
Friday, April 24, 2020

Making Custom Holsters // Carving Leather with Dominic Whitaker

Your Friday Night Florida Report

OPA-LOCKA, Fla. – A pastor was arrested Tuesday in Opa-locka for punching a 70-year-old man who was trying to deliver food to those in need, authorities said.

The incident was reported outside a church in the area of Lincoln Avenue and Johnson Street.

According to an arrest report, the victim told police he had gone to the area to deliver food to people when Burnice Lee S. Mikell, 64, approached him and asked what he was doing there.

Friday gifdump - Girl Fail Edition




"That'll teach you!!!"

California Highway Patrol (CHP) will not issue any more event permits on any state properties after people on Monday protested the state’s lockdown measures, according to The Sacramento Bee.

Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow

Why wasn't this done before?

The Trump administration has been quietly adding military surveillance cameras at the U.S.-Mexico border in response to the coronavirus pandemic, though fewer people appear to be crossing illegally. It’s the latest move as operations at the U.S.-Mexico border have become increasingly militarized and secretive.

Spell 'coronavirus'

P-A-N-D-E-M-I-C. Can you spell pandemic? Because that’s the reason why the Scripps National Spelling Bee was canceled this year.

The Scripps National Spelling Bee announced Tuesday that its beloved finals event, which was planned for May 24, has been canceled “due to the ongoing concerns about the spread of the novel coronavirus.”

Wait..... Walmart has elevators?

WASHINGTON (WJLA/CNN) - A Walmart customer concerned with social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic but not wearing a face mask is accused of using pepper spray on other customers who were trying to board the same elevator.

Many Walmart shoppers at a Washington, D.C., location were trying to get on an elevator to the parking garage Monday when a woman without the required face mask got on first and tried to close the doors.

The 25th Infantry Division in Vietnam

"Gimme all your food and your wifi password!"

PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. – In this case, the robber didn’t demand money, gold or jewelry.

The man who broke into a home inside a lakefront gated community in Pembroke Pines overnight wanted food and internet for his family.

Snitches everywhere

The Amish have apparently been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, so last week, Ohio’s Geauga County health commissioner, Thomas Quade, sent a letter to Amish bishops warning them about the dangers in their community, Fox News reported. Quade, according to the outlet, also asked the Amish community to stop church services for a month to stop the spread of the virus.

“It is disappointing,” Quade told the outlet. “I wish it wouldn’t happen. Those folks are all placing themselves at risk.”

But over the weekend, a large gathering of Amish was broken up by police, with one person getting arrested, another issued a summons, and two charged with underage drinking. Police were called to the property after someone called them to report a violation of the state’s stay-at-home orders, Fox reported. The arrest occurred just after midnight in Huntsburg Township.

The shit I post on Facebook




PyschoChicks - We've all had 'em

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real:

Zach Goldberg . . . has analysed the latest dataset released by the reputable Pew Research Center. This is the Pew Research Panel, Wave 64, which interviewed a representative sample of 11,537 American adults between March 19th and March 24th. . . .
Among those aged 18 to 29, some 20.9% of those who described themselves as “Conservative” answered “Yes” to the question “Has a doctor or healthcare provider ever told you that you have a mental health condition?” For those in this age group who were political “Moderates,” 26.3% answered “Yes.” But among those who self-classified as “Liberal” those answering “Yes” jumped up to an astonishing 45.9%.
So, to be clear, almost half of young white American Leftists have been diagnosed with a mental illness. . . .
And Goldberg — who is doing a PhD in Political Science at Georgia State University — analysed the data again, breaking it down by gender. The results were as predicted and were all the more striking for it. According to Pew Research Center data, 56% of Liberal females aged 18 to 29 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition . . .

This oughta be fun

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander Gen. Hossein Salami ordered his naval units on Wednesday to destroy American naval vessels if they threaten the “security” of Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf.

