
Friday, November 26, 2021

Rittenhouse Verdict Has Leftist Rioters Worried: “It fundamentally changed the culture of protest”

The 2020 antifa/BLM violent crime spree in Democrat-run cities across the nation was not just approved by but was championed by Democrat officials, some of whom dismissively noted that burning down buildings and looting businesses was “righteous” and besides, who cares, anyway, since the businesses are insured.

What? The shit I post on Facebook again?






Pre-Owned Cars Are In Demand — And Trade-In Cash Offers Are At ‘Highest Ever’

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Good news for car buyers who want to trade in their vehicle for cash: There’s a shortage of pre-owned cars, and dealerships are buying. 

The pandemic and supply chain impacts from it are still at-work on the auto industry. Car companies can’t make new vehicles fast enough to meet the demand because of a global semiconductor shortage — among others. Production has slowed and can’t meet the demand that started during the pandemic.


And those highest ever cash offers are being passed right on down to the next buyer which is why I'm having my engine replaced in my F-150 instead of buying another vehicle.
I checked several places for prices on used vehicles and what I found all had over 100,000 miles with an asking price of $30,000 or more. Unfuckingbelievable. I was going to be stuck with a choice of either an outrageous and unaffordable payment for a vehicle that was going to be worn out before it was paid off or rebuilding my engine.
It wasn't a hard choice - the truck I own now isn't in bad shape for being 20 years old, and I had put $5k into it the past couple years between a new transmission and a new fuel pump.
The only problem is that everybody else is rebuilding too instead of buying so there's a wait time of a month or more before my shop can get to it. Hopefully I'll get a call within the next week or two to bring it on in.

Color me shocked

Add Christmas trees to the list of items facing shortages and higher prices this year. 

Several factors are driving the trend, Newsday reported, including over-the-top sales last year during the first Christmas during the COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain issues this year.

Your Friday Evening Florida Report

A Florida man has been charged with 1,200 counts of sexual assault and incest involving a minor. 

Robert Cota, 31, of Pensacola, was charged with 600 counts of sexual assault on a victim between the ages of 12 and 18 and 600 counts of incest that allegedly took place over the last six years.

Friday gifdump again




Styx Greatest Hits

VIDEO HERE  (1 hour, 15 minutes) Audio only

Blacks Commit 73 Per Cent Of All Justified, Self-Defense Killings—Mostly Of Other Blacks

Amy Swearer has a long thread of cases of black people acquitted on grounds of self-defense:

This is not news to me. In 2013, Eric Holder  attacked "Stand Your Ground" laws (not a factor in the Zimmerman case, Zimmerman was pinned to the ground by Trayvon Martin) because he thought the "victims" of self-defense (failed carjackers, armed robbers, home invaders, etc.) are disproportionately black.

When your precious child can do no wrong

KENOSHA, Wis. — The family of victim Anthony Huber released a statement after Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of his homicide.


Huber's mother, Karen Bloom, and his father, John Huber released the following statement after the verdict was read:

The Salvation Army's Response to False Claims on the Topic of Racism

As the country celebrates Thanksgiving today, it is a welcome reminder of the things we are grateful for—and for the power of service on behalf of those who are less fortunate. 

The Salvation Army mission statement clearly outlines our service: to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. That service, and our beliefs, are based solely on the Bible and that has not, and will not, change. 


A couple readers left this link in the comments of the post I did earlier.
Hey, I'll give anybody a chance to explain their actions if I've been critical of them.
However, in the original post's link, there's another link that leads to a PDF (HERE) from the Salvation Army titled "Let's Talk About Racism" and on page 3 there's this:

• Move from the flawed human idea of race
and culture into God’s design and purpose
for us to live as a unified, diverse and
equitable people.
• Lament, repent and apologize for biases
or racist ideologies held and actions

I didn't read any further, but I'm not going to suggest that you don't either. Read it and draw your own conclusions.

