
Monday, February 13, 2012

Ya gotta be able to use what you got

My personal favorite defense gun has always been a Beretta Jetfire in 22 short. I have carried it for many years including while hiking. I never leave home without it.
Of course the first rule when hiking in the wilderness is to use the "Buddy System". This means you NEVER hike alone, you bring a friend, companion or even an in-law because if something happens there is someone to go get help.
I remember one time while hiking with my brother-in-law in northern Alberta and out of nowhere came this huge brown bear charging us and boy, was she mad. We must have been near one of her cubs.
Anyway, if I had not had my little Jetfire I would not be here today. Just one shot to my brother-in-law's knee cap and I was able to escape by just walking away at a brisk pace.
That's one of the best pistols in my collection..
- Randy

Line-item veto

The latest scheme that the House of Representatives came up with to delegate their power-of-the-purse responsibilities is the line-item veto. This essentially allows the President to “rescind all or part of any dollar amount of funding for discretionary spending items in enacted appropriations bills.” The House passed its line-item veto bill (H.R. 3521) on February 8 by 254-173. The Senate is expected to take action on its line-item veto bill soon, most likely by trying to attach the bill to a “must-pass” piece of legislation.

Wait a minute! Doesn’t the Constitution (Article 1, Section 7) grant the power of enacting laws that raise revenue to the House of Representatives? The power the President has is merely to sign it or veto it. He doesn’t get the option to cross anything out to fit his fancy.

A similar line-item veto law was passed when Clinton was president. That one was found to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. So this time around, the current line-item veto bill includes a provision that Congress has the power to disapprove any presidential line-item vetoes.

Still, even with Congress retaining the power to disapprove line-item vetoes, why would the House want to give up some of its constitutionally vested powers and further upset the checks and balances of power among the three branches of government? Surely this must be a ploy by Democratic congressmen to grab more power for President Obama. However, it was sponsored by Republican Representative Paul Ryan and Democratic Representative Chis Van Hollen, and only opposed by 41 Republicans.
More here from The New American


Fucking politicians are all the same - say one thing to get elected and then do all they can to hold onto their cushy jobs. They're nothing but Obama's coffee bitches, fucking punks.

Yeah. Let me know how that works out for ya.

White House Economic Adviser: 'We Need a Global Minimum Tax'
Gene Sperling, director of the White House's national economic council, said today at an official meeting that "we need a global minimum tax":

“He supports corporate tax reform that would reduce expenditures and loopholes, lower rates for people investing and creating jobs in the U.S., due so further for manufacturing, and that we need to, as we have the Buffett Rule and the individual tax reform, we need a global minimum tax so that people have the assurance that nobody is escaping doing their fair share as part of a race to the bottom or having our tax code actually subsidized and facilitate people moving their funds to tax havens," Sperling said.
The White House adviser then said that more details would be forthcoming, though "not in gory detail."
"But we will say more, perhaps not in gory detail, but in more detail, before the end of the month. And in terms of the revenues, the president is looking for shared sacrifice. This budget is a Democratic budget that has savings in Medicaid, it has savings from new beneficiaries, Medicare in 2017, it has agriculture civilian retirement savings. It has a lot of very tough choices."

People are pissed at iTunes

Sony Music has come under fire after it increased the price of a Whitney Houston album on Apple's iTunes Store hours after the singer was found dead.
The music giant is understood to have lifted the wholesale price of Houston's greatest hits album, The Ultimate Collection, at about 4am California time on Sunday. This meant that the iTunes retail price of the album automatically increased from £4.99 to £7.99.
Houston's The Ultimate Collection, originally released in 1997, was the second top-selling album on iTunes on Monday morning. Apple returned the album to its original price late on Sunday.


What the fuck, people?
When somebody dies, the price of their goods automatically go up. An artist dies, the prices of their paintings shoot through the roof. Fact of life (or death, depending how you look at it), plain and simple, deal with it.
Besides, if you liked her music so much, why didn't you already have the fucking album? Quit bitching and go buy some ammo instead.

Grand theft auto on Obama Way

A vehicle was reported audaciously stolen on Obama Way on Feb. 11 in Seaside, California around 5 p.m.
The Seaside Police Department reported the vehicle theft at 5:17 at the 700 block of Broadway Ave—which is also named Obama Way—and Alhambra St.
The Seaside City Council voted unanimously in March 2010 to double-name Broadway Street as Obama Way. The signs were paid for by a citizen group.
“I thought it was a good idea,” said Councilman Ian Oglesby at the time. “It’s important for our citizens to be able to look at our street signs and aspire to be all they can be.”


