understand freedom anymore. The concepts of liberty are lost on them, it has become foreign, unusual, a little dangerous, even stupid to the properly trained and indoctrinated collectivist and that is what America is about today, whether openly or secretly, it is about collectivism. Everyone pays for the benefits of others and those paying are all just looking for a way to cash in themselves. It is a disgusting society of black marketeers and insider traders.
Go HERE to read the rest this great article by TL.

Hell yeah! Saturday!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Bacon. Mmmmm, bacon.....

Tonight Lisa made me some banana bread.
Not just reguar banana bread, she made banana bread with real bacon bits. She used about a third of a cup for a loaf and it's pretty damned tasty.
Does this woman love me or what?

Happy thoughts

- Murray

Signed, Wirecutter

Sorry. I got caught up in the moment.

We're sitting at the dinner table the other night, a wonderful home cooked meal, soft lighting, and alone with each other.
Lisa, thinking about all the new things this relationship has brought her says "I've never had a garden, I've never had a dog and I've never had a man that loves me so much."
"What? You've never had a fucking dog before?" It was out before I could stop it. Then I couldn't stop it - it just kept coming out about how it's child abuse to not have a dog when you're a kid, then questioning her about why she didn't get one when she was an adult, then I got started on the garden and kept it up with that.
She just rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

Yeah, Bushwhack, she's gonna need all the luck she can get.

Hands-free device

God protects drunks and idiots


We're having a small thunderstorm right now and CGD ain't quite sure what's going on. Motherfucker is 4 or 5 years old and has never heard thunder..... He's barking and growling but he's not getting up. He must not figure it's that big a deal.

He is shedding. Bad. Dog hair everywhere. It started out slowly a few weeks ago but about 10 days back he started shedding like crazy. You've seen pictures of buffalo with big clumps of hair on their sides? That's Charlie. I try to snatch those clumps out when he walks by and usually get nipped for my efforts and 30 minutes later there's another clump in the same spot ready to fall out.
If I sit on him I can pull handfuls of hair out of his coat and this is after his brushings. Last week I brushed him out, quitting only after I got tired of fighting him, and I was still getting huge clumps of hair off him.
The end is finally in sight. I took him out to the garage this morning and for once he actually sat for his brushing. After about 20 minutes of that shit he stood up and I was amazed. That sumbitch wasn't half the dog he was before. Not only did he look a lot lighter and muscular but he looked like he shrunk down an inch or two.

Fucking dog can clear a room with his farts, man. Luckily for me all that dope I snorted back in the 80s ruined my nose, but he's devastating to everybody else in the room.
We'll all be in the living room and CGD will be sleeping on the floor and then all of a sudden I'll hear people start gagging and hollering "CHARLIE! GODDAMMIT!!!" and running for the door. I'll just reach down and scratch his ears while he's smiling and grinning and go back to my book or computer.
It's gotten to the point that Lisa is starting to suspect that I'm the culprit, especially when I walked in the door last night, sat down and CharlieGodammit blew his first bomb of the day.
He his the fartingest dog I've ever seen, though. He can be standing at the door with his ass to me and I can watch his ol' brown eye just working away.

Not this kid

Saw this today at Brock's who got it from Theo Spark.   I ain't tracing it back any further than that.

ABBOTSFORD, CANADA: Grizzly man Mark Dumas, 60, is the only man in the world who can touch a polar bear. And as these incredible pictures show the fearless bear handler from Abbotsford, British Columbia, even goes for dip in his swimming pool where he and 16-year-old polar bear Agee enjoy a watery cuddle together. Mark and wife Dawn, 60, train the 60-stone (800lb) friendly beast - the world's largest land predator - to star in high-budget TV adverts. She has even performed in movies like 'Alaska' in 1995 when she was just a few weeks old. With his incredibly intimate bond Mark wrestles on the grass with Agee, kisses her, puts his head in her huge jaws, and even bear hugs her as she rears up on her hind legs to over seven feet. Mark and Dawn have owned Agee since she was six weeks old and the colossal mammal even lived in their home as a cub where she played with the family dogs and was bottle fed.


My next video will be of a guy that was killed by his pet polar bear......
It's always been my general policy to stay as far away as possible from wild animals that can kill and eat me. I'm not quite sure when I decided that was a good idea, but it's kept me from being the guy that got eaten by a mountain lion or a bear or a wild hog. And I stay the fuck out of the ocean, there's all kinds of weird and hungry shit in there.