The Violent Struggle For Air Superiority In Vietnam

American pilots fought the enemy and their own political leaders in the skies over Vietnam. 
Exclusive interviews with North Vietnamese veterans, secret American operations in Laos and Cambodia, and the Navy's classified program to counter heavy losses against Vietnamese pilots...
VIDEO HERE  (51:15 minutes)

Gonna be some mighty empty kettles this year

The Salvation Army wants its white donors to give it more than just money this Christmas season. Its leadership is also demanding they apologize for being racist. 

It's part of a push by the Christian charitable organization to embrace the ideas of Black Lives Matter, an activist group working to, among other things, "dismantle white privilege" and "disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure."


I've always been pretty generous with the Salvation Army both in labor and donations. That shit just went out the window.
They do a lot of good not only in their home communities but also in disaster areas, but I'm not going to apologize to anybody for being White, nor am I going to support anybody that asks that I do so.

The shit I post on Facebook






Hispanic Texan Confronts Beto: “You Ain’t Taking My Guns”

Earlier this month, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke announced his candidacy for Texas governor, and on Sunday, he doubled-down on his infamous “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47” vow. 


Needless to say, this does not sit well with a great many Texans.

In fact, one angry Texan confronted Robert Francis at an appearance and told him “On behalf of the ranchers, oil and gas, the farmers . . . I’m in your grill telling you, don’t come back. We don’t want you here.” As he was being hustled away by security, he yelled, “You ain’t taking my guns, either!”


That video is  beautiful thing. I kept waiting for him to call O'Rourke a pendajo in between the Fuck Yous.

Lawmaker proposes 'Kyle Rittenhouse' federal holiday on eve of 'End White Supremacy' rally

LAKE MARY, Fla. - In an exclusive, sit-down interview with Fox News, Kyle Rittenhouse detailed to Tucker Carlson what happened from his perspective on the night he shot and killed two men during a protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin in 2020.

Damn, tell 'em how you really feel

The Los Angeles Fire Department is investigating an incident in which a firefighter “responded inappropriately” after being handed a letter to comply with the city’s vaccine mandate, a department spokeswoman said Wednesday.

The Stentorians of Los Angeles City, a group representing African American firefighters, said Wednesday that the LAFD member responded to receiving the non-compliance letter by dropping his pants and wiping his buttocks with the letter, leaving fecal matter on the document. He then dropped the letter on the ground.

This hurts my heart

CARMICHAEL, Calif. — There are many people out there who get turned off by the idea of dumpster diving, but over the last few days, book lovers in Carmichael have done just that in search of their favorite author. 

Bookworm was a family-run store along Marconi Avenue that was in business for three decades. However, it could not survive the drop in business caused by COVID-19.


I'd have done something like putting a Free Books sign on the front door, donated them to libraries within driving distance, anything besides dumping them.

They're just now getting it? Seriously?

Democrat lawmakers are starting to blame Democrat President Joe Biden for high gas prices across the country that are threatening the party’s majorities in both chambers of Congress in the upcoming midterm elections. 

“There is a variety of contributing impacts, but certainly I think the buck stops with the president,” Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) said in an interview this week. “And I’m proud to be among those legislators on Capitol Hill that continue to ring the alarm bells about how serious this is.”

Friday gifdump




College Instructor Charged with Battery of Anti-Mask Mandate Demonstrator

A North Idaho College instructor has been charged with Misdemeanor Battery for allegedly assaulting a person holding a sign in support of the college’s Board of Trustees decision to repeal the university-wide mask mandate.

Calling Bernard Goetz, calling Bernard Goetz.....

NEW YORK - The NYPD is asking for the public's help finding a suspect who stabbed a man to death while sleeping on a subway train in Manhattan on Sunday. 

The victim was riding a northbound 2 train entering Penn Station at around 12:17 a.m. in Midtown when he was stabbed in the neck by an unknown assailant in an unprovoked attack.

Vanderbilt researchers study ivermectin as possible COVID-19 treatment

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) - Vanderbilt University Medical Center is looking for people to participate in a study to see if ivermectin and other drugs can treat COVID-19. 

Ivermectin is a drug typically used to treat parasitic infections, especially in livestock. Could it be a treatment for COVID-19 in humans?

