
Friday, August 06, 2021

And that's that...

I guess I'm officially persona non grata with my blood family.

I called my mother this morning to ask if she was excited about becoming a great grandmother seeing as my oldest niece is due with her first in a couple days.
She had the baby Monday. Monday, and not a soul in my family called or emailed to let us know. Not a single fucking one.

I'll give Mom a pass seeing as she's bedridden in a nursing home and is getting forgetful as hell anyway, but I've got countless aunts, uncles, and cousins, as well as another niece and nephew, plus a brother.
Fuck 'em all. See if I leave any of them my riches when I die, sniff sniff.


  1. Sorry to hear that. But you DO have another 'family' that cares for you.

    1. Yea, a hell of alot more than you may think Ken. You keep us going too brother.

  2. I guess that makes you a great uncle.

  3. Your family is the lesser for it. Unaware of your wit and sense of humor.

    1. Oh, they're aware of it, trust me. They've all been victims of it at one time or another.
      Maybe that's the reason, huh?

    2. Joke 'em if the can't take a fu....since it's family perhaps that's inappropriate...

  4. There, there, Ken. The rest of us still love you.

    Give all the riches to the new baby. It's not the baby's fault it couldn't handle a phone.

  5. My Grandmother died and the whole friggin' family forgot to tell me. FORGOT.


    1. I'm waiting for that to happen when my mother dies.

    2. My mother is 91 and getting goofy. When she dies, my older sister WILL steal everything that she hasn't already. This includes simple memories like a photograph. Just to fuck us.

  6. News like that gets passed around my family via group text - which also occasionally includes suitable-for-Grandma memes YOU post.
    Sorry about your family. Maybe they're just forgetful?

    1. Unfortunately you can't pick your family but fortune is you get to pick your friends.

  7. See what happens when you cut your hair and try to be respectable?

  8. In the same boat bro... since I re-started my "neo-nazi right wing hate blog" (thanks for the link BTW) I've been 'cut dead' by ppl who have been 'family' to include FedBro... cut away period. Fuck 'em. If they can't deal with you, then they can DIAF and let 'em smoke a turd in hell... Jes' Sayin'

    1. That may be part of it, although I don't think any of them know about my blog. Never made my political beliefs and secret though.

    2. Or my opinion. You should have seen the look on my mom's face when I called my cheating ass cousin a peice of shit at Christmas !!!!

  9. family is dysfunctional......
    After Mom died......we’ve drifted apart....
    I try to stay in touch.....maybe I can do better.


  10. Same - I stay ok with my mother and youngest sister. My brother and other 2 sisters are a waste of oxygen. My parents split when I was little and I've tried reaching out to my Dad but that was also a waste of time. But everything is all right, been married 31 years and have 2 great grown sons who are a constant source of amusement and will soon have a wonderful daughter in law. When it comes to family sometimes you just gotta start over and roll your own!

  11. Out of site out of mind. Have to interject your presence via the web. So send them links to “Shit I post(Ed) on facefuck”

  12. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one treated that way. The worst offender was my own mother. She even had it in her will not to contact me or my sister when she died.

  13. I know the feeling. I got an e-mail about my 78 year old sister a couple of weeks ago, who I haven't seen or talked to in 15 years. She's ill with COPD. When I sent her a text to call me, so she could do it at her convenience and when she was feeling well enough to do it, I heard nothing in return.

    Sad to say but that's alright with me. She has never made any attempt to visit me or understand my lifestyle over the last 50 years, even after I was sending Christmas presents to her children for 15 years after I last saw them. That was until I gave up on them for lack of response or thanks.

    They may be blood, but life goes on. I hope they all have a good lives with what's left of them. I'm not sure they are wishing the same for me.

    BTW, I'll be available to receive your 'riches' after you move on to greener pastures, Friend. You have my number.

    1. Yeah, I can't say that it bothers me as much as it should. They all made it plain years ago they don't want much to do with me.

    2. Hey. Me too! If you've got bucks, I'll call you EVERY Sunday evening ... promise.

  14. My don't give a shit quirked my family for years, finally we just kinda agreed to say hello if we see each other but otherwise fuck off. 5 years now and it's working great.

  15. Always keep things in perspective. Know your place in the family dynamics. They are better then you as they can kiss your mf ass and you can’t.

  16. Their loss. If they are that brain dead, you don't need them trying to drag you down to their level.

  17. No worries, man. You don't get to pick your family. If people don't bring joy to your life, cut'em loose, even if they are family. No sense in volunteering for grief.

  18. that shitz more common than you think, dont ask me how i know

    seems that families are either up each others asses and know too much or only talk when they have to, not sure which one is best

    congrats on the baby in the family,we need more of that, much more

  19. Some relationships can be toxic, family is usually that way. We can choose whom we spend OUR time with. I choose to spend my online time with you Mr. Lane. I love you brother.

    Saber 7

  20. You have joined a not-that-exclusive club Kenny. IT happens to the best of us and the worst of us. Oh, if they needed something they were johnny on the spot contacting me and a few times of that I told 'em I wasn't interested in being a one-sided relationship. I go now where I am celebrated, not where I am semi tolerated...