I think it would be pretty safe to bet that it wasn't a Chevy Volt that was stolen.
Nobody wants them motherfuckers.

Upper Class Okies, sure. But they're still Okies.....

- Stretch

223 Tracer for 8 bucks a box

Natchez Shooters' Supply has 64 grain NATO 5.56 tracer / # 20 - $7.99 per box
$6.99 for 20 or more

Y'all can thank Murray for this tip

Sounds like they need some 2A enforcement up there

Verbatim post from Irons In The Fire
Thanks to Skidmark for the link

And it will be defined at that supposedly magical legislation that will force criminals to do the right thing or stops them from doing the wrong thing. It is a legal incantation approved by the Harry Potters of a legislative body and once signed by the Sorcerer in Chief of the State, it creates a magical force field on each criminal controlling his actions.
More from the same article:
Dennis Flaherty, executive director of the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association, said the bill could result in dangerous situations for police officers, who regularly enter homes without permission.
So in Minnesota, search warrants and Probable Cause are ignored in a regular basis? Is the Constitution known in the State or is it something vague & vapid?
Dayton said when lawmakers were debating the bill last year, he was “concerned because law enforcement in Minnesota was mostly opposed to it, felt that it gave citizens more freedoms and rights than they had.
Mother of Mary! Is it really that bad up there?

Now that's smooth.....

Holding up his buddy while slipping some babe the tongue.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bet you money his name is Dick


Black History month

- MSgt B

Official Mexican National Mascot

And as long as I'm being racists towards our Brown Brother to the South, here's one we'll call "Breaking the Border". Catch the link over at Irish's.


But how can this be? Citizens can't own a gun in DC.

One man is dead after a shooting on the western edge of the National Mall.
Authorities received multiple calls reporting a shooting in the area of the Mall shortly before 8 a.m. Sunday.
News4's Derrick Ward reported seeing a number of police and police vehicles at the intersection of Ohio and Independence Avenues. 23rd Street and Ohio Drive are reportedly closed at this time.
At this time, there is no word of the nature of the shooting. D.C. police continue to investigate the crime.
Stay with for more on this breaking story.


Stolen from here.


- Irish

I know, I'm a pig.

Miss Lisa keeps a clean house but she stays the fuck away from my corner, at least until leave to go take a piss or to the gun shop or something manly, then she swoops in and cleans.
Here's a shot of the table next to my Camouflage BassPro Easy Chair. This is about 2 hours worth of shit.
Just a quick glance shows a couple books (one I just finished, the other just started) a couple of different kinds of  hard candy to keep my Copenhagen habit in check, a can of Copenhagen (the candy evidently ain't doing the trick), GPS unit and USB cable for it, hat, my li'l 38, lighter and rangefinder. Oh yeah, my coke that I opened a couple hours ago.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Toilet Training 101

Sent in by Dave

Reminds me of when the third party contractor for my employer hired a shitload of illegals back about 10-12 years ago and had to post these signs:
Don't know why they bothered to post it in english - I don't recall a single bit of soiled paper from the US born citizens, White, Black, Hispanic, or Asians before they hired all those illegals.
Funny thing is, 12 years later they still have the same problem. No more signs though, folks kept stealing them.
For the original post about this picture, go HERE


Stolen from The Feral Irishman

The Chevy Volt

- Lee

Bagel the Beagel and Nutjob the....... nutjob.

Bagel the beagle. Loyal, followed me everywhere, but aloof, wouldn't chase a ball, and watched me from his perch on the couch kill 5 mice with a fireplace poker. When describing Bagel's aloofness to someone recently, she said, "Sounds just like his owner". 
Pfft. Damned right.
Go to Debbie Does Drivel for the rest of this great post.

Hey! A little privacy here, please!!!!!


So the Obamessiah has backed off on requiring that employers provide birth control, saying now that the insurance companies must now provide it.
Minor shit, if you ask me.

Did he backtrack because he realized he may actually be wrong? No, he backed down because he realized that he was about to lose the election over that. Not only did he piss off the Catholics but he woke a shitload of other people up with the realization that #1 he doesn't give a flying fuck about the Constitution and/or he doesn't know a thing about the Bill of Rights and #2, he doesn't care about your religion at all unless you happen to be muslim.
He seemed to forget that while you can chip away at other Rights for whatever bullshit reason, if you start fucking with people's beliefs that have been ingrained since birth, they're going to get pissed.