“I have ordered our naval forces to destroy any American terrorist force in the Persian Gulf that threatens the security of Iran’s military or non-military ships,” Salami said. “Security of the Persian Gulf is part of Iran’s strategic priorities.”

Yeah, that's not going to happen

New York (CNN Business) - Dozens of grocery store workers have died from the coronavirus, despite masks, temperature checks and capacity restrictions to keep them safe. So far, supermarkets have resisted the most draconian policy: banning customers from coming inside.

However, some worker experts, union leaders and small grocery owners believe it has become too dangerous to let customers browse aisles, coming into close range with workers. Grocery stores are still flooded with customers, and experts say it's time for large chains to go "dark" to the public and convert to curbside pickup and home delivery for food and other essential goods.


Sorry, but stores rely heavily on impulse buying for profit which is evidenced by end-cap displays.
Seriously, how many times have you gone to the store with a shopping list and end up spending half again as much buying shit that wasn't on your list? And it's not just candy and chips, it's stuff that you forgot you were out of until you saw it at the store - stuff you don't need right now but hey! you're out of it or close to it, you see it, so you might as well buy it while you're there. And how about when you go to Aisle 7 to buy something that you know for a fact is in Aisle 7 but overnight the entire aisle has been rearranged with something completely different? That's done on purpose so you'll have to walk past and see stuff you ordinarily don't buy - again, they're taking advantage of that impulse buying thing.
And regardless of what the article says about small grocery stores supporting this, I doubt it - their profit margin is much smaller than larger retailers because they don't buy as much in bulk, so they end up keeping prices as low as they can to compete with the chains which causes their profits to take a hit right out the gate. This will drive the locally owned grocers out of business in no time.

Joe's still unprepared.....

Usama bin Laden wanted to assassinate then-President Barack Obama so that the "totally unprepared" Joe Biden would take over as president and plunge the United States "into a crisis," according to documents seized from bin Laden's Pakistan compound when he was killed in May 2011.

The secretive documents, first reported in 2012 by The Washington Post, outlined a plan to take out Obama and top U.S. military commander David Petraeus as they traveled by plane.

Friday gifdump




Rich people doing chores for first time: ‘It’s been a complete shock’

Kenneth Mark never had much time for domestic duties. The dermatologist, who runs three high-end practices in Soho, the Hamptons and Aspen, Colo., typically spends “north of 60 hours a week” jabbing patients with Botox and fillers. His housekeeper of 20 years keeps his home in order, and when his first son was born last year, she became his nanny as well.

“She really takes care of everything,” Mark, 50, tells The Post. “She cleans the house and also watches the baby. She is almost like a house manager, cleaning lady and nanny rolled into one.”

Then the coronavirus pandemic swept the city.

Tucker Carlson Questions The Wisdom of The Lock-down Approach

During his opening monologue today Fox News host Tucker Carlson outlines how the Wuhan Virus has led to an authoritarian police state without any real basis in science.

“It is easier to be fooled, than to convince people they have been fooled.” Mark Twain.

Well, we are talking Tennessee here...

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) - The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation reported a huge increase in people seeking firearm background check requests on the day the stimulus check arrived.

Last Wednesday, the TBI received 3,917 requests for a firearm background check on the day most people received their stimulus check from the federal government. In comparison, On Wednesday, April 17, 2019, the TBI received just 972 requests.


Munich (Germany) (AFP) - Bavaria on Tuesday cancelled the iconic Oktoberfest for the first time since World War II dealing a fresh blow to Germany's beer industry already hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

The event, which takes place annually from late September to October, was expected to draw six million visitors, but it would be too dangerous "as long as there is no vaccine", Bavaria state premier Markus Soeder said.

How dare they???!!!

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio is just flabbergasted that criminals, upon being released on prison early to keep them from getting sick, might go on to – and hold your breath here – commit even more crimes.