  21. After I became the 1st divorce in both my families back in '89, once my aunt died on father's side & grandparents on mom's, I've become persona non grata. Sad for them, we live on The Peninsula in Charleston & have a separate BR/BA/kitchen that's isolated from our side of the penthouse. BTW, hotels in the historic district are $500/night & up. Some are $1000 on weekends. We're a $15 UBER away.

  22. Ken, I have have enough cray-cray in my family to give Sigmund night sweats. Luckily I have a great wife and sons on this side of it. It ain't you. God gives you friends, the devil gives you in-laws.
    *I stole that quote, and I'm making a bumper sticker!

    1. Well, I lucked out with my in-laws. Lisa's family is uncommonly tight knit and they've accepted me as one of their own. I told Lisa once in front of my in-laws that they love me more than they do her, and both my father and mother in law started nodding their heads.

  23. If ya need help with them riches for when ya die. I can help you!
    @uis - AddMeToYourWill

  24. When I was growing up, I thought we had a perfect family. Wasn't until I was about 30 I figured out we're as fucked up as your family.
    Welcome to the club

  25. Been in that same place. Even though you knew you didn't have anything in common with them and have always found them to be self-centered and self-important not to mention wacko liberal (would you bring your ten year old daughter to a Gay Pride festival in the City).
    It still stings when you know that the final irrevocable break has come.

    In a way I felt I had let down my late mother, who my two sisters always treated like shit. But mostly relief, I'll never have to put up with their poisonous shit again.

    Luckily we both have much better people to spend our life with. And for.

    God Bless.

  26. My two brothers felt I committed a crime against humanity when I enlisted forty years ago. Forty years of shit. They are dead to me.Little sister is a game playing thief. Also dead to me. Parents are actually dead. There is a certain feeling of freedom.

  27. Well I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this kind of crap. When my step-father was down to his last days he asked me to take charge of his estate when he passed. Turns out my sister and her family were using him as their personal piggy bank and not repaying loans. When I wouldn't allow my sister any say in the estate I became the devil incarnate. I made sure mom had everything she needed and she lived for another 9 years (to 99) after he passed. Now that Mom's gone I don't have to deal with those assholes and life is better.

    I enjoy the blog Ken. Having said that I realize I should drop a little sumpthin' in the kitty.

  28. I distanced myself from that bunch when I was about twenty. Never knew what they were up to and didn't care. I've seem my three sisters and brother a handful of times in the last fifty couple years. The two that brought me into the world which I refuse to call parents died long ago. I didnt attend their planting. I don't hate any of them. I just don't care to be around them. They are jog memories I prefer to not entertain. Plus they are assholes.

  29. Ken: My family is not much different. It started when my father died and got worse when I tried to help my mother after her then-husband died. It got worse over the years. In my case, they seem to think I am this endless well of money and compassion; but, I reached my limit when they got too damned demanding and expected me to go along with their cockamamie schemes.

    The stories I could tell. But, the real issue is that I am my father, and my siblings hated him with a passion. I got along with him because I stayed out of real trouble and spent a bunch of time working on the family cars, hunting, and recreating with him. He lived with me the final six months of his life as I shepherded him through a brutal death from a particularly gruesome and horrific cancer.

    I don't care. I got tired of the heartache, abuse, and expectations of being a chump. I don't miss the drama one bit. My in-laws always treated me better than my own family.

    Good fortune, sir. Hope to see you around.

  30. Yeah I 've got a family of assholes as well. When you finally give up on them it feels like a re-birth .

  31. ken,same here on the in-laws...

    i could not have asked for better family to have spent these last 30+ yrs with, sucks to see them get old and leave us but i am eternally thankful for having them instead of the nightmare in-laws so many people bitch about

  32. I am the youngest of 5, but the executor of my parents wills. For a reason. They were good people, but they died in debt, and it cost me quite a bit of money, out of my own pocket. I asked my siblings for help, but no dice.
    A lot of other things, of course, but there is no reason to add to others stories, since everyone has similar tales. I figure that you just have to live your life as best you can, and treat those close to you the best as you are able, while not allowing those who have proven themselves to be bad for you to get close to you.
    Stay sane, and be well.

  33. My ex in-laws were in league with the devil.

    Kidnapped two of my kids.

    Once we got everybody home, everybody *knew* that, if they tried those shenanigans again, somebody was gonna die.

    So my (now ex) wife and kids did not tell me that they had been driving past our house.

    Because I would have dug a spider hole, and killed them.

    Me darling daughter told me, last year, "Yeah: THAT is why we didn't tell you!"

    My kids figured the threat of me going to prison, was greater than the threat the in laws posed.

  34. My parents and 8 siblings are all a bunch of dumbasses. They all suffer from the Dunning-Kruger Effect. No wonder I'm the Black Sheep and dang proud of it. When the SHTF they're all f*****.

  35. Our daughter just cut us out of her life and refuses to let us see our grandson. Her and her shitbird husband are guzzling the woka-cola and actually took us to court to try and make it official. Evidently we 'love bomb' her wtf that means. Judge said no dice and sent their multi colored haired selves on their way. Now it's our turn. At least now we know what mistakes not to make when raising our grandson. I wonder if they'll even miss him, God knows we do and it's killing us

  36. Sorry to hear that, Ken.
    On the other hand, you’ve created a community, largely through force of personality, plus a side of story-telling ability, and that’s a hell of a thing.

  37. May you live to 120, Ken


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