Given the political leanings of my readers, I don't think I have to go into much depth when I say that this was just the tip of the iceburg. If that motherfucker gets re-elected, he's going to trample what's left of our Bill of Rights. Executive orders and all that. If he can't honor Americans' relationships with God, he damned sure ain't gonna worry about minor shit like freedom of the press, gun ownership, and searches of private property.
What the fuck - he wan't have anything to lose seeing as he won't be eligible to serve a third term (unless he declares a national emergency and that will open up a whole new can of worms) and it will give him and his handlers the ability to change our great Nation into the third world dictatorship that they desire.

So check this out, Obama.
Stay the fuck out of our religion. Stay the fuck out of our lives. You're nothing but a piece of cowshit that I scrape of my boots.
You have brought this Nation closer to an armed rebellion than any other president in our history.
It ain't over yet.

Damned dog's more popular than I am

- Jesus Barbie


I get more email for or about CharlieGodammit than any other subject. Well, except It's Friday Niggas and Camel Toes.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Does Obama have an alibi?

Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman said today that she suggested the county coroner examine the body of Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua last week because the timing of the 88-year-old prelate's death struck her as "peculiar."
Speaking to reporters in Norristown, Ferman acknowledged that she enlisted county coroner Walter I. Hofman because the cardinal died one day after a Philadelphia judge said he could be called to testify next month at the child sex abuse and endangerment trial of three current and former priests.
"The situation struck me as peculiar and odd," she said.
But Ferman tried to tamp down any speculation that Bevilacqua may have died of foul play. She said she had no information to suggest that.
"This death is not the subject of a criminal inquiry," Ferman said. "It is simply being examined by the coroner to determine what the cause of death is."
Her comments came a day after Hofman said prosecutors asked him to examine the body "to make sure there were no intervening events that could have speeded up" the cardinal's death.


He does have a hard-on for Catholics these days, ya know. Maybe he decided that it was time for a little retroactive birth control.......

CharlieGodammit may have met his match

Hey Ken -
Thought CGD would enjoy this video since his new passion is drinking out of the toilet. The dog in this clip had his bone flushed down the toilet months ago and he's still pissed.
Congrats to you and Lisa on the new house! Looks beautiful in the photos! I want to see photos of CGD's room. Would he like a nice photo of NutJob to hang on his wall?

Y'all can catch Deb and her fantastic sense of humor at Debbie Does Drivel
Oh yeah, Nutjob is her Tasmanian Devil disguised as a dog.

"I don't have time to play this Constitutional bullshit!"

    (CN) - A depressed Army reservist who made a phone call for help says dozens of police responded by surrounding his home and arresting him, vandalizing and searching his place without a warrant, seizing his dog and killing his tropical fish.
Matthew Corrigan, who lives alone with his dog, sued the District of Columbia in D.C. Federal Court.
Confronted with a massive police presence after his plea for help, Corrigan says, he denied officers permission to enter his house, but they entered and trashed it anyway, saying, "I don't have time to play this constitutional bullshit!"
Corrigan says the debacle started on Feb. 2, 2010.
"Corrigan telephoned what he believed to be the 'Military's Emotional Support Hotline' because he was depressed and had not slept for several days," the complaint states.
"The number Corrigan called was in fact the National Suicide Hotline. When he stated that he was a veteran, he was asked if he had firearms, to which he said yes. He said nothing about being suicidal or using a firearm or threatening anyone. After a short conversation, Corrigan hung up, turned off the phone, took prescribed sleeping medication, and went to bed.
"At approximately 4 a.m. in the morning of Feb. 3, 2010, Corrigan awoke because he heard his name being called over a bullhorn. There were floodlights outside his front and back doors and an estimated 8 police officers in the back yard and 20 in the front yard.
"Corrigan turned on his phone and found that Officer Fischer of the 5th District was calling him, asking him to come out, which he did at about 4:50 a.m., locking the door behind him. He was handcuffed and put in the back of a SWAT truck.
"When Officer John Doe I (upon information and belief, Officer John Doe I is Lieutenant Robert Glover) asked Corrigan for the key to his apartment, he informed the officer: 'There is no way I am giving you consent to enter my place.' Officer John Doe I stated: 'I don't have time to play this constitutional bullshit!' and ordered that Officers John Does II-V, members of the Emergency Response Team (ERT), enter the apartment." (Parentheses in complaint).
Corrigan says police took him to a VA hospital, broke his front door and entered his apartment without a warrant, where they confiscated his guns, vandalized his place and took his dog to an animal shelter.
"Although the officers had no information that there were explosives in Corrigan's home and the home had been secured, John Does VI-X, the Explosives Ordinance Disposal (EOD) team, entered Corrigan's home without a warrant and searched for explosives," the complaint states. "The EOD team opened closed containers and used X-ray equipment to search closed containers.
"After the initial warrantless search, the EOD team brought in a dog to search for firearms.
"During the search of Corrigan's home, John Does II-XV seized three firearms and numerous rounds of ammunition for those firearms and others. The three firearms were a rifle, which was unloaded and trigger-locked in a locked hard-side container under his bed, a hand gun which was in a hard case in a drawer in the closet, and another handgun which was in a zipped bag on the shelf at the bottom of a clothes rack (pillows and blankets were on top and next to the bag). The locked cases were taken but the broken latches were left on the floor. The ammunition was stored in a sealed plastic crate and the rest was in boxes, in their original packing, in a milk crate, which was stored under a sleeping bag in a utility closet.
"Corrigan's eyeglasses were broken and thrown in a corner." (Parentheses in complaint).
Corrigan says he spent three days in the VA hospital, because "having weapons pointed at him upon leaving his apartment triggered his PTSD hyper-vigilance and caused irregular heartbeat."
After he was released from the hospital and determined not to be a suicide risk, Corrigan says, police arrested him and put him in jail, where he remained for almost 2 weeks.
"When Corrigan returned to his apartment 16 days after being seized, he found that John Does I-XV had left the front door unlocked and unsecured, had left the electric stove on, had cut open every zipped bag, had dumped every box and drawer, had broken locked boxes from under the bed and the closet, and emptied shelves into piles in each room. All his tropical fish in his 150 gallon aquarium were dead."
Corrigan seeks more than $500,000 in damages for constitutional violations.
He is represented by Richard Gardiner, of Fairfax, Va. 
Link found at the Scary Yankee Chick's place


