
Friday, February 12, 2021


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday did not mince words on a congested conference call with Biden and federal health authorities who are seeking to prohibit domestic travel to and from the Sunshine State. DeSantis and Biden exchanged salvos of biting barbs after the criminal president said the federal government had authority to “restrict movement” of the people. 


While I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment and the reasoning, wasn't it Florida that threw up roadblocks at the State line at the beginning of this bullshit to keep people from Louisiana and certain other States out?


  1. Could be an interesting escalation to prove the virility of the pres.

  2. C'mon - you've been to Louisiana and "certain other states". I'd jump at the chance to block a few myself.

    1. True dat. Not sure I'd want to go to Florida either.

    2. I will not go East of the Mississippi River. I kinda have a plan to someday take a trip into Louisiana to sample some gumbo and other specialties and see some of the towns I have heard about in songs since I was a child. Like Big Mamou

    3. Especially those two dumbasses that use Gorilla Glue on their hair.

    4. I lived in Al.for 12 years, about 10 miles from the Alabama - fla state line and there was nothing worth crossing over to go there for.

  3. ‘I will not comply’ and ‘Go fuck yourself’ define talking truth to power.

    Way proud to be a Floridian.

    1. As I recall, that travel restriction was to keep out tax refugees and political colonists from New York and New Jersey, wasn't it?

      Can't say I blame you much.

  4. Well, well, well. I see more showdowns on the near horizon. The ball has been placed in Biden’s court, now. They’ve been trying to get a rise out of conservatives. Wonder if this will provoke a rise from “the other side”?

  5. So you really think South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama.....

    are going to man the state lines and quarantine Florida.....

    We’ll quickly figure out that federal vs state thing....

    and that pesky democracy vs republic thing.


    1. Geography... South Carolina does not share a common border with Florida. You must go through Georgia first.

  6. Even if the governor didn't say it, He should have. The cheated and vanquished are starting to take a stand.

  7. Yes, DeSantis did to road checks on the interstates. So?

    And guess who said that was bad-think and wrong? Biden and Harris and Pelosi and the rest of the assholes. You know, the very ones who are wanting to enact checkpoints into Florida.

  8. Truly uncertain if this is true but I so want it to be. Governor DeSantis campaigned as an acolyte of President Trump and in all honesty, he seems to have held fast to that campaign.

    And I will never accord Biden or Kamala the respect of office as they are illegitimate.

  9. I'm beginning to like DeSantis more each day!

  10. Yo Kenny, this source is kind of flakey, another news article by the same author has Mike Pence looking for a hideout in Qatar because he is hiding from Trump. :) I searched for Johnny Quest's last whereabouts because Pence kind of looks like his dad, I figured Pence could shack with the kid for free while looking for a suitable hideout. :) Have a good weekend.

  11. Kenny,
    You would love the Everglades.

    1. As long as I didn't run into any other people, I probably would.

    2. The Feds still shut down the Glades! When the water is up the Feds will restrict access to the Glades and The Big Cypress cuz whats left of the critters (that aint eaten by the Pythons) have to find high ground so they dont drowned! usually on the levees. Grew up on the edge of the Glades in the 60s through the 80s! Could ride my bicycle in 20 minutes Id be deep in the Grass! Bro in law been in the glades since the 50s!! Got a camp out there in the Cypress! where nothing changed except more Feds.

  12. I would love to read a transcript of the phone call. Anyone with a better search engine than me find one?

  13. Threatening to withhold vaccine supplies and then demanding to be addressed as "Mr. *"? Yeah, fuck you and the fraud you rode in on. * I will not use the P word in reference to Biden or Harris, instead I'll refer to them as "Fraudulently Elected Biden or Harris". DeSantis showed the perfect amount of disdain by calling him Joe in an argument. I'll refer him to my peeps Cruz, Cornyn and Abbot in their future dealings with *. No respect, no quarter.

  14. Why isnt 'joe' restricting the movement of illegal aliens?

  15. Enter the Conch Republic. When Florida decided to throw up a road block and ban the Keys from Florida. I wish I still had that shirt. it might be a saddening fact looking back as I crossed over the 60 divide a few days ago but I can't seem to find it in me anywhere to care. I will go on as I have lived and if it means not wearing old man clothes, well, sucks to be a seller of such things. T shirt. Shorts, SOCAL to the day I die.

  16. Suddenly there's a politician I could like! We could do with some of them in opposition here in the UK instead of the bunch of do-nothings who are currently accepting the salaries without earning them.

  17. Florida taking action is entirely different than the Fed forcing something. We are (were?) a republic.
    I sure hope DeSantis did say that.

  18. Actually, DeSantis restricted Yankees in response to them restricting us crackers:

  19. Hypocrisy in politics? Why I never!

  20. Texas blocked Louisiana at the border when all this started and it was out of control on New Orleans. Our governor has become a dictator with this china flu

  21. The governor should remind Resident Biden that he and his supporters are more than welcome to not set foot in Florida for as long as they live if they think it would help.


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