Damn, talk about a case of raging hormones

ORANGE CITY, Fla. - A pregnant Volusia County librarian was killed in an alleged road rage incident in Orange City over the weekend. However, investigators have identified the victim as the aggressor. 

Sara Nicole Morales, 35, was shot outside her house after deputies said she drove home to get a gun following some sort of altercation with a motorcyclist.

9 injured after vehicle rear-ends Amish buggy in Wisconsin

LITTLE BLACK, Wis. — Nine people were injured Thursday when a vehicle rear-ended an Amish buggy while traveling at “highway speeds” in north-central Wisconsin, authorities confirmed. 


Man, that's one thing you definitely need to watch out for around here. There's several Amish communities just across the State line a couple miles north of here and they come into Lafayette to shop. It's common enough that on certain roads, you back off the accelerator and get ready to get on the brakes right before you crest a rise in the road.
It's not unusual at all to see horses and buggies tied up to a lamp pole outside of local businesses, or even the Walmart or Tractor Supply.

He missed 7 times at point blank range?

A parolee-at-large was charged with attempted murder for allegedly shooting at a Garden Grove convenience store clerk multiple times after his credit card was declined, officials announced Wednesday.

Roast me




Your Feel-Good Story of the Day

WESTERLY, R.I. — High school students in Rhode Island made it easier for a boy in a wheelchair to remain sheltered while waiting for his bus each morning.

The construction class at Westerly High School built a bus hut for 5-year-old Ryder Kilam, WJAR reported. The structure sits at the end of the driveway of the boy’s home, allowing him to wait in comfort for the bus that will take him to Dunn’s Corners Elementary School in Westerly.


These Feel-Good stories are a nice relief from all the bullshit and hatred we're surrounded with these days. I'll continue to post them as I run across them.

What. the. fuck.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A pregnant woman unloading presents from her own baby shower in northeast Philadelphia was confronted by someone who shot and killed her and her unborn child, police said.

Getting his Black Friday started early

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – A weekend shopping spree landed one Oklahoma City man in jail after he allegedly fired shots inside a metro Walmart. 

Oklahoma City Police say Chartez Chappelle was shopping at the Walmart near Belle Isle and Northwest Expressway Saturday night when –

Your Friday Morning Florida Report

A 70-year-old man confessed to sexually assaulting his incapacitated 19-year-old granddaughter after the pair consumed cocaine and alcohol, according to Florida police.

Good Morning


Sounds like a regular Friday night in Stockton to me

STOCKTON (CBS13) – Friday night was particularly gruesome in Stockton, where there were several shootings, a stabbing, a traffic fatality, and several assaults with a deadly weapon, said the Stockton Police Department.



How in the fuck does one elude police for an hour on a backhoe?

A 39-year-old Aloha man is facing felony charges after allegedly stealing a John Deere backhoe and driving it for nearly 30 miles, at one point fleeing a traffic stop, during a lengthy, slow-speed pursuit, officials said. 

Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested Mitchell Johnston shortly after 1 a.m. in the Redland area, officials said.
-Don in Oregon

Kitty Leroy – Lady Gambler & Gunfighter

A gunfighter, gambler, performer, and alleged prostitute, Kitty Leroy, born in 1850, was best known as one of the most proficient poker players in the Old West. Thought to have been from Michigan, she was performing as a dancer by the age of ten and as she got older, she began to work in dancehalls and saloons, where she picked up a number of other skills, specifically proficiency with weapons and at games of chance.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Using Wadcutter Ammo for Self-Defense

With all of the modern jacketed hollow point loads available for self-defense, it's easy to overlook the venerable lead wadcutter bullet. But in some cases, it may be the best load available for your concealed carry revolver.

VIDEO HERE  (5:48 minutes)

Taking Advantage of COVID to Change the Way Americans Vote

Rahm Emanuel, the former mayor of Chicago and chief of staff for President Barack Obama, famously said in 2008 that you should never let “a serious crisis go to waste” because it is “an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” Liberals in 2020 took Emanuel’s political tenet to heart and used the COVID-19 pandemic to try to implement through litigation and executive actions by state government officials the reckless changes in voting and election procedures that they had been wanting for years.