Following a New York Post report detailing how some criminals released from NYC prisons over COVID-19 concerns have since continued to break the law amid the city’s coronavirus shutdown, De Blasio said it was “unconscionable” that the former inmates would commit more crimes.

Your Friday Morning Florida Report

MIAMI – A South Florida homeowner was threatened with arrest after trying to force strangers out a house that she owns.

It's an extremely tough situation for Patricia Guerrero, as court time is limited and evictions are not being enforced due to the coronavirus crisis.

Good Morning

World War II veteran, wife die on same day after 78 years of marriage

BOSTON — A husband and wife who were married for 78 years died within hours of each other.

David and Muriel Cohen, of Longmeadow, Massachusetts, shared a room in a nursing home and both were tested for COVID-19. Muriel tested positive for the novel coronavirus, but David tested negative.

In spite of the differing test results, the family chose to keep them together. In their nearly eight decades of marriage, the couple had never been separated, with the exception of David Cohen's service time during World War II.

Time for a selfie!

Fucking tweekers.....

SUMNER COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) — Investigators have arrested a man who they say is responsible for several cellphone tower site burglaries throughout Sumner County.

That moment......

Titties Saves Lives

Doctors in Canada have reported a truly bizarre case, which they believe is the first of its kind, in which a woman’s breast implants saved her life by stopping a bullet headed straight for her heart.
The surreal incident took place in Ontario, Canada and is the subject of an ongoing investigation in which neither the shooter, nor the firearm used were ever found.

Might wanna get that looked at

Henry Plummer

Henry Plummer (1832–1864) was a prospector, lawman, and outlaw in the American West in the 1850s and 1860s, who was known to have killed several men, some in what was considered self-defense.[citation needed] He was elected sheriff of Bannack, Montana from 1863 to 1864, during which period he was accused of being the leader of a "road agent" gang of outlaws known as the "Innocents," which preyed on shipments from Virginia City to other areas. In response some leaders in Virginia City formed the Vigilance Committee of Alder Gulch, and began to take action against Plummer's gang, gaining confessions from a couple of men they arrested in early January 1864. On January 10, 1864 Plummer and two associates were arrested in Bannack by a company of the Vigilantes and summarily hanged.

Plummer was given a posthumous trial in 1993 which led to a mistrial. The jury was split 6–6.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Have a bad day? This will fix it


Meat shortages: The wages of 'cheap' illegal labor

In 2004's preachy, much panned leftist mockumentary, A Day without a Mexican, the supposedly hypothetical scenario, about how California would fall apart if all its Mexicans, including illegals, somehow disappeared, was acted out. The film had a grand old time portraying white people as a bunch of soft, privileged fools, unable to clean even their own toilets.

This is annoying because it lumps most Americans into a stereotype of a typically feckless, over-monied limousine liberal, such as you might really find in Hollywood circles.

But it did raise the question of U.S. dependence on illegal foreign labor.

The shit I post on Facebook




It's Time To Build

In the U.S., we don’t even have the ability to get federal bailout money to the people and businesses that need it. Tens of millions of laid off workers and their families, and many millions of small businesses, are in serious trouble *right now*, and we have no direct method to transfer them money without potentially disastrous delays. A government that collects money from all its citizens and businesses each year has never built a system to distribute money to us when it’s needed most.

Why do we not have these things? Medical equipment and financial conduits involve no rocket science whatsoever. At least therapies and vaccines are hard! Making masks and transferring money are not hard. We could have these things but we chose not to — specifically we chose not to have the mechanisms, the factories, the systems to make these things. We chose not to *build*.

The Good News Is Still There: Death Rate for COVID Falling in New Study

These are tough times. The mainstream media (MSM—CNN, Fox, and nearly every other news station) is reporting 24/7 about COVID-19. We hear about every death in real time. We get daily updates about how many are infected and how many are dying. Listening to the MSM would have anyone believe that we have a plague on our hands that is not only infecting everyone, it is killing nearly everyone who becomes ill with it.