And that's pretty much the attitude of every other law enforcement orifice (except one) that I have had the misfortune to encounter. Their whole attitude is that you're either a victim or a crook, no middle ground whatsoever.
Those fucking cops should be fired, every one of the motherfuckers that was on scene and witnessed what happened without intervening.

Straight Up White Trash, God bless 'em

Two fat boys passed out, one with his finger up his nose and the other with his britches headed south.
Yup, them's my people!

Old fashioned parenting

This is a little long, but once you get into it a bit you won't wanna click off. Plus it's got a great ending.
Thanks, Sammy.

Just another excuse to go back.

One thing that I like about Bass Pro is that I can generally do all my shopping within 500 square feet - ammo, guns, reloading and predator calls and such, but it can also be a downfall.
I got off early today and on the way home I decided to stop at the Bass Pro and check out their prices on bulk 223 ammo. By the time I got out of there an hour later I had 2 new coyote calls and a box of Hornady's Critical Defense 38 Special +P ammo for my pocket rocket plus I had priced a couple of scopes, a new rangefinder and some chaps for hunting sagebrush.
I forgot all about the 223 ammo.

No comment



How's my driving? Call 1-800-AMNESTY

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has appointed a former legal-services attorney as its new “public advocate.” The point of the new position is to enable illegal aliens to complain directly to headquarters when ICE field agents refuse to implement the administration’s administrative amnesty. This has become a real problem for the White House; the NYT reported last month that the ICE union has refused to allow its members to undergo the re-education sessions organized by the DHS political appointees. In effect, they consider the Obama de facto amnesty directives to be unlawful orders which they are bound to disobey.
This puts the White House in a political bind because it’s promised the open-borders and ethnic-chauvinst groups that all non-violent illegal aliens would be permitted to stay as long as necessary until Congress votes them legal status. If regular illegal aliens continue to be deported, the enthusiasm of La Raza and its ilk for the president’s reelection may flag. Thus, this new public advocate, who can identify the malefactors (ICE agents refusing to violate their oaths) and enable the Eye of Sauron to turn upon them.
But some jujitsu is in order. Since this public advocate says “I hope you’ll reach out to me with your questions, comments and concerns,” those who have been affected by illegal immigration — especially victims of identity theft, drunk-driving, or other crimes — should give him a call. He’s at or (202) 732-3999.


So yeah, reach out to him. Voice your opinion about the lawbreakers that he serves.

Thanks to Jim for the link.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Yeah. Touch the elephant, dumbass.

Ode To The Welfare State

Click to enlarge or go get your fucking glasses.

Several people sent this one in. Note the date - 1949.

Gotta be in Africa

Lazy man's lay

Pinkies with the Mooch?

U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama (C) performs the Interlude dance during an event highlighting her “Let’s Move” initiative attended by over 10,000 youths at the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines February 9, 2012. (REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque)


Yes, those really are white folks with Mooch-elle. I couldn't believe it myself until I read the caption.
They're in Iowa. They couldn't scrape up any more black kids in that state, so they had to use white kids as fillers.