The shit I post on Facebook






Opinion: Kyle Rittenhouse verdict violates these 5 standards for claiming self-defense

In a two-week trial that reignited debate over self-defense laws across the nation, a Wisconsin jury acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse for shooting three people, two fatally, during a racial justice protest in Kenosha.


All I have to say is the author of this drivel apparently didn't watch any of the videos taken that night - not a single one.

Thanksgiving 2003

Me in the middle, my little brother Kevin and my father. You can tell who his favorite son is, huh?


Our Only Way Out Short of Revolution

In view of the extreme and unparalleled political polarity across the USA, it ought to be self-evident that the only way out of this mess is to dissolve the fraudulent U.S. Federal Government. Rather, it is the patently unconstitutional US Corporation that MUST be dissolved post-haste.

Cry me a river

WILMINGTON, Del. — A difficult political atmosphere for President Joe Biden may have become even more treacherous with the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse. 

Biden was already facing sliding poll numbers with an electorate worn down by the coronavirus pandemic and increasing inflation. Now, the president finds himself caught between outraged Democrats — some of whom were already stewing over Biden’s inability to land police reform and voting rights legislation — and Republicans looking to use the Rittenhouse case to exploit the national divide over matters of grievance and race.

Commentary: Terror in the Capitol Tunnel

In 2018, after a local news crew filmed Ryan Nichols rescuing dogs abandoned by their owners after Hurricane Florence, the former Marine appeared on the “Ellen DeGeneres Show.” Not only did DeGeneres commend Nichols’ longtime work as a search-and-rescue volunteer, she donated $25,000 to the Humane Society in his name and gave Ryan and his wife, Bonnie, a $10,000 check to pay for the honeymoon they had missed the year before so Ryan could assist rescue efforts in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

But instead of heading to Hawaii, the Nicholses used the generous donation to buy a rescue boat. With his Marine buddy and best friend, Alex Harkrider, at his side, the pair has participated in “dozens of hurricane rescues and disaster relief efforts,” according to Joseph McBride, Nichols’ attorney.

Three years after his appearance on the DeGeneres show, Nichols was featured on another program, but this time, Nichols spoke from the fetid confines of a political prison in the nation’s capital. And instead of telling a heroic story of saving dogs drowning in rising flood waters, Nichols told Newsmax host Greg Kelly a harrowing tale of what he saw at the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

NJ Cop Fatally Struck Nurse, Brought Body Home To Mom

NEWARK, NJ — A Newark police officer is in jail and accused of fatally striking a nurse with his car and then bringing the body home to his mom to discuss what to do with the body, according to the Essex County Prosecutor's Office.

Thursday gifdump




Damn, talk about making a statement...

NEW JERSEY - A man was in critical condition after he set himself on fire and then entered a gas station convenience store in Atlantic City. The man also started several small fires before the flames were doused and he was taken to a hospital with serious injuries, authorities said.

Higher produce prices and shortages coming right up!

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Joe Biden will require essential, nonresident travelers crossing U.S. land borders, such as truck drivers, government and emergency response officials, to be fully vaccinated beginning on Jan. 22, the administration planned to announce.

A Lauderhill lieutenant is under investigation again, so why is he still on the force?

LAUDERHILL, Fla. – A high ranking South Florida police lieutenant is under investigation and Local 10 News has learned that this is not the first time, not even the second time he’s been in trouble and even fired. 

Lieutenant Michael Bigwood has been fired by the Lauderhill Police Department twice, and both times he has been reinstated after binding arbitration.

Good shit, man

CONNECTICUT - The recreational use of marijuana was legalized in Connecticut less than 5 months ago, and now the state Department of Health says it is seeing a trend - cases of overdoses linked to weed laced with the potentially lethal synthetic opioid, fentanyl.

Drugs were involved

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Police arrested a man they said chased people and hit cars with a wooden plank at a downtown Nashville parking lot on Sunday.