"Practice what you're protesting against, please"

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — As a group of protesters descended on the California State Capitol, Gov. Gavin Newsom urged people to continue social distancing.

“If you’re going to protest, practice physical distancing,” Newsom said when asked about the protest at his daily briefing.

She just never gives it up, does she?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has slipped into her coronavirus plan a quasi-amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens enrolled in former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

On Tuesday, Pelosi released another revised version of House Democrats’ plan in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, which includes:

Thursday gifdump




Welcome Back to History, America

Welcome back to history, America, it was wondering where you were.

The coronavirus pandemic has upended most everything we assumed about the future, including the assumption that the Drudge Report would forever be a grounded center-right news aggregator.

Of course, it is not just the United States where things have reverted to a mood from a few centuries ago.

Biden Website Reveals Alarming Gun Control Agenda

U.S.A. –-( Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden has plans for American gun owners that are spelled out in a 3,100-word agenda found on his campaign website that includes a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” background checks on all gun sales and transfers, restrictions on the number of firearms someone can buy in a month, “safe storage” and enough other red tape to turn the right to keep and bear arms into a heavily-regulated privilege.

Whoops, didn't think about that

COVELO (AP) — A man arrested in Northern California for allegedly burglarizing at least two businesses faces the unusual charge of looting during a state of emergency — a charge that carries an enhanced sentence of at least six months in jail.

Criminal penalties for common shoplifting and theft are greatly enhanced under California’s looting law, officials said, with violations punishable by incarceration for up to three years and a fines up to $10,000. The charge carries a mandatory minimum sentence of six months in county jail.

Yeah, there's a glut on oil

A barrel of oil now costs less than a cheap bottle of wine.

U.S. benchmark crude was trading as low as $6.50 a barrel Tuesday, more than 80% lower than the start of the year. The dizzying drop reflected stark suffering in the global economy that has left vastly diminished demand for oil.

But there's consequences:

Even if this supply and demand situation is a relatively short-term problem, the impact on the Texas economy could be long-lasting, according to multiple industry experts.

“With the oversupply of crude oil, and this price dropping, we are going to see massive layoffs, furloughs, and potentially the devastation of the oil and gas industry,” said Ramanan Krishnamoorti, Chief Energy Officer for the University of Houston.

Now you have to do curbside pick up for your dildo

When you think of businesses that are “essential” to the city of Nashville, does Hustler Hollywood come to mind?

How about Pleasures, which describes itself as a romance boutique on White Bridge Road that sells the kinds of adult entertainment you can’t describe on a news website?

What about Miami Dance Club on Antioch Pike?

Your Thursday Morning Florida Report

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (WFLA) – The Getaway is a fitting name for one St. Petersburg restaurant, as the owners are now trying to get away from death threats they’re receiving online in response to a video that went viral.

Good Morning

Sore loser

LEWIS COUNTY, TN. (WSMV) - A 10-year-old boy is in the hospital Sunday night following an argument that led to an adult slashing his throat.

According to law enforcement, the 10-year-old and an adult got into an argument over a video game at a residence on Howards Switch Road when the adult became angry and slashed the child's throat.

Trailer trash entertainment

"Let me give you boys a hand"

SACRAMENTO COUNTY (CBS13) — A homeowner shot a suspect running from deputies Monday evening, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office said.

According to authorities, the suspect was wanted in connection to an attempted robbery in Rocklin over the weekend. Police say the suspect’s black SUV rammed into three businesses in an attempt to rob them.

The rare Kardashian goat

Hey, it always worked for me

Quarantining is hard as it is, but chances are it’s a bit tougher if you live alone.

For single people, who may have spent time searching for love pre-pandemic by going on dates, swiping on dating apps, or engaging in the occasional hook up, the stay-at-home order likely has ended their love and sex lives as they know it.

But that doesn’t mean sexual pleasure is over — it just looks different, like engaging in more masturbation.

