
Thursday, August 06, 2020

That's a BIG if, partner

President Donald Trump has no intention of “peacefully” transferring power if he loses the November election, according to House Majority Whip James Clyburn.


  1. Allow me to translate : The Democrats have no intention of "peacefully" allowing him to be reelected.

    1. Nor will they accept the results of an election he does win! Think these are spicy times now? Here, hold my beer.


    2. correct on both accounts

  2. It really worries me at all of the posturing the Dems are doing right now. We've got them claiming that Trump is trying to subvert the election by suppressing vote-by-mail, the Trump is going to call on his Russia masters to get him reelected, and more than one idiot like Clyburn claiming Trump will disregard the election results if he does not win.

    It's like they are prepositioning equipment for an offensive. It also signals their intent to contest the election regardless of the margin of victory (with Tank Abrams at the head of the charge).

  3. Ever notice how the demorats are always accusing other people of what they are actually doing?

    1. They are the Masters of Projection!

  4. Four years ago the playbook was "Trump won't accept the election results" and now it's just the same tired rhetoric, same polls showing he's behind, voter suppression...........

  5. Every time there is a republican president going back to Reagan the Demonrats and their mouthpieces (the Lamestream Media)start this BS rumormongering about the president NOT stepping down. More Hyperventilation from the Opposition to america party

  6. Too many divisions of Trump Deplorables will make sure Trump stays in. If he loses in this mail in ballot fiasco we figure we have nothing to lose and all to gain to ride ourselves of the leftist, communist democraptic menaces.

  7. I've heard just the opposite. The rumor was that if the US elects Biden, both Trump and Pence will resign immediately and let Pelosi be Prez until the inauguration of whomever Biden selects to succeed him, (I mean VP).

  8. I heard the same claim about Bush (both of them, actually), Clinton, Obama, and others before them. Remember when Kennedy turned control of the country over to the Pope? Remember when Nixon declared Martial Law so he wouldn't have to resign? All were political panic mongering spread in an attempt to influence an election. This is no different. It always amazes me a little, and scares me a lot, that people still believe what my Grandfather would have called "a steaming shovel full".

  9. Clyburn is just another racist hack looking for the limelight. Fuque'im.

  10. Remember when the government put the actual citizens first, and didn't bend you over the pickle barrel?

    Me neither.

  11. Clyburn. Another in a long list of losers SC has dispatched to Washington DC. Sorry y'all.

  12. Intentions are like assholes. Everybody's got one, but they have no basis in facts Brother Clyburn.

  13. THIS is DESPERATION! and I love it

    Propaganda 100%
    Anything to keep him in the marxist commie tinfoil hat news...
    and ANYTHING to Destroy the Country.

  14. I agree with all your comments. I say this with my utmost respect. Talk is cheap. We can't just beat the Dems.
    WE MUST get Trump elected by a LANDSLIDE! To do so, we have to get all of our friends, relatives and older, non-driving voters to the polls!


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