Let us pray the Bieb takes this into consideration

Pop star Justin Bieber is facing growing calls to cancel his concert in Saudi Arabia next month as the fiancee of slain Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi joined a chorus of voices on Sunday urging him not to perform at the kingdom's Formula One race. 

In an open letter published by The Washington Post, Hatice Cengiz urged the Canadian megastar to cancel his Dec. 5 performance in the Red Sea city of Jiddah to "send a powerful message to the world that your name and talent will not be used to restore the reputation of a regime that kills its critics.”


Not that I give a shit about politics there, I just feel that the less Justin Bieber there is in the world, the better off we all are.

Your Thursday Morning Florida Report

CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. – A 25-year-old man from Margate kept Coral Springs police and SWAT hostage negotiators at bay for 8 hours after he barricaded himself in his mother’s home on Friday. 

It all started around 8 a.m. when, according to police, Brandon Hayes arrived at his mother’s home in the Waterside community, then got into an argument with her.

Good Morning


More news you could give a shit less about

The former Oklahoma zookeeper known as “Tiger King” Joe Exotic, a prominent figure in a Netflix documentary series, has been transferred to a medical facility in North Carolina for federal inmates after a cancer diagnosis, according to his attorney.

When you just can't hold it any longer


Anything to get out of the next class

Video shows police officers in Little Elm using stun guns and chemical spray on students inside Little Elm High School Friday after being called to "calm things down" after an on-campus protest turned "disruptive."

Pulled something, did ya?


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Winchester Lever Action Development: 1860 Henry

 The Henry Repeating Rifle was a truly revolutionary development in firearms technology. It was not the first repeating rifle, but it was the best of a emerging class of new arms, reliable in function and very fast to shoot (much faster than the contemporary Spencers). The Henry used a simple toggle lock locking system, with a single throw of its lever performing all the elements necessary to reload and recock the action.

The Henry's quick action was coupled with a 15-round magazine, more than double what the Spencer offered. It fired the .44 Henry rimfire cartridge, which threw a 216 grain bullet at about 1125 feet per second (this would change to 200 grains at 1200 fps within a few years). This was substantially less powerful than a heavy muzzleloader charge, but the volume of fire more than made up for it. Within 200 yards, the Henry could produce a devastating volume of fire.

The Henry was only produced for about 5 years (1862 - 1866), with about 12,000 manufactured in total. The rifle was made almost exclusively in a standard rifle pattern, with a 24 inch barrel. Some were later cut down into carbines, though. While the US military rejected the Henry for a variety of reasons, nearly all of the guns produced before the end of the war did actually see military service, with state units or individuals who supplied their own arms. In the few engagements where Henry rifles were present in substantial numbers, they proved to be a significant force multiplier. 

VIDEO HERE  (20:22 minutes)

The SPLC never fails to disappoint

The far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) described Kyle Rittenhouse as an “armed vigilante,” and blamed law enforcement for the cause of violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in August 2020, following the acquittal of the 18 year old Friday, according to a press release obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Accident, my lily white ass...

After Darrell Brooks allegedly drove his car into a Christmas parade in Waukesha on Sunday night, killing 6 people, including an 8-year-old child, MSNBC called this an "accident." CBS called it a "parade crash."

The shit I post on Facebook






No riots for Thanksgiving

BRUNSWICK, Ga. (AP) — All three white men charged in the death of Ahmaud Arbery were convicted of murder Wednesday in the fatal shooting that became part of a larger national reckoning on racial injustice.

Comfortable Carry

As a lifelong cat lover the primary thing I have learned from them is comfort is of prime importance. It is especially important in carrying a concealed handgun. And, be sure of the following: While I am not a training guru or firearms instructor by any stretch of the imagination, I am well versed on comfort. 

The simple fact is if carrying a handgun is a nuisance you will soon stop carrying one. Upon first obtaining my concealed weapons permit I experimented with carrying a variety of handguns ranging from a Hungarian PA 63 9mm Makarov to 1911’s and even Colt SAA .45’s. I tried normal belt holsters, inside-the-pants holsters, shoulder holsters, crossdraw, and strong-side draw.