When you need a trailer to haul your chainsaw

Damn, talk about a drug cocktail

CHICO, Calif. – Chico Police arrested a man passed out inside his vehicle Monday at a McDonald’s drive-thru for driving under the influence of drugs.

Located at Mangrove and Palmetto Avenues, McDonald’s employees said they were unable to wake up the driver who had stopped in the middle of the drive-thru lane.

Looks like I need to start watching women's sports

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Undercover Cops Arrest Two Texas Women Offering Cosmetic Services From Home After Getting Tipped Off by a Snitch

Two Texas women were arrested for violating an authoritarian Coronavirus stay-at-home order for the crime of offering beauty and cosmetic services at home.

Hairdressers and nail technicians have not been able to work and earn money because of the unconstitutional shutdowns of small businesses.

Undercover cops working on the “COVID-19 task force enforcement detail” busted these two women after receiving anonymous tips from snitches that they were soliciting business on social media offering at-home beauty services.

37 minutes.....

Oakland, California, police officers arrested 32-year-old Rocky Music on Sunday for allegedly carrying out one carjacking and attempting another.

Music’s alleged crime spree came less than an hour after he was released in relation to another alleged car theft, thanks to an emergency court order forbidding so-called low-level offenders from being booked into county jails due to coronavirus fears. It took him just 37 minutes after his release to start committing crimes again, according to local authorities.

US restaurants expect big changes when their doors reopen

The days of standing shoulder-to-shoulder at a bar or sharing a meal at a table for 10 are gone for now — and could take a long time to return even after the coronavirus pandemic ends.

U.S. restaurants are thinking ahead to a time when their dining room doors reopen to a changed world. Owners say there may be physical differences, like masked waiters, disposable menus or fewer tables so patrons can sit farther apart. There will be signs explaining cleaning procedures and glass dividers to protect cashiers. Disinfectant wipes might sit next to napkin dispensers.

The shit I post on Facebook




Putting criminal's safety above yours

STANISLAUS COUNTY (CBS13) – Approximately 300 inmates in Stanislaus County will be released on Monday as a result of a statewide emergency order that set bail to zero for lower-level offenses to mitigate the spread of coronavirus in jail populations, the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office confirmed on Sunday.

The state Judicial Council adopted the order on April 6 and said the decision was made to “safely reduce jail populations” during the pandemic.

Gas prices continue to tumble, and analysts say we haven’t hit bottom yet

(CNN) - The average price for a gallon of regular gasoline has dropped once again, and analysts say this downward trend will likely continue.

AAA reports gas prices have dropped another five cents this week, and the average price is now nearly $1.82.


It's been stagnating at $1.69 here for brand name gas in Macon County for the past week or so, although I did fill up in Portland the other day for $1.49 a gallon.

Trump suspends all immigration into the US

In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!

Wednesday gifdump





(CNN) — New autopsy results show coronavirus killed two Californians in early and mid-February — up to three weeks before the previously known first US death from the virus.

It's official - the 1st Amendment is as dead as the 2nd in New Jersey

A woman who helped organize protests against New Jersey's coronavirus-driven stay-at-home orders is now facing charges for violating those orders, authorities said.

Kim Pagan, of Toms River, allegedly helped organize the small crowds that gathered in Trenton Friday to protest Gov. Phil Murphy's order essentially shutting down the state due to the virus -- which has infected nearly 80,000 people and killed almost 4,000 in just six weeks.

Asians - The new Crackers

A group that included three teenage girls attacked a woman on an MTA bus after making anti-Asian statements, the NYPD said.

The 51-year-old woman was riding a Bx13 bus near West 166th Street and Ogden Avenue in the Highbridge section of the Bronx around 3 p.m. on March 28 when three 15-year-old girls and another female of an unknown age approached her and started making anti-Asian statements, police said.

In answer to your question.....

A Syracuse mosque is still open for daily prayers amid the Coronavirus shutdown as Christians are threatened and fined for attending drive-in services.

