
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Bacon could get more expensive in 2024

A shakeup on the pork shelves at your grocery store is coming as pig farmers prepare for the January 1 implementation of a California animal welfare law mandating larger space requirements for pigs, cows, and chickens.

In Illinois, where the state’s pork industry is the fourth largest in the country, it’s a nearly $14 billion part of the state’s economy, according to Illinois Pork Producers Association.

Fourth-generation pig farmer Cheryl Walsh owns one of the state’s more than 2,100 pig farms which will be impacted by the new law.


  1. The Hamas faction in the kalifornia government will be happy to hear this.

  2. Fuck California, we are not planing to remodel any of our stalls!

  3. Just don't update the farm and keep on selling to everyone in the world except California. California farmers can redo their set ups and grow bacon that is acceptable.

  4. yeah, well. anyway. the local store has really great bacon. used to sell 36 oz package for 7 bucks. vac packed and sealed tight. I bought about 20 packs of it. it all went into the freezer
    now, the same size is 14 bucks and I only get one when it on sale for 12. still have a few packs in the freezer. I asked the butcher there how well does it store and he told me years easy. for now they still have specials on ham now and then. a lot easier than doing a damn bird for us. a lot of the meats they sell around here are local. the beef is outstanding.
    and free range eggs are also very good. dave in pa.

  5. Won't be long until people are smuggling bacon.

  6. So have smaller farms and let them outdoors where they used to be. Small family farms instead of 10,000 cow farms that they have today. Filthy smelling farms like what they have in New York State.

    1. Those hogs will escape from small farms, breed like crazy without any real predators, then destroy farm and ranch land. Look at Texas and some parts of the deep south for examples.

    2. If it only was domestic hogs. The feral hogs tearing up the place are a different breed. They are rats.

  7. I've thought of getting a couple hogs. I really don't want to. I don't like their smell. If I did I believe I'd build a smoke house. It's hard to beat country ham or your own bacon.

    1. Hogs like to rut the dirt and eat everything. Some chickens get in the pen, they are toast. You will have to put some rings in the nose to minimize rutting. They keep their sleeping area clean. My brother brought a hog to be butchered at a place. He did not get his hog back. Go some place you know.

  8. OOPs, I was happy cause originally I thought it read; Baked Coon.

  9. The 'activist' quoted in this article, Wayne Pacelle, is the same clown who ramrodded the ballot proposition in California that outlawed the hunting of mountain lions when he was with the Humane Society of the United States. Now you can't swing a dead cat here without hitting a mountain lion.

  10. Fact: People who eat bacon are less likely to engage in jihad.

  11. Pigs need to live just as fat and happy as Nuisance and his thugs. Gotit.

  12. Fedboi shows up to measure your hog pen, shoot him, and feed him to the hogs.


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