I've got a box full of mail order holsters that I couldn't try out before I bought them, finding out later they weren't as comfortable, and in some cases, as concealable as I thought they'd be.

As if the ATF really gives a shit

U.S. Representative Michael Cloud (R-TX) led a group of 51 Republicans who sent a letter to the acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on Monday, alleging that the Biden administration is attempting to create a federal gun registry through backdoor policy enforcement, in violation of federal laws preventing the creation of such a registry.

Oklahoma National Guard Association leader tells DoD to go suck eggs

WASHINGTON (KFOR) – The President of the National Guard Association of the United States chimed in on who has authority over National Guard units, issuing the statement amid controversy over the Oklahoma National Guard’s defiance of the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Retired Brig. Gen. J. Roy Robinson, the NGAUS president, said a state’s National Guard is controlled by its governor until activated for federal duty.

IRS to begin taxing businesses for payment app transactions

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) - Many of us use Venmo, Paypal, or Cashapp, but the IRS is now cracking down on these payment apps. 

Until now, the IRS usually only issued 1099 for a business with at least 200 business transactions and at least $20,000 in gross payments. However, that's all changing on Jan 1.

Wednesday gifdump




We'll see

After gas prices hit a yearly high earlier this month, motorists could finally see some relief at the pumps. 

“If you don’t need gas, wait!, Patrick De Haan, GasBuddy’s head of petroleum analysis, tweeted Friday, as oil prices continued trending down.

I hear MacDonald's is hiring

More than half of NYPD officers wish they never joined the force, according to a large internal survey. 

An internal New York Police Department survey of nearly 6,000 officers found that 56% of NYPD cops say they wouldn't become a police officer if they had a chance to do it all over again, according to the New York Post. 

I wonder what could've gone wrong?

Seething and vengeful, Wendy Wein was on the lookout for the professional killer she meant to hire as she waited inside a southeastern Michigan cafe in July 2020.

Wein wanted her ex-husband dead. But she didn't want to murder him herself and didn't know anyone she trusted to do it for her. So she did what a lot of people do when they have a job they can't or don't want to do themselves - she searched for help on the Internet.


I'm with the HOA on this one

TAMPA, Fla. - A Christmas light display in Westchase is getting national attention for going up too early. The family says they could face up to $1,000 in fines from their local homeowner's association if they don't take them down.

Grand Army of the Republic Monument rededicated in Oklahoma City

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Descendants of Union soldiers honored the 158th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address with a rededication of the Grand Army of the Republic Monument at Fairlawn Cemetery in Oklahoma City.

Your Wednesday Morning Florida Report

ORLANDO, Fla. – A 19-year-old woman who showed up at an Orlando hospital told police that she was shot in the head while driving, according to authorities.

Good Morning


Then he bound them up and earned his knot tying merit badge...

HONOLULU - A pre-teen Boy Scout in Hawaii helped rescue a local couple and their 100-pound dog on the Waimano Trail in August and is now being recognized for his efforts.

The couple found themselves in a dangerous situation when they took a wrong turn on what they thought was a short hike and, instead, got lost. It was dark, they had no water, no food and their cellphone was dead. Their dog, Smokey, was injured and unable to walk. They had not seen anyone for hours until they ran into 12-year-old David King and his mom, Christine, KHON2 reported.

When men get bored


Got Ivermectin?

A man hospitalized with mysterious seizures and an "altered mental status" had tapeworms living in his brain for decades, according to researchers.

"Hold on, be right back"


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Service Station (1957)

 We learn about the gas service station.

VIDEO HERE   (11 minutes)

Is collecting silver or gold the best idea for bartering if SHTF?

A while back, my brother and I had a discussion on the merits of collecting silver for the use of barter in SHTF. We were at a local thrift store when he came across some silver platters. They were indeed real silver, and he purchased them with the intent of melting them down. This in turn led to our discussion.

The shit I post on Facebook