Hell, I'm even cautious around CharlieGodammit with the wolf that he's got in him - I trust the dog, I don't trust the wolf in him. I don't fuck with him while he's eating, I don't tease him and I know his signs when he's feeling ballsy, like the way he drops his head or holds his ears or even looks at me before he nips or snaps. We play rough together, sometimes even drawing blood, so he feels he can get away with that shit with me. He's big enough though that he could do some damage before I could manage to shoot him and that's the last thing I would want to do to my bud anyways. I just don't push him.
Not Lisa, though. She's had a hard and fast rule about him putting his mouth on her or even licking her from Day 1. The other day she was pulling a clump of shedding hair off him and he turned to nip at her like he does me and she popped him right on the nose. She's fucking fearless with him. But that dog is absolutely devoted to her. He follows her around all day, escorts her out to the laundry room at night, sleeps at her feet, shares his farts with her and just stares at her all day long with those big ol' yellow-brown eyes of his.
He still sleeps on my side of the bed, though.

Where's the outrage now, Obama?

Concerning the stand-off here in Modesto yesterday

I've caught a LOT of shitty comments via email about my 2 posts yesterday.
Understand please, and re-read the last sentence of my first post: I do not in any way, shape or form condone the shooters' actions. Losing a home is not worth taking a life, particularly when it's because you're behind on your payments. But again, I can understand his frustrations.

My point was a huge over reaction on the Laws' part. They had to trot out everybody within 4 counties and bring out all their toys (a Buffalo? Really?) even though they had no use for them, yet at the same time during interviews yesterday they were bemoaning the fact that their budgets have been chopped and slashed so they couldn't prevent this sort of thing.
They burned 3 other families out of their homes and you know there's going to be no help from the county to get them into other homes at no expense to themselves even though they had nothing to do with the crime.
I also have a hard-on over the media already condemning the man over "possible" military service and the fact that he owned several guns (Ooooh, evil) and a possible (there's that word again) cache of ammo. So fucking what. I have military experience, own several firearms and a fairly decent supply of ammo but that doesn't mean I'm going to nut up and kill a cop for merely serviing civil papers.

Okay. Now more is coming out about the shooting. Two deputies went to the house to serve an eviction along with a locksmith. The deputies knocked, there was no answer so the locksmith commenced to drill out the lock. The man inside then blew 3 or 4 rounds through the door, hitting the smith and the deputy that was killed. The wounded deputy then returned fire. The uninjured deputy to cover and called for help.
This isn't from the sheriff, it comes from several independent witnesses.

So no, I am not condoning the shooter but at the same time I'm not condoning the cop's over-reactions.
And yes, I am going to tag this with a III Percenter label because of the Law's reaction. This is something that a bunch of us may be facing in the future.

I'm also going to say that I appreciate the civility shown by those that disagreed with me (my friend and frequent commenter Bushwack for one) but did it in a courteous manner. We can disagree about some points without it getting out of control. Thank you. Others should follow Bushwack's example, myself included at times.

Wanna bet he wins?

FRAMINGHAM, Mass. -- President Obama's illegal immigrant half-uncle is preparing to fight new efforts by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to deport him, reported Friday.
Onyango Obama met with immigration officials Thursday as they began the process of sending him back to Kenya, according to the Boston Herald.
He is required to regularly check in with immigration officials pending his removal, ICE spokesman Brian Hale was quoted as saying.
The Kenyan national, who is the half-brother of the President's father, was ordered to leave the country in 1992 but never left.

And I paid in more than either of them percentage-wise

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle paid an effective federal tax rate of 20.5 percent on income of $789,674 in 2011, the White House said on Friday amid a debate over tax burdens that is likely to shape the November presidential election.
Obama and his fellow Democrats have accused likely Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of backing policies that would shift the burden from wealthy taxpayers to the less affluent.
Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have spent much of the week promoting a minimum 30 percent rate for millionaires, known as the "Buffett Rule," after billionaire financier Warren Buffett, who famously noted that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary.
Romney, who is worth up to $250 million, paid an effective tax rate of 13.9 percent in 2010.
The Obamas earned about half of their income from his presidential salary of $400,000, while the remainder came from sales of Obama's books, the White House said.
They donated $172,130, about 22 percent of their adjusted gross income, to 39 different charities, the White House said. The biggest beneficiary was the Fisher House Foundation, a scholarship fund for children of soldiers who have been killed or disabled, which received the after-tax proceeds from Obama's book sales - a total of $117,130.


I am coming out of character here to say that while he paid less in taxes (percentage-wise) than I did, it's commendable that he donated as much as he did to charities.
Of course, he can afford to donate to charities with his income. I can barely make my bills.