Probably tied into the Fusion Center there

LOS ANGELES (CBS) — The LAPD is fighting crime from a high-tech war room that gives it eyes all over the city. The surveillance hub is now a model for police forces around the world and KCAL9 got an exclusive tour inside from Chief Charlie Beck.
“We are targets on our own soil,” says Beck. “We have to be ready.”
What began as a grass roots idea following the 9/11 terrorist attacks is now a state-of-the-art real-time analysis critical response center. It’s called RACR, and it’s located in the heart of downtown Los Angeles.
“This is a system that cuts through the red tape, that gets information to the people that need it,” says Chief Beck. He calls it “the brains of the department, twenty-four/seven.”
Police in the activity center monitor live feeds of city and traffic cameras, counter-terrorism information, and real-time crime mapping, with cutting edge software.
“If we didn’t have that we would be operating blind,” says Capt. Sean Malinowski, the Commanding Officer at RACR. “Essentially we’re always activated here.”
RACR is a critical crime-fighting tool at the center of every high profile incident in the City of Los Angeles.
“We have some real-time tools that help us analyze crime as it’s happening,” says Malinowski. “And then we feed that information out to the geographic areas and to patrol divisions.”

How'd you like to wake up next to this?


Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Random incident my ass

I bet they'd like the public to think it was a random incident but 61 year old men don't, as a rule, commit random acts of violence.
Ten to one, that fed fucked with him someway, somehow, and the ol' boy got tired of his shit and blew his ass down. Or as Kerodin would say, he Stepped Off The Porch.

And they call the Right Wing racist.....

DES MOINES, Iowa (CBSDC/AP) — Thousands of students, several well-known athletes and a number of politicians are expected to join Michelle Obama for an event in Des Moines that will promote exercise and healthy eating.
Besides the first lady, participants at the Thursday event include Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, gymnast Shawn Johnson, figure skater Michelle Kwan and NASCAR champion Carl Edwards.
About 10,000 children will be bused to the event from 45 schools in the Des Moines area.
It will be Obama’s first stop on a three-day national tour marking her Let’s Move initiative, which promotes physical fitness and healthy eating for children. She’s been drawn to Des Moines by Iowa’s Healthiest State initiative. That program aims to make Iowa the healthiest state by 2016.


Where in the fuck are all the White, Asian or Hispanic kids? Wouldn't it be politically correct to have children of all races posing with the wonderful First Lady?

And the launch was successful......

Typical Liberal

Fucking hippie has an opinion about everything and feels he/she has to share it with you.

Thank God he's in a drunken stupor

For more of Johnny, go to

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Ya gotta do what ya gotta do

Our new place has hardwood floors and new carpeting so it was decided that CharlieGodammits' water bowl should be outside. Can't be having that motherfucker dripping all over the carpet and floors, causing spots and shit. Hey, it sounded good to me (might have been my idea, in fact) seeing as he actually is was an outside dog.
I came wandering in from work tonight and it ain't 5 minutes before Lisa hits me with "You know what Charlie's been doing? Drinking out of the toilet!"
"Well Sweetie, he IS a dog."
"Yabbut if the lid and seat are down, he lifts them with his nose and crams his head into the bowl to drink."
"Well Sweetie, he is a SMART dog......"

Brings to mind the time I caught my ex watering my hound with filtered water - you know, the shit you gotta pay for?
"Hey, what the fuck are you doing?" I was pretty sure she'd lost her mind.
"I don't want to give our dogs water from the tap. All the chemicals, you know?"
I was right. Her milk had soured.
"Uh, seeing as I've seen that motherfucker drink out of a cow track with no ill effects, I don't think tap water is going to kill him."
Jesus. Women.....

And they wonder why they don't get any respect

(ABC News) — The normally dignified Blue Room at the White House became a late-night show comedy set last month when first lady Michelle Obama engaged in a friendly game of tug of war with host Jimmy Fallon, according to a photo released by the White House today.
The scene, part of a taping for Fallon’s show, is meant to promote Mrs. Obama’s commitment to physical activity — and good humor — on the second anniversary of her “Let’s Move!” initiative aimed at fighting childhood obesity.
The first lady embarks Thursday on a three-day national tour to celebrate the milestone with stops in Iowa, Arkansas, Texas and Florida.


Her old man puts his feet on the fucking furniture and she plays games for her own publicity in the White House.
Fucking ghetto ni........ nah, I ain't gonna say it.

Old meets New

I woke up in a bad mood.....

....... so I need something to cheer me up.

And you were afraid he'd be looking at porn.....