"Allow me to introduce you to my husband"

A California TV reporter got into a hairy situation while filing a report from her bathroom – when her naked hubby was caught in the shower, according to a report.

Melinda Meza of Sacramento’s KCRA3 recorded herself cutting her bangs for a story about hairstylists during the coronavirus quarantine when her camera captured more than she bargained for, according to the Daily Mail.

This smacks of Nazi Germany, doesn't it?

In what might be one of the most over-the-top and draconian responses to coronavirus yet seen in Montana, Valley County is mandating that people wear government-issued pink arm bands in under to purchase products inside of stores. The measure, enforced by the Valley County Health Department, insists that store-owners keep customers out unless they have the pink arm-bands, which denote the customer has been in the area more than 14 days and submitted to quarantine protocol.
-WiscoDave, Skip

Your Wednesday Morning Florida Report

PALM COAST, Fla. – Deputies have arrested a 74-year-old Florida man who allegedly pointed a BB gun at golfers in Palm Coast.

Good Morning

Ghost guns - I hate that idiotic buzzword

MODESTO (CBS13) – The Modesto Police Department said they arrested two gang members who were allegedly in possession of illegal firearms.
The department said its street gang unit approached the group and discovered the illegal firearms were ghost guns, which have no serial numbers.

They still have dirt weed around?

Giving attorneys everywhere a bad name

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WWSB) - A central Florida attorney was arrested for allegedly human trafficking minors as young as 15-years-old according to Attorney General Ashley Moody.

According to a press release, John Gillespie, 71, operated a prostitution ring outside of his home in Melbourne, Fla. Gillespie was recently arrested after traveling to recruit victims as young as 16, for sexual favors in exchange for payments of up to $100.

Check out the timestamp - did he have a vision or what?

-Michigan Doug

Gonna be pretty hard to beat that charge

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Metro police said a man is facing charges for DUI after crashing into a marked police vehicle over the weekend.

The crash happened on Sunday morning on Old Hickory Boulevard and Madison Station Boulevard. East Precinct Officer Fred Ware was heading toward I-65 and had the green light. That’s when police said 24-year-old Kennedy Recinos-Sales failed to stop at the red light, hitting Ware’s vehicle. Both vehicles then hit the shoulder wall on the bridge over the railroad tracks.

A thing of beauty

The Indiana Erection Commission..... smdh

On Friday, the Indiana Election Commission got treated to a real doozy during their virtual meeting on the Zoom video platform.

As committee members, county and state election officials, and members of the media looked on, a stranger overtook the screen.

The invading party was an evident adherent of the age-old edict, “Scratch it where it itches, even if it’s in your britches.”

Remember Lucille?

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Men at Work


Poor Aesop - this fucks up his whole cha-cha, doesn't it?

While Los Angeles County has reported a total of 13,816 coronavirus cases, early results from an antibody study conducted with the University of Southern California shows that hundreds of thousands more could have had COVID-19 in the past, officials announced Monday.


Aesop predicted widespread death and destruction in the US over the ebola deal.
He was wrong.

He predicted widespread death and destruction over the Richmond rally.
He was wrong.

He's now predicting widespread death and destruction over the beervirus.
Time is proving him wrong.

Three strikes and you're out, baby.

I used to read him occasionally until he started ranting and insulting anybody that dared disagree with him because he obviously knows everything about everything.
Now he's gotten to the point that he starts ranting and insulting before anybody even has a chance to disagree with him. If I want to hear childish rants and fit throwing, I'm sure I could find some on youtube somewhere.
And yeah, if he sees this I'm sure he'll have some choice words for me. Let him - I'm not going to get into a flame war with a grown man that has an attitude of a spoiled child.

Another one of Bill's fuck ups

Former President Bill Clinton has talked openly about how he could have killed Osama bin Laden—but passed.

