
Monday, September 16, 2024

Plan B fails despite the government's help

As multiple investigations open into the second assassination bid on Donald Trump’s life in just two months, one major question is lingering: How did the shooter know the former president was playing golf?

It’s not shocking that Trump, an avid golfer, was on his course in West Palm Beach, Florida on Sunday.

But it has raised eyebrows that the gunman knew the time and place where the Republican 2024 presidential nominee would be.


  1. Strange. All the hysteria over Russian interference in our elections and it's a pro-Ukraine stooge that attempts to kill a major political candidate for POTUS.

    1. As always anything to do with Russia is a distraction from the dirty deeds of the former demokrap party now officially the communist party and the soyboy rinos

  2. Have they already moved the gunman into Epstein's cell?

  3. How far in advance does the SS (Secret Service in this case) know the president's schedule?

    1. Outings such as a golf game aren't published or public information. The shooter though knew when and where. Dial 1-800-LangleyVA for your answers.

  4. They certainly didn't have any "Barbie's first Secret Service presidential protection detail" ladies clown group out with the President in Florida. One guy was scouting, saw a weapon, and opened fire without any hesitation. As soon as the others heard gunfire they launched themselves on the President in human shield mode. Like is supposed to happen.

    The craziest thing to me is this dude was arrested and taken into custody, as opposed to "killed in a shootout with law enforcement" and this leaves some loose ends to tie up.

    1. I think I read he was initially arrested by LEO's. That's probably why he didn't immediately assume room temperature, but I'm sure he will before naming names.

    2. This one may not have been actively groomed; so it's okay to let him live. It's when they have a story to tell that room temperature is a requirement. As the Navy Seals used to say, you can't get information from a corpse.

  5. This guy was easier to catch than Timmy McVie. SS likely upset they didn't get to him first

  6. Oh, FFS, the government is TRYING TO KILL HIM!!! We all know it, everybody knows it! The problem is nobody's got the balls to start hanging the son of a bitches that are doing it!

    1. “…nobody's got the balls to start hanging the son of a bitches that are doing it!”
      Yeah…the government is going to hang the government for the government failing to kill Trump.

    2. Well we currently have the government protecting a person they think is a threat to (their) democracy, dictator wanna-be and want to eliminate or put him in jail and the same entity is investingating the failings of the assisinations, erh I mean the protection.

  7. You ever notice that you NEVER hear from the GAO in the last fifteen years ?

  8. It seems some "do gooder" saw Routh running out of the bushes and getting into his car. This do-gooder had the presence of mind to take a photo of the car. The local police put out the license plate on their auto plate readers, spotted the car 40 miles away, and arrested Routh.

    So who is this "do gooder" who just happened to be at the right spot at the right time, got the plate, and triggered the arrest? Will we ever know?

    And those two SS agents who fired at the rifle poking thru the fence?? That's what spooked Routh to run away. Obviously didn't get the memo.

  9. I read that the assassin's cell phone had been tracked to be in the area of the golf course for over 12 hours. His arrival was at 1:30 AM.

    I am still trying to figure out why a SKS? With a scope? It is the wrong caliber for a medium range shot of 300 to 500 yards and a SKS was never designed for a scope.

    1. It would not have been a long shot. 30 to 50 yards max.
      Aerial photos of the path from 5th to 6th holes have the road, fence, and trees / bushes on one side, a lake on the other, and the path between them.
      The longer distance was from the hide to where Trump was when the SS fired shots as suppressive fire and for notification.
      The arrest was all County, local, and maybe State highway police.
      John in Indy

  10. A competent shooter with an appropriate weapon would have succeeded. Sniper nest with backpacks and camera hanging on a chainlink fence, gets spotted by sticking his muzzle out? C'mon. I could have done better as a pre-teen, hunting pigeons. AK platform for 300-500m shot? Try a Fudd's .30-06 cammed up under a multi-layer mylar thermal shield, suppress the thing and you get multiple shots, probably at closer range. It's all bullshit. Makes attempt #1 stink even more.

    Stefan v.

    1. I don't believe he was going to attempt a 300 yard shot; Trump just happened to be that far away when the shooter was spotted. I think he was going to wait until Trump got closer before he took his shot.

    2. Still want to know how Routh knew Trump was going to be there. He camped out for hours ahead of time. Who tipped him off? This was an inside job, had to be.

    3. Indeed. If Numpty McHedge had looked more like a pile of mulch and waited just a little longer, OrangeBadMan would be dead and the world would accelerate in the swirl down the bowl. The whole thing stinks, just like putative attempt #1. But if Numpty had been set up with Fudd's .30-06, he could have taken a 500m shot, with good chances of success. Golfers have predictable movements, and I doubt Don was wearing the kind of plates to stop any kind of .30 bullet, let alone something exotic. Suppressed, off a bipod, with AP; it wouldn't even matter if the SS dogpiled, just hose the scrum. I still call bullshit on this attempt. How did Numpty know OrangeT would even be there? Next up, a drone, or a plane mishap, or poisoned spray-tan. It's not like T can save FUSA even if he is permitted to win, and even if he manages to get a half competent team and bulldoze the bureacracy. The Titanic has hit the berg and IT IS GOING DOWN. This is all BS Kabuki.

  11. Coincidence? Both Routh and Crooks appeared in Blackrock commercials.

    1. What are the odds? Not a coincidence imo.

  12. Starker here,
    Who did the background check when he bought his rifle without a serial number at the store?, gun show?, friendly alphabet agent? He should know that felons aren't allowed to have guns.
    "Charged with, possession of a firearm while a convicted felon; and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number."

  13. Or the real shooter didn't get a chance because the patsy got spotted to early

  14. Well, if he "dies suddenly" especially while in custody, there should not be any question as to whether or not he was a 'paid" assassin.

  15. It's a shame our government is pure evil. We are fortunate that their evil is BURIED in incompetence. This is gonna get ugly, fast.

    1. The only hope we have as a nation is the incompetentance of the feds


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