Don't you just love titties?

Oooh, that's gonna leave a mark!

Terror strikes Sanford Florida again


See what you have to look forward to?

See my post earlier today about the local excitement.

About 10 tonight they moved in, threw some flashbangs and tear gas and caught the house on fire. And because the suspect's status is unknown, they're letting it burn.
Yup, they Waco'd him.

I've been watching this for about an hour and let me tell you what, there were hundreds (no, I'm not exaggerating) of cops, all them motherfuckers dressed in camo and strutting around trying to look all badass. The FBI was there with a Buffalo which is a military vehicle that's built to not only blow IEDs but also to survive the blasts. Why they had to trot that out, I don't know, maybe it's the badass factor again.
Oh yeah, they're playing heavy on the fact that he has "possible" military experience and likes guns. The cops are also using the possibility of large caches of ammo in the house for letting it burn, but even with the flames 50 feet high, there's no mention of ammo cooking off.

Okay, now I'm hearing on the TV that they must've decided that he's cooked well done because the fire department has moved in to extinguish the fire. Considering that the place was a fourplex in a densely populated area, trying to control the flames is probably a prudent move on their part before the entire complex to burn to the ground.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fun with Junior

We've got a dock boss out at the warehouse that's a pretty good kid. When I say kid, I mean he is a fucking youngster, maybe 24-25 years old. He was a truck driver but switched over to management a couple of years ago. Hell of a great guy - a boss that actually admits he has stuff to learn and isn't shy about asking questions if he doesn't understand something. He also leaves me the fuck alone when I'm working and that's a big plus in his favor. We'll call him Junior here because, well, because that's what I call him.
Anyways, about a week before my vacations start, I let everybody know about it, reminding them in the loudest tone at every opportunity. "Hey Junior, 3 more days, man." When it's the day before, I'm counting down hours and minutes. "6 hours, 33 minutes and counting."
It's gotten to be a ritual that everybody in the office participates in it, but Junior really jumped on the bandwagon, even going so far as to call me on my cell to count down the days til his vacation.
So the other day I was doing a little math - I get 5 weeks of vacation a year starting next year and I've still got 2 weeks left for this year. When I saw Junior this morning I walked up and said one word: "Twelve".
"Twelve? Twelve days til your next vacation?" he asks.
"Nope. Twelve more vacations before I'm eligible to retire. How many do you have, motherfucker?"
Somehow Junior didn't see the humor in that.

Garden Report

Day 5:
Motherfucker! I got radishes sprouting. Or maybe it's onions. Or lettuce. Or spinach. Hard to tell right now - no, I didn't label the rows, I figured I'd know what it was when it came time to pick it.
But something green is definitely poking their little heads up out of the dirt. With my luck, it's a row of perfectly spaced weeds. But hey! they're my weeds.
I'm calling in sick tomorrow so I can watch them grow.

I know it pisses me off.....

Obama Hammered for 'Jetting Around,' Taking Vacations While Americans Suffer

President Obama, during an interview with St. Louis's KMOV, was hammered for "jetting around, [taking] different vacations and so forth, sometimes ... under the color of state business." The interviewer, Larry Conners, suggested even that folks "get frustrated, even angered" seeing the president take these trips, and told Obama that these Americans think he's "out of touch, that [Obama doesn't] really know what they're experiencing right now."

Here's the transcript:
KMOV-STL’s Larry Conners: “The economy is a big issue and concern for folks. I mean, the unemployment, trying to make ends meet, gas prices, food prices going up. Some of our viewers are complaining, they get frustrated, even angered, when they see the first family jetting around, different vacations and so forth, sometimes maybe they think under color of state business and that you're out of touch, that you don't really know what they're experiencing right now.”
President Barack Obama: “Well, I don't know how many viewers you're talking about that say that.”
Conners: “We do hear from some.”
Obama: “I hear from all kinds of viewers about everything.”
Conners: “I’m sure you do.”
Obama: “But the fact of the matter is, I think if you look at my track record, I’m raising a family here. When we travel, we got to travel through Secret Service, and Air Force One, that's not my choice. I think most folks understand how hard I work and how hard this administration is working on behalf of the American people.”

It's hard to talk reasonably to a fucking idiot

LUMBERTON, N.J. (CBS) — A South Jersey man has come up with what he hopes is a solution to a controversy over the American flag that he flew in his yard — a flag bearing the image of President Barack Obama in place of the field of stars.