“I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I just didn't do it,” Clinton confessed to an Australian audience just 10 hours before two planes struck the World Trade Center.

But in The Longest War, a new documentary from director Greg Barker (Manhunt) and executive producer Alex Gansa (Homeland), former CIA agents reveal that they had another opportunity to take out Osama bin Laden with little collateral damage.

The shit I post on Facebook




Hey, this shit's hurting everybody

NEW YORK (AP) — Coronavirus is dealing a gut punch to the illegal drug trade, paralyzing economies, closing borders and severing supply chains in China that traffickers rely on for the chemicals to make such profitable drugs as methamphetamine and fentanyl.

Harvard Professor Wants A ‘Presumptive Ban‘ On Homeschooling, Claims It Promotes White Supremacy

In a shocking essay for Harvard Magazine, a professor of law and director of Harvard Law School’s child advocacy legal clinic, claims homeschooling is a threat to children’s rights, a method of promoting white supremacy, and a drain on democratic society — and even goes so far as to suggest a national “presumptive ban” on the practice.

Is it bye-bye for Li'l Kimmy?

The US intelligence agencies are receiving information that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is in grave danger after undergoing surgery, CNN reported on Monday.

The outlet cited an unnamed US official with direct knowledge of the matter.

Another US official said there were concerns over Kim’s health, but it was hard to assess the severity of the situation.

Fears Of Nationwide 9MM Ammo Shortage Sparks Panic Hoarding

The evolution of Americans panic hoarding during the COVID-19 pandemic has ultimately led to the stocking up on guns and ammo.

Gun shop owners report while there are no weapon shortages yet, a run on ammo has undoubtedly been seen across the country.

We first documented the run on guns and ammo in mid-March, identifying shops across many states with long lines of patrons, waiting to get their hands on AR-15s, shotguns, and handguns, along with the ammo for each respective weapon.


They're a little late on this. Every site I've been to in the past month is either sold out of common calibers or there's a significant waiting time. On top of that, prices have gone through the roof - couple months ago brass cased 5.56 FMJ was right at 21 cents a round. A quick check on my go-to site,, just now is showing 32 cents a round, down from 41 cents a week ago.
150 grain 300 Blackout was at 41 cents a round 2 months ago, today it's priced at 64 cents, no drop in price from 2 weeks ago.

#FreeTN Event Draws Hundreds to State Capitol in Nashville Over Stay-At-Home Order Extension

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – An estimated 750 people participated in the #FreeTN event held at the State Capitol in Nashville Sunday in response to the extension of the statewide stay-at-home order.

While #FreeTN organizer Kim Edwards of Nashville and others were not happy with the governor’s initial stay-at-home order, the extension from April 14 to April 30 moved them to action.

Tuesday gifdump




Judge Andrew Napolitano: We are witnessing the slow death of civil liberties

Governors will overreach again and again until a courageous federal court or an outraged public stops them, says Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano.

Court Rules Florida's 'Stand Your Ground' Law Applies to Suspect in Shooting of Deputy

PORT ST. JOHN, Florida -- Citing the 'Stand Your Ground,' law, the Fifth District Court of Appeals dismissed the longstanding charges against a Port St. John man accused of shooting a Brevard County Sheriff's deputy during a botched arrest in front of his home in 2015.


Of course he spent 5 years in jail waiting on the court's decision.....

In case I go down.....

Hey folks,
                 A reader reminded me today why I left blogger to begin with - They have a habit of deleting blogs with no warning if their terms of service are violated.
While I've had picture posts disappear in the past, I've known of a couple blogs here that were terminated, but they were pretty much filled with nothing but nudity. Tasteful nudity, but nudity nonetheless.
Anyways, when knuckledraggin crashed, I had a hell of a time getting the word out via email because I don't keep email address for the most part. If it wasn't for several bloggers that posted a link to this new/old site, many of you wouldn't be reading this today. Others had my email address and reached out to me.
Please, if you enjoy reading my shit, put my email address in your contacts list so that if this site does go MIA you'll know how to contact me so that I can redirect you to a new site.

Taking advantage of his Get Of Jail Free card

STANISLAUS COUNTY (CBS13) – A third person in Stanislaus County has been re-arrested after being released from jail as a result of a statewide zero bail order for lower-level offenses adopted to reduce incarcerated populations during the coronavirus pandemic.

California secures motel rooms to house thousands of homeless people amid COVID-19 outbreak

California is on its way to acquiring nearly 16,000 hotel rooms to house the homeless during the pandemic, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Saturday as he reminded people to stay indoors as outbreaks continue to crop up throughout the state.

Standing in front of a Motel 6 near San Jose, Newsom said more than 4,200 people have been moved out of shelters and off the streets into motel rooms. He took the opportunity to scold leaders of unnamed cities for blocking efforts to house the homeless, asking them to “please consider the morality” of their decisions.


I wonder how California is going to handle getting them out once Newsom decides the beervirus isn't a threat any longer?
When I left California, the law said that if a person spent ONE night someplace they were considered a resident and could only be removed against their will by eviction proceedings.
Not only that, but evictions there are a 60 day process, not 30 days.

St. Louis County Releases ‘Snitch Files” – Local Citizens Who Called County Government to Snitch on Business Owners

Responsible parents teach their children “don’t be a snitch.” We do this so that our children aren’t hated, because everyone knows that everyone hates a snitch.

But the Coronavirus fear mongers are turning otherwise responsible and likable people into sniveling snitches that nobody likes. And we can prove it.

Talk radio great Jamie Allman filed a Sunshine law request for the actual emails of St. Louis County residents who’ve snitched on local entrepreneurs trying to make a living. Most of the complaints were unfounded, involving people “turning in” companies that were deemed essential by the county.

Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – A federal judge in Florida ordered Mrs. Florida 2016 to spend a month in jail for stealing her mother’s Social Security checks rather than using the money to pay for nursing home care.

Good Morning

Looks like there's gonna be some paybacks coming in da hood

NASHVILLE (WSMV) - Friends and family of an East Nashville woman, killed in her home at the Riverchase Apartments, called for more action to be done in finding the person responsible as they held a balloon release vigil on Saturday.
“This the hood. The hood talks,” said Ramsey. “It’s not a car accident or she got sick like she was robbed from us.”

Size matters

Well, that didn't take long

BENTON, Ky. (AP) -- A local official in Kentucky has ordered the removal of a Confederate flag outside a county courthouse that has drawn criticism since its recent placement there.

Looks like Brutus is going to go 'live on a farm'

Just shoot the damned parents

OROVILLE (CBS13) – A child abuse investigation is underway in Butte County after a 3-year-old child ingested methamphetamine water, authorities said.

The Butte County Sheriff’s Office said the child’s parents, Joseph Webb, 42, and Alisha Crandell, 38, both of Bangor, were booked into the county jail on $500,000 bail and three counts of child endangerment.

He's gonna have an innie instead of an outtie after that dip

"Hmmm, so you can't pay your rent this month?"

Some landlords are taking advantage of the coronavirus outbreak, soliciting sexual favors in lieu of rent payments from economically vulnerable tenants, according to advocates.

Who doesn't love a dirty girl?

Monday, April 20, 2020

Unmagnified Optics: Red Dot Vs Holographic Vs Prismatic Sights

U.S.A. -( Reflective optics for artillery have been around since before World War One. With the massive rounds of the Great War, it makes sense – who would want to put their eye next to a scope ocular on a rifle with enough recoil to give shooters a black eye?

At first, these ambient light and half-mirror, “powered” reflex sights were confined to artillery and aircraft. They were simply too bulky and too daylight-dependent for small arms use. After World War Two, reflective optics were offered for sporting guns but were not considered suitable for individual military weapons.

The shit I post on Facebook