Wes Kennedy, of the Acacia housing development in Lumberton, says he had no idea some of his neighbors had a problem with his flag until reporters started calling and telling him.
“If someone had come to me in the beginning, I would have said, ‘Let’s sit down and talk to see what we might reasonably come up with as a solution.’”
Once he became aware of their objections, Kennedy worked out his own solution.
He’s taken the flag down and replaced it with two separate flags — one, the standard stars and stripes, and the second a picture of Obama.
Kennedy hopes his neighbors are happy, though he’s not sure.
“In Acacia, there are some angry, maybe even evil-minded people about Obama,” he tells KYW Newsradio.
Kennedy stresses that he loves his community, but thinks people need to talk to each other reasonably about their differences.

A little local excitement

SWAT teams surround Modesto home after deputy, another man gunned down

Read more here:

A sheriff’s deputy and another man trying to serve an eviction notice at an apartment complex were shot dead Thursday by a man who holed up and was surrounded by a battalion of SWAT teams.
The standoff, still under way late in the afternoon, began right after the shootings occurred about 11 a.m. Dozens of neighbors were evacuated to a nearby church.
A man who lives nearby and did not give his name said the deputy and the man with him apparently were drilling through the lock on the apartment door in the 2100 block of Chrysler Drive when the suspect fired at them from inside.
Yemen Zokari and Steven Gasterlum, who said they live two doors down from the suspect, heard shots and saw two men on the ground, one on his stomach and the other on his back closer.
“There was another officer that was kneeling on the side of the house while they were laying there,” Zokari said. “I think he was staying out of the way from being shot.
“We just felt so bad. We wanted to do something but you can’t. What can you do? It’s traumatizing to see them.”
“I heard a gunshot,” said another witness who did not give his name. “Then I heard four gunshots. Then I heard three gunshots, then another four.”
Dozens of emergency vehicles converged on the apartment complex. SWAT teams from Stanislaus and neighboring counties surrounded the apartment building and fired bean bags and then tear gas into the home.
More than 100 law officers from at least 15 agencies came to assist the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department and Modesto police. Intermittent rain showers pelted law enforcement and those gathered behind the crime scene tape.
Stanislaus Sheriff Adam Christianson said officers were sure the suspect was inside the home they’d surrounded.
“We don’t know anything about him,” he said shortly after noon. “We don’t know what the motive is behind this shooting. All we know is that we have two people dead, and a deputy sheriff, one of my valued members of my team is dead.”
Christianson declined to release the names of the victims. He said he did not believe they returned fire.
The man who saw the men drilling the lock said he watched officers remove the body of a man wearing a white T-shirt and jeans and saw four officers carry out the body of the deputy.
The shootings occured at Whispering Woods, a development of two-story fourplex apartments formerly known as Prescott Estates. Officers evacuated the complex because they feared the suspect was armed with explosives that might be detonated.
“Despite the harsh reality of our economic climate and the drastic budget cuts and staffing cuts I’ve taken, there’s no excuse for this,” Christianson said. “I am overwhelming frustrated with the fact that we don’t have sufficient resources to protect the community.”
Christianson spoke as sirens wailed in the background. Traffic in northwest Modesto was disrupted for much of the day because so many streets were blocked by police cars and armored vehicles.

UPDATE - 6:30 p.m. The deputy killed this morning on Chrysler Drive in Modesto was Robert Paris, Sheriff Adam Christianson said.
----UPDATE - 5:15 p.m. As the standoff entered its seventh hour, SWAT teams from Stanislaus County, Modesto, Ceres and Merced County had the home surrounded. Two SWAT teams from San Joaquin County were on standby. The FBI and California Highway Patrol were also on scene.
About 5 p.m., Art De Werk, chief of Ceres police, said "the situation is stable and under control, so law enforcement is not going to rush in."


I had to work late tonight so I haven't seen the news but it's my understanding that the man was facing foreclosure and had exhausted all avenues for relief.
Losing a home is a bitch - I know from first hand experience, losing mine a few months ago. No, it wasn't the "evil" bank's fault, it was my own miscalculations and a series of unexpected expenses that got me. It's too long a story for this post, but believe me when I say that dealing with your mortgage company can be extremely frustrating - they say they can help but it's a losing battle. I tried applying for programs within my mortgage company only to be turned down, finally giving up when the only option left was enrolling in a federal program. Fuck that, I ain't gonna talk shit about the feds and then go begging for their help.
But you get your hopes up only to have them shot down and this happens over and over again. It's an emotional rollercoaster, to say the least. Thank God I had Lisa to keep me calm.
So I can understand the man's frustration. I am not condoning his actions but I can sure understand what he was going through.

Read more here:

Read more here: